similar to: bug in bubbleshare's Active Record extensions?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 500 matches similar to: "bug in bubbleshare's Active Record extensions?"

2006 Jun 21
Migration with foreign key won''t work
Hi all I use the plugin which supports foreign keys with migrations: I have created the following migration file: class AddArtistsTable < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up create_table :artists, :force => true do |t| t.column :name, :string, :limit => 100 t.column :artist_type_id,
2006 Jan 10
[AJAX] related drop-down list question
Hi all, I followed the example on: for creating related drop-down lists. However, this code actually creates HTML in the controller component: @albums = Album.find_all_by_artist_id(@params["artist_id"]) @html = "<select id=''album_id'' name=''album_id''>" @html += "<option
2006 Dec 07
need to transfer data from old php like db to rails style db
hey all, I have two tables like that from an old php project: artists(id,name) albums(id,artist_id,album_name) and I need to transfer the data of this database to three tables that look like this: artists(id,name) albums(id,name) artists_albums(album_id,artist_id) any idea what''s the fastest query to do this? thanx in advance Pat --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~
2006 Feb 23
How to set a relationship with a value from a selection list
I realize this is probably a very basic problem but I''m developing my first rails app and running into this problem. I''m trying to write a photoblog application. I have a photo table and an album table. Photo has a to-one relationship to Album. Photo.album_id => In my view for photo I have a selection list that''s populated with all the available albums.
2005 Dec 10
Paginate - Count(*) Broken or Am I Cheating?
I have the following paginator setup: @merch_pages, @merch = paginate :merch_item, :per_page => 15, :select => ''DISTINCT, mi.merch_image, mi.created_at, mi.artist_id, mi.item_description, art.sort_name'', :join => ''as mi JOIN merch_formats mf ON = mf.merch_item_id JOIN artists art ON mi.artist_id ='', :order =>
2009 Mar 11
NoMethodError for select_tag
Hello there. I am following a tutorial with rails 2.1 and I have come across a problem where <%= f.label :artist_id %><br /> <%= f.select_tag(:artist_id, options_for_select([[''choose one'', '''']] + @artists.collect {|art| [,]}, @album.artist_id)) %> (Old artist info:<%= @album.artist_old%>) gives undefined method
2010 Aug 08
help me
i am creating an aplication where table name albums width attributes CREATE TABLE albums ( id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, title varchar(255) NOT NULL default '''', artist_old varchar(255) NOT NULL default '''', release_date datetime NOT NULL default ''0000-00-00 00:00:00'', genre varchar(50) NOT NULL default '''', created_at
2006 Jul 17
3 newbie questions
hey all, I have 3 tables like this: Images (id,name) Tags (id,name) ImagesTags(imageid,tagid) in my image model I do a "has_and_belongs_to_many :tags" but to make it work I need to rename ImagesTags(imageid,tagid) to Images_Tags(image_id,tag_id). My question is that given that I can''t rename the table, is there any way to make it work with the original names? Second question:
2006 Apr 27
Removing a default value for a foreign key with not null set
Hi all, For various reasons I need to have foreign keys with not null constraints. Eg: create_table :people do |t| t.column :name, :string t.column :household_id, :integer, :null => false end create_table :households do |t| t.column :name, :string end add_foreign_key_constraint :people, :household_id, :households, :id So the people table has a foreign key into
2010 Aug 08
In Rails 2.3.8 if you put this in RAILS_ROOT/initializers/ # active_record_extensions.rb module ActiveRecord class Base class << self def [](index) find(index) end end end end Then you can access like an array: User[17] instead of the more verbose: User.find(17) Personally, I think it''s kinda nice. David :) -- You received this message
2006 May 04
form post not working
Hi there, I have this form code in a view: <%= start_form_tag :action => "listByArtist", :id => %> <p><b>List by Artist:</b> <select id="artist_id" name="artists[id]"> <%= options_from_collection_for_select(@artists, "id", "name") %> </select> <%= submit_tag "List"
2006 Jul 13
Migrations + foreign keys
Hi all, In the AWDR author use the execute method to declare foreign keys: execute "alter table.... add constraint.... foreign key...." Is there a ruby sintax to declare a foreign key in a migration class? -- Posted via
2013 Mar 11
Any interest in various features from "schema_plus" gem?
Hello (I''m new to this group so please pardon any inappropriateness), I''m a primary maintainer of the schema_plus gem<>, which adds some capabilities to rails'' schema definitions. The gem has been around for several years and is pretty reliable. I''ve been wondering whether there''d be interest in folding
2009 Mar 24
MonkeyPatching ActiveRecord::Base class
I am trying to monkey-patch the ActiveRecord::Base class to incorporate a generic search class method so that it can be used by all model classes which need this functionality. Since model classes directly inherit from ActiveRecord::Base and unlike controllers and helpers, do not have an ancestor class defined, I think I am forced to open the ActiveRecord::Base class and patch it? May be I am
2006 Oct 21
find_or_initialize_by and Nested Resources
Hey guys, Lets say I have the following nested resources: map.resource artists do |artists| map.resource songs end To create a new song, the url would be: /artists/:artist_id/songs/:song_id However, lets say that an artist doesn''t exist yet. I only want to create an artist if a new song by the artist is successfully saved. I am retrieving the artist using something like: @artist
2005 Dec 18
Informix adapter testing
I''ve just written an ActiveRecord adapter for Informix. It lacks a pair of features that I will add later, but it works for me. I found this on the web: and followed it, but when I get to $ rake test_informix I get the following error messages: -----------------------8<-----------------------
2005 Nov 16
What happened to mysql connection?
I''ve been using Rails for more than six months and until today I had no problem with mysql connection. It''s a Mac OS X 10.4 box having rails installed and updated by gem. I use a remote mysql server no local instance installed. Here''s my config: development: adapter: mysql database: hdchat host: username: webuser password: test: adapter:
2008 Jun 03
Bubbleshare images viewing doesn't work
On the site : Photo flash frame stays white Gentoo GNU/Linux x64 Firefox 3.0 swfdec 0.6.6 Beyond, less important (french site only) : Integrated movie player doesn't work At least, thanks a lot for your stuff
2006 Jun 11
remote_function posting?
Hi, I''ve noticed that my remote_function calls are resulting in POST requests. As a result, my routes do not apply since it does not generate a url based on the parameters, but simply posts to the raw url with post data. I want to make a GET request instead of a POST. How can I do that? Has anyone else run into this? Thanks, Ryan -- View this message in context:
2010 Mar 20
Problem with videos on heroku
Hi, I have recently moved my RoR app on the Heroku platform, and almost everything works fine apart from the videos. It works fine when my app runs in local but not on heroku. This is the error log I''m getting, if anyone knows where it can be coming from: Processing VideosController#new (for IP at 2010-03-20 04:32:09) [GET] Session ID: 6abecf60c3369d7c7029e366bb801e08 Parameters: