similar to: FastCGI and Apache. Anybody know what can cause this error?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "FastCGI and Apache. Anybody know what can cause this error?"

2006 Aug 16
Rails with Apache and FastCGI under Windows and strange errors
Hi, I''m deploying a rails application under Windows (not my choice) using Apache 2.0.59 (I''m stuck with Apache 2.0 since the customer wants a single-signon solution)and FastCGI. The rails application talks with an MS SQL Server (again, not my choice) on a different machine. And now, enter stage left: Strange Errors. Infrequently I get "Rails Application Errors"
2007 Apr 09
Errno::EACCES in Controller / Permission denied
Hello, I did a seemingly smooth install of ferret, but when I try to add it to my model, I get an error. My info: My rails site: shelikes (a restaurant review site) My controller: Display My model: Review My only line of code added for ferret is: class Review < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_ferret ...( more stuff not related )... end Below is the error information. Any thoughts on how
2006 Aug 14
Recognition failed for ...
Hello, I''m new to Rails so please forgive me if I''m asking any stupid questions... I''m trying to set up lighttpd so that is supports multiple Rails apps (in the form of http://server/app1, http://server/app2, etc). OS: Gentoo, 2.6.17 kernel, ruby 1.8.4, rails 1.1.6, lighttpd 1.4.11 My rails app is generated into /mnt/b/www/rails/test1/ and I''ve appended
2005 Aug 06
Re: Error when going to Fastcgi.
I fixed that missing comma, now I get this error: Processing Base#index (for at Sat Aug 06 14:40:47 GMT 2005) Parameters: {} NoMethodError (undefined method `before_filter'' for #<Object: 0x80859b8>): /app/controllers/loginadmin_controller.rb:1 /usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb: 18:in `require__''
2006 Nov 01
strange issue with backgroundrb behind apache/lighttpd
I''m getting strange data back from my worker whenever I run our rails app with more than one dispatcher under lighttpd. just to give some info on what the app does: user submits data to rails app. rails app hands off data to worker, which goes and does it''s thing, storing results in an array of response objects (the array is an attribute of the worker). the response object
2006 Apr 13
Apache/fastcgi setup can''t find custom config/*.yml file!
All, Apache 2/FastCGI on Linux My fastcgi config. file is set up to run the "test" RAILS_ENV. When I go to access a view associated with a particular controller, I keep getting a ENOENT (file not found) error on a custom config. file that I am attempting to load. What I can''t figure out is why it can''t find the file. Here''s the code that loads it in my
2006 Aug 06
RJS error Page appears as: Todo List #testing * Heres another Edit Destroy * Testes Edit Destroy * One more Edit Destroy * Heres another Edit Destroy * And another Edit Destroy NameError in TodosController#create undefined local variable or method `page'' for #<TodosController:0x228bf4c> RAILS_ROOT:
2006 Jan 13
FastCGI problems
I''m having a lot of problems with my Typo install. My fastcgi fails horribly after a reboot: [13/Jan/2006:16:55:28 :: 19796] Dispatcher failed to catch: (Interrupt) /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/fcgi.rb:597:in `each'' /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/fcgi.rb:597:in `each_cgi'' /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rails-1.0.0/lib/fcgi_handler.rb:52:in `process!''
2005 Dec 08
SwitchTower, Apache, and Routing Errors
Hello, I deployed a Rails App using Switchtower and now I''m getting a Routing Error to my Javascript and Stylesheet files. Has anybody else had this issue? Here is the log file. > ActionController::RoutingError (Recognition failed for > "/javascripts/prototype.js"): > /vendor/rails/actionpack/lib/action_controller/routing.rb:470:in >
2008 Jan 05
Error! Ruby on Rails based on FastCGI, Hello world !
Hey, I try to do my first steps in Ruby, and designed an "Hello World!" Application. Now I want to install this Application on an Apache server. I copied it to the "/public_html/" Directory here: (the application is called "rubyapp") I ran and get an Error. So I looked
2006 Apr 26
My GD2 is not working
I installed GD2 1.0/1.1, but they are both not working, does anyone knows why? Great Thanks! With GD 1.0 I got: ======================================================== RuntimeError unknown symbol "gdImageSquareToCircle" RAILS_ROOT: /home/virtual/site1/fst/var/www/html/imodesite/public/../config/.. Application Trace | Framework Trace | Full Trace
2005 Dec 12
Rails crashes over night?
I''m running Ruby on Rails on Fedora Core 4 with lighttpd and fastcgi. I also used the login generator (don''t know if relevant). I have the following problem: At day time I work on the server and create/modify ruby files on the server, all pages work fine. Than the next day I want to open de server I get the error at the end of this message (on all pages, including non protected).
2006 Mar 14
Apache2 + FastCGI + SSL: File upload fails with HTTPS
All, I have run into a road block with my RoR project. The app works fine without SSL but when I try to upload a file with the site running in HTTPS, cgi.rb throws an EOFError: [13/Mar/2006:23:05:48 :: 22982] Dispatcher failed to catch: bad content body (EOFError) /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/cgi.rb:981:in `read_multipart?
2007 Mar 01
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid error
When I try to run my webserver in the production environment I just get an application error message. This is all I can find in the log: ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-1.15.1/lib/active_record/ connection_adapters/sqlite_adapter.rb:274:in `table_structure'' /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-1.4.0/lib/active_support/
2006 Feb 25
neverending i2/lighttpd problems
So after recompiling ruby a few times to get ssl and readline working, fighting with lighty for awhile, and learning a bit more about linux in the process, I think I''m really close to getting i2 up and running. However, when I try to access my wiki, I get either a blank page or an error 500 and the stack trace below gets sent to the log. If I can''t get this working soon
2005 Oct 11
RoR on Apache
I used generate/scaffold to create simple CRUD screen that works perfectly with Webrick. I wanted to attempt to run the same ROR app on Apache. I followed the instructions found at with the alternate ending found at hout+VirtualHosts. I have
2005 Dec 06
Errno::E232 (The pipe is being closed.)
I get this error on occasion using both Webrick and Apache2/FCGI: Webrick Debug: [06/Dec/2005:07:46:19 :: 216] Dispatcher failed to catch: The pipe is being closed. (Errno::E232) [06/Dec/2005:07:46:19 :: 216] Dispatcher failed to catch: The pipe is being closed. (Errno::E232) C:/MyApp/Server/public/../config/../vendor/rails/actionpack/lib/action_controller/cgi_process.rb:158:in
2006 Jun 13
Yet Another Apache/FastCgi Setup Issue
I have set up FastCGI on the server and added 2 servers/processes and increased the timeout from 30seconds to 60seconds. I _think_ I did that properly because I now have to wait the full 60 seconds like clockwork until I get the "Rails application failed to start" when I browse to my URL. Before it was 30 seconds like clockwork. When I run "ruby dispatch.fcgi" I get the
2006 May 04
validates* give me problems
Hi All, I''m newbie to this tool and following some tutorials I''ve came across with this problem when configuring my webpage: In Debian/testing, ruby1.8, rails1.1 I create my audio application which connects to a database (mysql) named audio with tables: articulos(id,titulo,descripcion,created_on,categoria_id) and categorias(id,titulo) after creating and modifying the
2006 Mar 03
weird error with login engine
Any ideas what would cause the following exception (using the login engine): -------------------------------------- Full executation backtrace: -------------------------------------- [RAILS_ROOT]/vendor/rails/activerecord/lib/active_record/base.rb:1697:in `execute_callstack_for_multiparameter_attributes'' [RAILS_ROOT]/vendor/rails/activerecord/lib/active_record/base.rb:1677:in