similar to: Rails installation problem

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "Rails installation problem"

2003 Jul 25
R won't connect to the internet on SUSE Linux 8.1
Hi Thanks once again for your help, I do appreciate it..... however.... Here is what I get with your test.... (under tcsh - i normally use bash, but I will keep everything the same) users/mwatson> env http_proxy= R >options( >update.packages() trying URL `' unable to connect to
2003 Jul 24
R won't connect to the internet on Linux!
OK, I really am struggling with this one! Forgive me if I am being stupid.... I am running R 1.7.1 on Suse Linux 8.1. I connect to the internet through a proxy so I have: IAHC-LINUX03:~ # echo $http_proxy IAHC-LINUX03:~ # echo $HTTP_PROXY just in case ;-) SO, i go into R and I get: >
2003 Jul 25
R won't use http_proxy (PR#3558)
Full_Name: Michael Watson Version: 1.7.1 OS: Suse Linux 8.1 Submission from: (NULL) ( I am using Suse Linux 8.1: IAHC-LINUX03:~ # uname -a Linux IAHC-LINUX03 2.4.20-64GB-SMP #1 SMP Mon Mar 17 17:56:03 UTC 2003 i686 unknown unknown GNU/Linux and R 1.7.1: IAHC-LINUX03:~ # R --version R 1.7.1 (2003-06-16). Copyright (C) 2003 R Development Core Team R is free software and comes with
2010 Feb 25
How to get rid of HTTP-Proxy environment variable in domUs!
Hi All, I have been trying to solve the issue of Xen-based Virtual Machines (as I described earlier); I have the problem of ethernet ports locked to a single Mac address in my lab--hence VM''s can''t communicate using bridging other than their own dom0. To further test/confirm, yesterday I took my laptop at home and connected to my Home-Hub (which issues DHCP based IPs); I
2003 Feb 16
download CRAN packages and proxy config.
Dear R users, I'm starting to get acquainted with R. I've been reading the manual, and I understood that if I wanted to install a user written package on R, I could do it directly from the Internet, by typing the line install.packages("quantreg") in an R session. To my surprise this command did not work, nor did the command "update packages from CRAN..." from the menu
2007 Apr 12
using install.packages via proxy
Hello everybody, I'm trying to install rJava to use JRI in a Java program as JRI is a part of rJava. There should be the option to install this package via install.packages("rJava"). Unfortunately I'm connected to the internet via a proxy. I have no idea how to tell R to connect via the proxy. The R-help tells me something about environment variables like "http_proxy".
2005 Oct 19
Unix proxy and firewall problems
I was trying to install R on a unix server. Because of a firewall i can't install biocLite for working with Bioconductor. With windows it wasn't a problem. I used the option '--internet2' to bypass the firewall. I don't have any idea, how to do it with unix. I tried to set my proxy >Sys.putenv("http_proxy"="http...:8080")
2012 Nov 16
dovecot: lda(root): Fatal: Invalid user settings. Refer to server log for more information.
I ran dovecot -a and the blizzard of data seemed ok to my limited knowledge. Is there another log I should look into to trace this error down? Dovecot and system info: thufir at dur:~$ thufir at dur:~$ dovecot --version 2.0.19 thufir at dur:~$ thufir at dur:~$ cat /etc/lsb-release DISTRIB_ID=Ubuntu DISTRIB_RELEASE=12.04 DISTRIB_CODENAME=precise DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu 12.04.1
2006 Apr 26
help using tapply
Dear R-mates, # Here's what I am trying to do. I have a dataset like this: id = c(rep(1,8), rep(2,8)) dur1 <- c( 17,18,19,18,24,19,24,24 ) est1 <- c( rep(1,5), rep(2,3) ) dur2 <- c(1,1,3,4,8,12,13,14) est2 <- rep(1,8) mydata = data.frame(id, estat=c(est1, est2), durat=c(dur1, dur2)) # I want to one have this: id = c(rep(1,8), rep(2,8))
2010 Jan 06
Yum Issue
Yum using proxy that requires authentication and a Password that contains the two characters \/ fails normally I can get yum to work with a proxy that requires authentication when required by doing something like http_proxy=http://<my username>:<my password>@<proxy server>:<proxy server port> export http_proxy or by filling in the appropriate information in yum.conf.
2004 Jan 12
ReadLines does not give results with urls
Hello, I am using R version 1.8.1 on a linux machine (Suse 8.2.). I have problems to use readLines() with urls. This seems to be a problem with our proxy-server. Downloading files work with download.file() with wget but not without: > download.file(url = "", destfile = "test.txt", method = "wget", cacheOK = FALSE)
2011 Oct 05
Behaviour of 'source' with URLs and proxy
Hi, I am having troubles sourcing a file from our local network from R. It looks like this file are not properly accessed by 'source', even they can be downloaded with download.file. (See below my settings and some tests I did). I ended up with a work around, but I would like to understand what is going on. Doesn't source/readLines uses the same mechanism as download.file to
2007 Dec 28
logistic mixed effects models with lmer
I have a question about some strange results I get when using lmer to build a logistic mixed effects model. I have a data set of about 30k points, and I'm trying to do backwards selection to reduce the number of fixed effects in my model. I've got 3 crossed random effects and about 20 or so fixed effects. At a certain point, I get a model (m17) where the fixed effects are like this
2013 Dec 24
dovecot-postfix stack imap_client_workarounds
To use dovecot-postfix stack with thunderbird, do I put the configuration into /usr/share/dovecot/protocols.d/impad.protocol? That would seem to be how the stack is configured. "Thunderbird To use with Thunderbird, edit the file /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf: protocol imap { ... login_greeting_capability = yes imap_client_workarounds = tb-extra-mailbox-sep }"
2008 Aug 15
Vectorization of duration of the game in the gambler ruin's problem
Hey fellas: In the context of the gambler's ruin problem, the following R code obtains the mean duration of the game, in turns: # is a constant, an arbitrary positive integer # is a constant, an arbitrary positive integer between, and not including # 0 and # p is the probability of winning 1$ on each turn # 1-p is the probability of loosing 1$ # N
2007 May 07
TukeyHSD fails on my data
Howdo folks, So I have my data (attached). There are two columns I'm interested in; "algname" and "dur". I'd like to know how dur changes with algname. algname is nominal and there are 7 possibilities. There are two more nominal independents, "task" and "id", so my model is: dur ~ algname+task+id From the research I've done, a TukeyHSD
2005 Apr 04
yum & proxy
Hi, I've just installed a server with CentOS 4. This server is behind a proxy. I'm trying to import the RPM key. Already set http_proxy variable to: export "http_proxy"= Truth is, command # rpm --import just leaves me hanged. Any ideas ? Warm Regards, M?rio Gamito
2010 Jan 26
Strange tick in ggplot geom_area; and ordering, again
In the area plots below, I see 4 triangle ticks at both sides of the bar; I believe these are non-stacked values for p, but they are definitively confusing. In addition, I would like to get the order of the colors in the plot the same as in the legend, and not arranged alphabetically (the factor is ordered, don't touch my order). Hadley once mentioned an undocumented aestetics
2007 Oct 16
R-2.6.0 - packages installation through a proxy - not working
Hello everyone, I run R on Gentoo Linux and this week I upgraded R from 2.5.0 to 2.6.0. With the new build, I have stumbled upon an unpleasant problem: I can no longer install packages from CRAN through a transparent proxy. With the previous version, I simply added to /usr/lib/R/etc/Renviron the following line and it functioned like a charm: ## Proxy settings http_proxy="SERVER:3128"
2007 Mar 27
problem with installation of packages
I am having a peculiar problem with installation of packages. I am trying to install the package "maptools". This is what I get. install.packages("maptools",depend=T) Warning in install.packages("maptools", depend = T) : argument 'lib' is missing: using /usr/local/lib/R/site-library Warning: unable to access index for repository