similar to: Problem using a date helper

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 400 matches similar to: "Problem using a date helper"

2005 May 08
Overriding date_select in local project to use custom value rather than blank for starting option...
I would like to have a date control on a page and I would like a behavior similar to what you get using date_select with the :include_blank => true option where the first value in the dropdown is "- Month -", "- Day -", or "- Year -" rather than a blank value for the respective month, day, and year select fields. I took a look at the ruby source for
2006 May 03
Using a helper within another helper?
I am trying to push some view logic into a helper. The thought is that this is a step towards having the business logic in the helper rather than the view. However, I''m essentially wrapping the checks around an eventual call to date_select(). The problem I''m having is that the application complains that it doesn''t know about date_select(). I''m sure (or
2005 Mar 12
scaffolding issue
i''ve got a little rails app i''m messing with the schema is create table timedatevalidates ( id serial, timedatetovalidate timestamp, primary key (id) ); the mvc was initialized using rails scripts/generate scaffold timedatevalidate i''ve got this in a subdir of webroot and have modified .htaccess and config/routes.rb like so .htaccess :
2008 Jun 26
Problem with date_select after Rails 2.1 upgrade
Folks, I think I should start a new thread for this, because a similar one I saw is a bit old and the resolution there doesn''t seem to apply to what I''m running into now. Anyway, my date_select calls are bombing on me with the exception: ---- ActionView::TemplateError (wrong number of arguments (3 for 2)) on line #8 of entries/_dates_form.haml: 8: = date_select(
2006 Feb 05
How can i specify default time to datetime_select tag
I want to specify a different default time to datetime_select tag how can i do that. also i was looking at rails helper code ----------------------------------------------------------------------- module ActionView module Helpers module DateHelper def to_datetime_select_tag(options = {}) defaults = { :discard_type => true } options = defaults.merge(options)
2005 Nov 04
RE: Why class InstanceTag is defined at 4 different places inRails
In Ruby you can add and modify existing classes at will simply by reopening it. The 4 files you mention add functionalities to the InstanceTag class. This is not a redefinition. The best part is that you can do the same ! An easy way to overwrite an existing method or to add new ones is to create a file under you rails application lib directory and put in it the replacement you want to make:
2006 Mar 21
Getting a time select input
I''m having trouble workign out which ActionView DateHelpers to display a time input for an ActiveRecord field of type :time. I just want an hours input and a minuites input. I can get these with time_select helper using :field_name and :prefix but it gives both hours and miniutes the same name. <%= select_time(, :prefix => "search", :field_name =>
2007 Nov 14
Problem time_select with fields_for
Hi, I''m using fields_for and a time_select but he isn''t saving the time in the db just 00:00:00 All the other fields are fine, but the time_field isn''t working:s This is my code: <% form_for :activity, @activity,:url => {:action => "create"} do |activity_form| %> <td><%= activity_form.time_select :datum_1_twrak_van, :order =>[ :hour,
2006 Mar 15
Strange behaviour of dates
Imagine a crud app that tracks people applying for a loan, here is the layout I have: Mysql database: create table apps ( id int auto_increment primary key, primary_id int not null, secondary_id int null, constraint fk_primary_id foreign key(primary_id) references (, constraint fk_secondary_id foreign key(secondary_id) references ( create table contacts ( Id int
2013 Mar 14
[Rails 3.2] accepts_nested_attributes_for and time_select
Hi, I am upgrading a Rails application from Rails 3.1.11 to 3.2.12, but have a problem with ` accepts_nested_attributes_for` in conjunction with multipart attributes. The app is used to manage oral exams, so there is a model `Exam`, which has many `Examdate`s. When creating an exam, I can also create the examdates, consisting of a date, a start time and an end time. While the date field is
2007 Aug 07
Newbie: Want to use time_select to partial fill a datetime field
Hello Our Database schema, and hence Our Model has a few datetime columns/ fields. But when entering new instances, We only want to present time (i.e. HH:MM) in in our HTML views to the user. The time_select looks useful, because it has an attractive minute_select: =>15, so the user can enter 1/4 hours increments. The idea being that we would default the Date part of Datetime attribute to
2007 Feb 21
date helper bug?
I''ve found an issue when trying to use the time_ago_in_words and distance_of_time_in_words from action view''s date_helper.rb Using SQL Server, I have a datetime column that gets returned as: "2007/02/21 09:54:00". When I pass this to time_ago_in_words (which just passes on to distance_of_time_in_words) it miscalculates the difference as "9 hours" ( yeah,
2006 Jan 23
mysql dates
does anyone know of a way to make the date_helper deal with mysql dates with 00 values in them? I have lots of dates that are like the following: 2005-04-00 2005-00-00 and I need to set null values in a date_select for elements that are 00. These are valid dates in mysql. In the absence of an immediate solution to the above, I''ve been trying to find out how works so I can
2006 Jul 13
date_helper megapatch and MultiparameterAssignmentErrors
Hello all, There''s a great patch in trac that fixes a lof of issues with the date helpers. I''m afraid it hasn''t had any attention yet. This fixes all the little date_helper problems, except one: When you choose an invalid date ActiveRecord throws an ActiveRecord::MultiparameterAssignmentErrors. This used to work in 1.0,
2007 May 18
Default select values for time_select
How can I set the default selected values for the time_select fields? I would like the selected values to bet set at 0 instead of the current time. -- Posted via --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to
2011 Jul 14
The attached file show the error I''m getting. I have a time time in my migration and a time_select: <%= f.fields_for :company_layout do |company_layout_form| %> <p> <%= company_layout_form.label ''HorĂ¡rio de abertura'' %> <%= time_select(''company[company_layout_attributes]'', :opening_hours, :ignore_date => true,
2006 Feb 07
Is there a good time_select tag helper?
I''m trying to record a list of start and end times, and they''re simply an hour and a minute. Looking at the API, there''s a select_time helper, but that just creates the tag. There''s a datetime_select helper which takes an object and method name, so it does all the magic...but I only want to worry about the hour and the minute. I''ve tried writing my
2008 Jul 04
select_datetime // datetime_select
Hi I have 2 question for you guys, 1. Which is the difference between this two methods? (select_datetime, datetime_select) 2. How I assign the selected date-time values, to an specific variable or array using select_datetime I know do it using datetime_select(''object'',''method'') I aprecciate your attention. Thanks PD: Sorry about my english.
2008 May 20
DateHelpers .. don' display.. ?
HI I don''t understand what happen .. if I use the script/console : >> include ActionView::Helpers::DateHelper => Object >> include GLoc => Object >> time_ago_in_words(, include_seconds = false) => "moins d''une minute" I get the correct answer.. but I I write in my view <%= time_ago_in_words(, include_seconds = false)
2006 Mar 10
Oracle Date type errors rails on edit
I have a table with "expires_on" a DATE field. "Show" and "Destroy" work, but "Edit" errors: /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/actionpack-1.11.2/lib/action_view/helpers/date_helper.rb:150:in `select_hour'' /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/actionpack-1.11.2/lib/action_view/helpers/date_helper.rb:149:in `select_hour'' It only happens when