similar to: Enumerable sum oddity

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "Enumerable sum oddity"

2006 Mar 03
Through relationship
I am working on streamlining one of my apps, and trying to wrap my hands around through, polymorphic, and with_scope. All of these i know i need for what i want to do, based on the little documentation I have found. With this in mid I have tried to implement a simple through in the app to try and get my head around it. This is what I have: class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
2006 May 28
Self-referential has_many :through relationship
Hi, I have a self-referential has_many :through relationship setup to track relationships between users. Basically relationships are modeled as a join table with an extra column ''relation''. create table relationships ( user_id integer unsigned not null, friend_id integer unsigned not null, relation char(1) not null, ) --- relations --- f = friend r = request to
2006 Apr 06
Record retrieval in Many-to-many using :through not working
Hello, I get an error while retrieving records from the following model structure. Tables foods - id, food foodallergies - food_id, symptom_id, a few other columns symptoms - id, symptom Models class Food < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :foodallergies has_many :symptoms, :through => :foodallergies end class Symptom < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :foodallergies has_many :foods,
2008 Feb 06
RSpec 1.1.3 + ZenTest 3.9.1 + Rails 1.2.6 do NOT ignore folders ^vendor/*
Hi, I just updated to the latest RSpec 1.1.3 + ZenTest 3.9.1. I also have rspec 1.1.3 installed as a gem When starting autotest with -v option, there is a lot of noise because autotest does not ignore the vendor folder, the migrations, etc ...: Dunno! vendor/plugins/acts_as_solr/solr/lib/jetty-util-6.1.3.jar Dunno!
2008 May 12
Enumeration sum
Any idees why I can do this: @sum = @selected.inject(0) { |sum, player| sum + player.value } but not this: @sum = @selected.sum { |player| player.value } @sum = @selected.sum(&:value) The last two give me following error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2) /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-2.0.2/lib/active_record/associations/association_collection.rb:164:in `calculate''
2007 Jun 14
Please test export/collect from svn
For those of you out there using export/collect (which we really need to come up with a better name for...), can you test the current SVN code? I''m mostly wondering if the performance is any better. To use it, you''ll have to remove your current database, since the database schema is significantly changed. I''m getting what looks like an additional 25% reduction
2007 Nov 11
undefined method `add''
We''ve been running into problems with ferret indexing lately. The problem is intermittent and some times it persists. Just got this after wiping the index and redeploying: NoMethodError (undefined method `add'' for Solution:Class): (druby:// /data/releases/20071111152414/vendor/rails/activerecord/lib/active_record/base.rb:1238:in `method_missing''
2006 Mar 27
:through and STI
Hi, I''m trying to use :through and STI using the trunk version of Rails, but I get the following error see bottom of this msg[1] here are my classes. class Player < ActiveRecord::Base end class Ladder < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :subscriptions has_many :players, :through => :subscriptions end class SingleLadder < Ladder end class Subscription <
2008 Jan 16
[CruiseControl] RubyOnRails build 8649 failed
The build failed. CHANGES ------- Revision 8649 committed by gbuesing on 2008-01-16 20:07:10 Introducing DateTime #utc, #utc? and #utc_offset, for duck-typing compatibility with Time. Closes #10002 M /trunk/activesupport/CHANGELOG M /trunk/activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/date_time/calculations.rb M /trunk/activesupport/test/core_ext/date_time_ext_test.rb TEST FAILURES AND
2008 Mar 17
Don't know how to build task 'migrate'
Hi, I have a rather simple problem. Just installed Rails on OS X Leopard and the database connection to MySQL doesn''t work from Rails. I''m following Apples Expenses example ( I''ve created the app with the command rails expenses -d mysql I can connect to the database with a GUI tool, but Rails can''t
2006 Jul 10
has_many :through and foreign key parameters
I just took my HABTM and turned it into a :through since my join table has another "non-joiny" attribute. I went from this: has_many_and_belongs_to :jobs, :join_table => ''tablename'', :foreign_key => ''x'', :association_foreign_key => ''y'' to this: has_many :jobs, :through =>
2007 Mar 29
How to restart server programmatically?
I need to be able to restart my server based on a specific database change. I''ve been trying a call to system("script/process/reaper -a graceful -d dispatch.fcgi") but that raises a transaction error which rolls back the save. I wasn''t aware that after_save would rollback. That''s potentially useful but pretty much not right now. Here''s my code: def
2009 Nov 17
has_many :through and foo.bars.include?
hallo everybody, i already googled the following problem, but there are so many questions regarding "has_many :through", that i just couldn''t find what i was looking for. so, i''m really sorry if this has been asked before. if so, just drop me the link. i have a has_many :through relationship similar to the following example: class Group < ActiveRecord::Base
2006 Jun 11
[SUMMARY] Rails Core Weekly June 5 - June 11
Dear list, This weeks RCW has a slightly different format than before. After all, since what we want is less bloat, this RCW is less verbose. Please do let me know what you think off-list. *Interesting stuff on the Rails Timeline* _Fixed and commited to trunk:_ An issue with not null columns in SQLite3 migrations(<a
2006 May 20
acts_as_paranoid overrides ActiveRecord::Base??
Guys, I am trying to figure out what exactly does this line do at the end of "acts_as_paranoid" plugin? ActiveRecord::Base.send :include, Caboose::Acts::Paranoid::ActiveRecord My problem: I have some classes that I use acts_as_paranoid, and others with tagging support. Classes declared as taggable, throw error, which appears to be in the acts_as_paranoid version of the
2006 Mar 23
User/group/role model question
Hi. I have an app where "users" can belong in "groups" with certain "roles" (eg. a user can own a group). Normally I''d make users has_and_belongs_to_many groups and put a role_id on the join table. But - a role is really a first class citizen also, so a model is in order. The problem with making a "role" model which has_many "users"
2006 Jul 27
Creating multiple objects from form data
I''m in the process of creating a sign up form for an online application. The form collects account info, company info, and then info for an administrative user. The method looks like this: def create @account = Account.create!(params[:account]) @company = @account.companies.create!(params[:company]) @user = @company.users.create!(params[:user]) end However, this inevitably fails
2007 Aug 15
has_many :through ... What am I missing?
class Ladder < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :players has_many :users, :through => :players end class Player < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :users belongs_to :ladders end class User < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :players has_many :ladders, :through => :players end When I try the following code (on the console) I get an error: @ladder = Ladder.find(1) @ladder.users I
2002 Feb 28
pexp.c (PR#1335)
Full_Name: M Welinder Version: 1.4 OS: (src) Submission from: (NULL) ( It seems to me that pexp can be improved in the lower_tail=TRUE and log_p=FALSE case by using expm1. Something like -expm1 (-x / scale); I think. -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-devel mailing list -- Read Send
2004 Apr 11
pcauchy precision (PR#6756)
Full_Name: Morten Welinder Version: snapshot OS: Submission from: (NULL) ( Two things are wrong. 1. There is nan test outside IEEE_754. 2. The meat part of the function should really be something like... if (!lower_tail) x = -x; if (fabs (x) > 1) { double temp = atan (1 / x) / M_PI; return (x > 0) ? R_D_Clog (temp) : R_D_val (-temp); } else