similar to: Can't follow redirects outside current controller - but it's the same controller

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 900 matches similar to: "Can't follow redirects outside current controller - but it's the same controller"

2007 Apr 29
integration test redirects to external URLs
In an integration test that I am writing I want to do something like def test_my_page get "/rails/someaction" assert_response :redirect follow_redirect! assert_url => ''http://www.somepageoutsidemyrailsapp'' end Is there any way to do something like ''assert_url'' and see if I was redirected to a page outside of the rails
2005 Dec 23
Agile book - test error
Hi all, I get an error when testing the "store_controller_test.rb" The troublesome line is in the test below: def test_add_to_cart get :add_to_cart, :id => <<< cart = session[:cart] assert_equal @version_control_book.price, cart.total_price assert_redirected_to :action => ''display_cart'' follow_redirect
2006 Sep 03
Returning different values with stubs
Right now I''m working on adding tests to a method that looks like this: def get_via_redirect(path, args={}) get path, args follow_redirect! while redirect? status end So, I want to confirm that get is called and that status is returned but I also want to see that when the value of redirect? effects how many times follow_redirect is called. Is there
2007 Nov 28
follow_redirect!() doesn't exist?
Hi all I want to do some functional testing. I stumbled over the method follow_redirect!() somewhere, but evidently this doesn''t seem to exist in my Rails version (1.2.5 or so)?! Then I tried follow_redirect() (without the exclamation mark), and I get the following error: TypeError: can''t convert Symbol into String What am I doing wrong? Thanks for help :-) Josh -- Posted via
2007 Jan 31
help please!
Hi, I''ll appreciate insight on this one... it''s causing me some pain on my production env. <%= link_to "something", :controller => "somecontroller", :action => ''someaction'', :id => someid, :favorite => is_a_favorite %> I added a boolean :favorite to the URL arguments. THis has always worked well under my dev
2006 Apr 03
follow_redirect! aborts rake during integration tests
I''m running integration tests on Rails 1.1/Ruby 1.8.4/Windows XP and have found that any call to follow_redirect! (directly or through [get|post]_via_redirect) causes rake to abort (see command line output below). Has anyone else seen this error, or know what might be the trouble? Thanks! Tom C:\dev\h2h>rake test:integration --trace (in C:/dev/h2h) ** Invoke test:integration
2006 Mar 18
Additional link tag attributes with link_to_function...
Hi, I''m having a bit of a struggle with link_to_remote. Everything works exactly as I want it, but the problem is that I want to add another attribute to the <a>-tag, namely class="". Long story short, I want specific links to look differently from others, but all of them being link_to_function. Normally, I''d do this with adding a class="foo" to
2006 Apr 04
integration tests - 1.1
I?m using the new 1.1 integration test facility? I?m trying to write a test that sees if a controller redirects to the correct place and preserves the query string. Here?s the code: class LoginRedirectTest < ActionController::IntegrationTest def test_non_admin_auth request_uri = "/datafeed/event/report?blah=blah" get(request_uri) follow_redirect!
2007 Jul 25
autotest + integration testing (follow_redirect!) error
I''ve got an interesting (possibly) problem right now between autotest and rails integration tests. There are a few things to preface this with. Works fine: rake test rake test:integration Blows up: autotest Autotest is correctly determining rails and runs tests just fine. One part of the behavior is that if I save a change in just the integration test (even hitting cmd+s to trigger a
2006 Apr 28
can someone help DRY a noob? thanks...
hi all i''m trying to pass a variable name right round the block and need a hand to ease my aching brain. ##in my sidebar i have <li><%= SidebarItem(''catalogue'') %></li> <li><%= SidebarItem(''provenance'') %></li> <li><%= SidebarItem(''status'') %></li> ##linked to a
2006 Jun 17
What is this failure trying to tell me?
Here is my unit test code. post :login, :user=>{ :login => "bob", :password => "test"} assert_response :redirect assert_session_has :user assert_redirected_to :action => ''welcome'' Here is the failure I''m getting when I run my tests. 2) Failure: test_login_required(UserControllerTest)
2008 Oct 10
rspec - undefined method `describe'' for main:Object
When i run a spec file i am getting the following error D:\Diwakar\spec_diwa\spec\controllers>spec sandbox_controller_spec.rb c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rspec-0.5.15/lib/spec/api/sugar.rb:17:in `method_ missing'': undefined method `describe'' for main:Object (NoMethodError) from ./sandbox_controller_spec.rb:7 from
2008 Sep 03
Dovecot 1.1.3 Kerberos5 GSSAPI bug (with patch)
The functionality added in changeset 818a638fa9a3 has a bug for x86_64 on line 103. The src/auth/mech-gssapi.c file must now include stdlib.h to have the declaration for getenv(). Otherwise, the compiler uses the implicit return type (int), which truncates the 8-byte pointer getenv() returns to a 4-byte value. This causes a segfault on subsequent reads. Here is debugger output illustrating the
2019 Dec 28
Settable minimum RSA key sizes on the client end for legacy devices.
Unix was not designed to stop you from doing stupid things, because that would also stop you from doing clever things. - Doug Gwyn, in Introducing Regular Expressions (2012) by Michael Fitzgerald Get Outlook for iOS<> ________________________________ From: openssh-unix-dev < at> on behalf of Steve Sether
2008 Apr 29
Spec''ing controller macros
Hi, (This is my first post after months of appreciative lurking...) I''m trying to spec the following conditional controller macro: class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base # turn off session management for robots session :off, :if => lambda {|req| req.user_agent =~ /(Google|Slurp)/i } # ... end My current attempt seems to be quite unsuccessful: 1) when I
2008 May 07
Temporary failure in name resolution
I am installing for the first time on RHEL4 and I am getting an error running puppetmasterd: # service puppetmaster start Starting puppetmaster: Could not start WEBrick: getnameinfo: Temporary failure in name resolution [FAILED] Where is puppetmaster looking for hosts information. The FQDN of the server is set in its hosts file. thanks Gwyn
2004 Feb 18
Location of SID in Samba 2.2.7a
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 I'm guessing /etc/samba/secrets.tdb but I'm not 100% sure. I'm trying to troubleshoot a problem where a samba server is replaced and WinXP boxes do not accept the new server. I'm inclined to beleive this is caused by the SID being different. These servers do not appear to have a MACHINE.SID file on them, my research into the topic
2006 May 26
question about coding
John Miles wrote: > You'll definitely have to encode in little-endian form. PCM audio is always > little-endian, to the best of my knowledge. I have never seen any > big-endian audio data files. Try AIFF, AU and IFF just for starters. They are definietly not the only ones. Erik -- +-----------------------------------------------------------+ Erik de Castro Lopo
2007 May 03
[patch] Mac Universal Binaries
Peter Grayson wrote: > It is not that AC_C_BIGENDIAN does not work. It is that it determines > endianness at configure-time as opposed to compile-time. The process > for building universal binaries on Mac demands that the distinction be > made at compile-time. To enable building universal binaries on Mac in > a single pass, the decision has to be deferred to compile-time.
1997 Dec 30
Weird problem with smb 1.9.17p4 and p5
Overall environment is SunOS and Solaris 2.X machines running a mixture of smb.1.9.17.p4 and p5. This machine is a SunOS 4.1.3_U1 running smb.1.9.17p5. (debug level 3) AAAA is Primary Domain Controller (NT4.0) zotz is Win95 machine >From smb.conf: security = server password server = aaaa >From log.zotz: [snip] Connecting to at port 139 connected to password