similar to: Strange behavior on windows

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1200 matches similar to: "Strange behavior on windows"

2006 Mar 28
MySQL problems and undefined class User
Hello I''m having some issues with MySQL losing it''s connection, or undefined class User on Windows XP. I use Login and UserEngine. Rails 1.0/1.1, MySQL 4. MySQL problem (one of them): Mysql::Error: Lost connection to MySQL server during query: UPDATE sessions SET `data` =
2006 Jan 04
Intermittent problem with link_to_remote()
Hi folks, My page displays links for ''categories'' using the link_to_remote() function. Clicking on one of these links goes to the controller and returns any child categories. I''m finding that the page works ok but after a number of clicks (average 5 or so), it crashes with an error: ============================================== Processing Base#index (for
2005 Jul 07
Rails 0.13 failing on Win XP
Hi all, Since 0.13 just got out, I decided to live a little on the edge and upgraded my working 0.12.1 Rails apps to 0.13. Which made them crash with a bang! After a little investigation it looks like even a fresh app will crash with a message: "allocator undefined for proc"... I''m on Win XP, everything was fine under Rails 0.12.1 Any help would be highly appreciated. --
2005 Oct 13
Typo Error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
Howdy, I am trying to run the latest version of Typo and when I hit the admin login, I get the error below. Anyone else seen this? H ArgumentError (wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)): /lib/renderfix.rb:20:in `read_template_file'' /lib/renderfix.rb:20:in `render_file'' /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/actionpack- r/base.rb:637:in
2006 Nov 04
Hi, I trieed umpteen times to connect ruby on rails to MSSQL server using the standard procedures and I always get the samw error. As I was previously working with MYSQL I faced no problem .Now at a time critical situation I need a solution for this........... Open OLE error code:800A0E7A in ADODB.Connection Provider cannot be found. It may not be properly installed. HRESULT error
2005 Dec 01
Anyone see similarly inconsistent code generation errors?
I''m curious to see if anyone else has been experiencing errors such as the following at unpredictable times (usually after changing something on a page and then re-loading it in development mode): ArgumentError (negative argument): /vendor/rails/actionpack/lib/action_controller/ code_generation.rb:13:in `*'' NoMethodError (undefined method `shift'' for
2006 Feb 14
ArgumentError in <controller not set>#<action not set> ??
Has anyone ever seen this before? It doesn''t happen n a predictable manner, and can occur via different controllers. Someone else posted about this back in December but no one replied. I''m completely stumped! Here is the text, thanks. ArgumentError in <controller not set>#<action not set> undefined class/module CustomerDomain RAILS_ROOT: script/../config/..
2006 Aug 10
Software caused connection abort
Hi Zed or anyone that is also looking at Mongrel, Just want to report something that, although doesn''t crash mongrel, is rather annoying. I am running the latest Mongrel - ruby version on cygwin (yeah, poor me). When I start mongrel_rails with ActiveRecord::Base.allow_concurrency = true in environment.rb, I see a lot of "Error sending file
2006 Feb 26
Help - WEBrick won''t start - "Bad file descriptor" error
I have been working for a few days on a new (Windows) system, and suddenly WEBrick won''t start. Full error text is at bottom of message. It began after I followed Brian Hogan''s (terrific!) instructions for setting up Eclipse w/Rails in Windows ( The server started fine from w/in Eclipse when I reached that part of the instructions,
2010 Dec 10
Encoding issues when uploading files
Hello everybody, I have some troubles with uploading files in my Rails project. I use Rails 3, Ruby 1.9.2, rack 1.2.1, and both webrick / passenger on apache I was investigating and have isolated the strange behaviour on a simple empty project: view: <% form_tag({:action => ''upload''}, :multipart => true) do %> <%=text_field_tag :desc %>
2006 Aug 04
route error with controllers in a module, should just work
This is ALL I have added to my routes.rb map.connect ''admin'', :controller => ''/admin/welcome'' I have found plenty of examples saying this is correct if you have a WelcomeController in the Admin module, which I do :) But now webrick won''t even start ??? Look at those 4 colons ::::, what is that about ? help ! => Booting WEBrick...
2005 Nov 02
Windows, Segmentation Faults, config.load_paths and config.cache_classes
I am doing some testing with the rails trunk, version I switched to because of memory leaks in 0.13.1 under linux environment. Right now the application is running fast and steady under linux, with no memory leaks using SCGI Rails Runner 0.4.3 from Zed, BUT it has become unusable under Windows (our main development environment) where I am getting a lot of segmentation faults. BUT the problem
2013 Feb 10
Nested attributes doesnt get updated
Hi Am building a nested form and my code works fine with sqlite3 but throws errors when using Oracle during update action. Am getting the following error: ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound in AWRequestsController#update Couldn''t find WADetail with ID=5000000015 for AWRequest with ID=5000000022.0 Request *Parameters*: {"utf8"=>"✓",
2011 May 25
rake task: uninitialized constant
I have this rake taks: CUSTOM_MONTHS = [nil, "GEN", "FEB", "MAR", "APR", "MAG", "GIU", "LUG", "AGO", "SET", "OTT", "NOV", "DIC"] def parse_date_string(date_string) begin day, month, year = date_string.split("-") Time.mktime(year, CUSTOM_MONTHS.index(month),
2010 Jul 13
[Rspec] Difference between stub and message expectation with any_number_of_times
I''m wondering what''s the difference between stub and message expectation with any_number_of_times, for example: myMock = mock("mymock") myMock.stub!(:is_a?).with(MyClass).and_return(false) and myMock = mock("mymock") myMock.should_receive(:is_a?).with(MyClass).any_number_of_times.and_return(false) because is_a? may not be called at all, it just like a
2006 Feb 01
Class of uploated file
Hi, i have small problem when you upload file by input type=file to rails then in rails it is represented by one of following StringIO, File, Tempfile Is it all? Or can it be represented by also other class? I need to know this because i have my own validation of file kind and when is mime type invalid then i want to put msg to record.errors and i also want to dont upload this file in next
1998 Jul 29
Problems setting up Internet Information Server which has a virtu
Neale, You'll probably get better help on the main samba list as this is not directly related to the Samba PDC support. j- Neale Rankin wrote: > > Hi, > I am new at using Samba and I am having a problem setting up a > Internet Information Server which is run on a Windows NT 4.0 SP3 PDC. > A lot of the WEB information is to be stored on a SAMBA share. It >
2011 May 21
request.format = :mobile causes error "undefined method `ref' for nil:NilClass"
I have a strange problem with setting request.format = :mobile I can reproduce this problem on a completely fresh Rails 3.0.7 app with no special gems. This seemed to work well in Rails 2 but for some reason is hiccuping here, not sure what''s different in Rails 3 that makes this hiccup. If you look at the stack track, it doesn''t even pass through my app stack once -- weird --
2007 Jul 12
update_all for an AR instance
Is there anyway to call "update_attributes" where it updates only the attributes you specify with the update command. The only thing close to this is update_all where you have to specify the condition. So essentially you''d be stuck doing "id=#{}" as the condition. Are there any built in AR functions that allow you to update a particular object using straight
2006 Jun 28
[PATCH] Bug fixes and additions to scoped_access
I found that scoped_access does not re-evaluate the filters on every run. If you are filtering access based on parameters, this can be bad. The scope is set on the first request and then further requests use the last generated scoping. The initial part of ScopedAccess::Filter#before looks like this: @scoping = controller.instance_eval(@scoping.to_s) if @scoping.is_a?(Symbol) This makes