similar to: Simple Ajax form submission question

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Simple Ajax form submission question"

2005 Mar 01
problems with apache
Hi all I''m currently running rails on apache/windows and it seems like rails has trouble getting started the first few times I start apache and request a page. I created a blank controller called ''test'', and it has an index method and associated index.rhtml file. (All it contains is <p>hello world</p>) I keep getting ''500 server
2006 Jan 16
routing to controller inside module
Hey, am i to stupid to find the information about how to route to a controller in a module? Maybe module support has gone! The controller is under: app/controllers/admin/my_controller.rb The my_controller.rb file looks like this: module Admin class MyController def index render :text => ''Hello!'' end end end How does a route to all controllers under module
2005 Jan 28
breakpoint not working
I keep getting: No connection to breakpoint service at druby://localhost:42531 (DRb::DRbConnError) Tries to connect will be made every 3 seconds... This happens every time i run ./script/breakpointer using 0.9.5 on OSX or Windows. Any ideas?
2005 Jul 31
Central list of Rails gems?
Is there a centralized list of Rails gems somewhere? Or even just a database of some kind of gems that can be useful to Rails apps, not just specific to Rails? -raymond -- Raymond Brigleb, Creative Director Needmore Designs -- The beautiful, usable web. Website Email
2005 May 26
No response from Apache 2 / fcgi / rails...
Hello! I''m struggling here with getting Typo running on a Red Hat server under Apache 2 / fcgi... Every time I try to load the public home page, I get this in my error log: [Thu May 26 00:20:52 2005] [error] [client] FastCGI: comm with (dynamic) server "/home/httpd/vhosts/ public/dispatch.fcgi" aborted: (first read) idle timeout (30 sec)
2005 Dec 07
Addressing a class, rather than an id?
Good day, I''m trying to use the slider control to resize a pile of images on a web page. Clever, huh. Bet cha didn''t think of that one!!! :) But seriously. It seems I want to address a class, rather than the individual id''s of the images. At this point, I''m getting some results with something like this:
2005 May 10
A quick straw poll
How many of you are using Rails: 1. As the primary development tool at your Day Job 2. As a small part of your Day Job 3. Not using Rails in your Day Job, but are using Ruby 4. For OS/outside work/hobby -- sam
2005 Sep 09
file_column: patched for imagemagick and validation
Hi all, I patched file_column to add imagemagick transformations of uploaded content. I added an options hash, and it takes the :magick and :format keys. :magick is a string of imagemagick command line options for convert (Reference: Format is an optional extension for the finished image. If Imagemagick recognizes the extension, then it will
2005 Aug 22
XML "Un-Builder?"
I''ve been unserializing XML in PHP with the XML_Serializer class, and I''m wondering if anyone knows of such a class for Ruby. Nothing fancy, just perhaps a simple way of converting arbitrary XML to a Ruby object. Maybe this has been implemented somewhere already? Thanks, Raymond
2006 Jun 16
image_select_tag with name and value
What have I missed I have a .rhtml with the sandard form parameters <%= image_submit_tag("excel.gif", :alt => "Download List to Excel", :border => 0, :name => ''render_action'', :value => ''excel'' ) %> Which genenerates I believe a valid html fragment for a submit button. <input alt="Download List to Excel"
2005 Jul 12
Tip Sheet for AJAX
Hi all, I''m making an Amy Hoy style tip sheet PDF for the Prototype and Scriptaculous AJAX stuff, to be used with Rails. Are there other resources you would suggest besides the websites themselves (the previous thread about Highlight reminded me of this)? Is there a particular focus that would be helpful for such a document? Preferred fonts or colors? I must say, once you get
2006 Jun 19
Bug? With image_select_tag processing in controller?
As I wrote in A) I created a .rhtml <%= image_submit_tag("excel.gif", :alt => "Download List to Excel", :border => 0, :name => ''render_action'', :value => ''excel'' ) %> B) This rendered the valid html <input alt="Download List to Excel" border="0"
2006 Sep 15
OT: TinyMCE in Rails
I''m having a problem getting the text area the size I want it to be. In my view at the top I have this init calls <script type="text/javascript" > tinyMCE.init({ mode: "textareas", theme: ''advanced'', theme_advanced_toolbar_location: ''top'' }); </script> Then in my form: <%= text_area
2006 Apr 11
Google Base... in Rails?
Ok, so this is kinda out of the blue... but I''ve been looking at Google Base and thinking that it''s got some really good ideas in it. Especially the way you can create your own "type" of item with its own custom attributes, like date range, location, number, text, etc. Kind of like defining a database with a GUI, but not exactly. It seems really interesting to me, from
2005 Dec 21
Hi I''d like to know how to add default text text area using the function text_area. I ''ve tried using value = "....." to do this but with no luck. Could some one please answer my simple question? Thanks. Dan. -- Posted via
2005 Jul 12
Meta-question about the list
Question about the list in general: by default, it''s set up so that replies go to the sender, rather than the list. However, on other lists I usually chat on, replies by default generally go to the list. This seems to encourage more discussion. Would it be a good idea to change that default? Or am I just crazy. Best, Raymond -- Raymond Brigleb, Needmore Designs Website
2006 Mar 22
FTP hangs Rails!
Hi! I''m running a Rails app on Apache/FCGI, with a single handler process on the server. At one point my application needs to FTP a bunch of files to a remote server. When it starts doing this, the server apparently freezes and doesn''t allow anyone else to do anything. Plus, after about twenty seconds, my nice status page vanishes from the browser, even though the
2006 Aug 02
form_for not working with Markaby
I''m playing around with Markaby and I decided to write a little blog app. I''m running into issues with forms however. If I use form_for the output of the form gets swallowed. For example: form_for :article, @article do |f| f.text_field :title f.check_box :published f.text_area :description f.text_field :pub_date f.text_area :content end gets rendered as an empty form
2005 Sep 19
help with has_one relationship??
Hi I''m new to Rails and I''m struggling with a ''has-one'' relationship. I''m trying to save product and image data in seperate tables with one to one relationship. I''m assuming the problem lies in the controller method below but can''t work it out. The models contain the has_one and belongs to statements, and I tried swapping these
2006 Jan 22
Formatting input/output of a text box
Hello, What''s the best way to handle formating of a text_area? I have a text_area in my rails app where people can leave comments and I''d like to automatically convert the line breaks into <br /> tags, or just simply wrap a whole paragraph in <p></p> tags. I''m currently doing the following in my comments controller to insert line breaks when the user