similar to: HABTM: deleting records based on attributes

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 500 matches similar to: "HABTM: deleting records based on attributes"

2006 Jan 02
DB Modelling the Rails way - Opinions??
Hi, I''m trying to figure the most efficient way to model the following. I can think of at least two ways to relate the tables but from a client/server perspective! I''m wondering how to best (and elegantly)relate them from an AR perspective. A project has many people, A person can work on many projects at any time, A project has many roles, A role is performed by a person, A
2007 Dec 09
Help on drying code
Hi all, Currently I''m having to do this: def self.authorized_roles(controller, action) specific = self.find_by_controller_and_action(controller, action) all_actions = self.find_by_controller_and_action(controller, ''*'') all_controllers = self.find_by_controller(''*'') role_ids = [] specific.each do |role_item| role_ids <<
2006 Apr 15
view code regular expression
I''m lost on regular expressions to begin with... I''m trying to fix a value to one of 4 radio buttons as there will be value of either 1,2,3 or 4 in @roles_users... <TD><input type="radio" id="roles" name="case_managers[case_manager_name]" value="Case Manager Admin" <% if =~ @roles_users /1/ checked =
2011 Jul 14
Devise confusing routes
I had a similar problem yesterday. I would go to the root of my site and I would get a Too Many Redirects message. It seems like there was an infinite loop. After struggling for over an hour yesterday late at night, it seemed like I fixed it. But now, when I want to create a New User, it''s redirecting me to the Sign In screen. Seems like I didn''t fix the problem completely. I
2006 Jan 03
Would someone like to tell me why this code will not solve my problem? (it''s short)
I am building an invoicing system but cannot use the auto_increment field to determine the invoice number (because they are running 3 different companies off the one system. I need to find the last invoice number from any given company and then add 1 to it to get the next invoice number. BUT, there is a unique case on the very first invoice produced because there is no earlier invoice
2006 Apr 10
Single Table Mapping
This is pretty simple, but I must be missing the obvious. I''ve got a table that''s similar to this: USERS: - id int - username varchar(64) - password varchar(64) - role_id int ROLES: - id int - description varchar(16) I''ve had no troubles doing has_many relationships at all. But I want to map the user.role directly to the role model automatically (which sounds
2008 Apr 03
Change the value stored in inheritance_column
I have been struggling for quite sometime with this. Is there any way to configure the Model to store user defined value in the inheritance_column instead of the default value (which is class_name) The problem I have is like this: I have a User model and there are different models which inherit from this like Admin, Premium, Professional, etc. Each of these inherited models are identified by a
2006 Jan 21
n-way joins
Hi, I''m somewhat of a Rails newbie and am trying to understand how to formulate n-way (3 or 4 way) joins in Rails (where the join tables contain extra data as well.) Let me give you my basic entities: foos id - pk name - unique bars id - pk name - unique bazs id - pk name - unique frozs id - pk name - unique then i have two separate join tables: foos_bars_bazs - 3 way join
2007 Jan 24
A spec where interaction-based testing breaks down... (at least for now)
Here are the specs: context "Finding all the stylesheets available to a company" do setup do @mock_company = mock("company") @mock_company.stub!(:to_param).and_return "1" Stylesheet.stub!(:find) end def do_find Stylesheet.find_available_to @mock_company end specify "should convert the company into a parameter" do
2005 Sep 02
Form to update two tables
Hello there, this is probably a very simple problem but I''m stuck. I''m following the Login generator tutorial from rubyonrails. It''s all worked fine so far. But I want to add a bit more functionality so that when a user signs up in addition to chosing a login name and password they type in a company name which is added to a seperate table called COMPANIES. The id
2006 May 19
ActiveRecord: Minor saving problem
This is probably a very stupid error on my side, but I am doing my first steps now and I don''t see what is wrong. I have companies and I have users. A user can create a company. When the user does he''s automatically a member of the company. A company should be able to have multiple users off course so every member of a company can add other users who don''t have a
2006 May 11
ActiveRecord collection_select and has_and_belongs_to_many
Hello everyone, first post to the list and a relative newbie to Rails development. Done quite a bit of JSP, PHP, HTML, XML etc and thought I would kick the tires on Rails to see if it can speed up development for internal applications. Anyway, I am running into a problem that is just driving me crazy and everything I read on the net doesn''t seem to help. I was hoping someone here might
2009 Feb 17
Dynamic select box
Hi everyone, I have a problem. I want to display a different select box wether the current user is an admin or an user. So I thought I could do this in my view where my form is displayed : <p class="form-input"> <%= f.label(:role_id, ''Role:'') %> <% if (current_user.admin?) then collection_select(:user, :role_id, Role.find(:all, :order =>
2005 Jan 24
.call file creation
I am curious partly because it has occurred randomly in my asterisk system. How does one go about creating a .call file for placing a call between two extensions/phones? I know this has been mentioned and is probably in one of the wikis somewhere, but I am unsure exactally how to go about doing it. Can anyone point me in the right direction. Dan
2005 Dec 19
Is there a list of html_options for the FormOptionsHelper?
I''m looking for a way to select a default value from a select box, like this: select("user", "role_id", Role.find_all.collect {|r| [, ] }, { :default_value => ''5'' } (of course, there is no ":default_value") If the form is being used on a ''create'' page, it should display a default in the select box. If
2012 Jun 08
filter children with acts_as_tree
Hello Experts, I have a tree of categories in this category object there is a property called type. the root categories have no type but the children have. so how I can get all the roots with filled in children that have category type = ''B'' for instance. I tried to run Category.roots then delete children With a category not equal to ''B'' but this causes a major
2005 Dec 16
managing belongs_to fields in a form
Hi all, I cannot find a clean way to create/edit an object that ''belongs_to'' another one, just by using form fields. I always need to explicitely unassemble it, store the master id in a hidden field, and then refetch the master from its id, and put it back in the object. To summarize: I want to create a new member, for a given project @project= ... @member =
2005 Dec 31
Dynamic form? Not really!
Hi guru''s out there, Im happilly coding my first rails app, and all goes well. I find myself manually coding in a particular field all the time (company_id), that relates the contact to a company. The total coding of this form seems somewhat much. Could somebody tell me what Rails power I''m possibly missing and stuborn as I am trying to do myself? I was wondering if the
2009 Mar 17
Route failure with Rails2.3 and rspec1.2
Hello all, I have a spec for a route that used to pass under Rails 2.2.2 and rspec 1.1.12, but can?t figure out what is wrong since I updated. Here is the assertion: route_for( { :controller => ''purchase_orders'', :action => ''update'', :company_id => "32", :id
2006 Jan 26
Transactions for multiple models
I have users and companies tables where users belongs_to companies. def signup @company =[:company]) @user =[:company]) = @company if @user.valid? and @company.valid? end end How can I make this into a transaction? Is this a candidate for a distributed transaction? If so, from what I understand from the API,