similar to: fixtures, unit tests, and rake

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 60000 matches similar to: "fixtures, unit tests, and rake"

2006 Jul 26
fixtures not loading when running rake test - ok other times
Hallo -- I have the most bizzare problem. I have a test called PropertyTest that runs absolutely fine. Even if I totally clear the test database before running it, it happily scoots off, loads all necessary fixtures, runs & passes all tests. My problem arises when I run rake test:units. Then, all other tests pass fine, but this one starts failing as if the fixture data simply
2011 Apr 06
test a rake with fixtures
How do a test a rake task using fixtures? I''ve written yaml files for each fixture but I''m not sure how to test the rake using the fixtures. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to rubyonrails-talk-/JYPxA39Uh5TLH3MbocFF+G/ To unsubscribe
2006 Jul 10
rake db:fixtures:load FIXTURES=xyz
I am attempting to do selective fixture loading against my test database. When I run rake db:fixtures:load FIXTURES=DataSetInfo I get no output. (A full trace is below). I''m trying to figure out why nothing happens. 1) Does the command above attempt to operate against my test database? 2) DataSetInfo is the name of my table and the name of my yml file I generated these YAML
2005 Dec 28
Unit tests, Fixtures, Authority Data, Oh my!
Yo guys... I''m starting to get into testing my current e-commerce Rails app before I Engine-ify it...(Codename "Substruct" - don''t sleep!) I''ve got some data that should be loaded before each test. Convention tells me that I should prepare this data in nice YML files as fixtures, although I''m not quite so sure. The data in question is a country list
2010 Dec 12
Fixtures and unit tests - no such file to load
Hello all, I''m having some issues with my test fixtures and unit tests and am hoping somebody has an idea about how to fix it. Background: I have a table in my legacy database called tp_approval_step. For this table I have a fixture called tp_approval_step.yml I have a model called ApprovalProcessStep that uses set_table_name ''tp_approval_step'' In my test file,
2006 Jun 24
Rake vs Ruby for running tests (error discrepency)
I''m having (to me) a strange problem with errors when running my tests with rake as opposed to using ruby. If I do rake test:units I get this error for several tests, but not all: 13) Error: test_player_has_game_statistics_for_season(PlayerSeasonTest): ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: Mysql::Error: Duplicate entry ''22'' for key 1: INSERT INTO positions (`name`, `id`,
2006 Jul 18
Fixtures Max Size? SystemStackError: stack level too deep
Hello, I have a table of zipcodes that I am using in my application, so there are approximately 50,000 rows in this table. I have dumped the table to a fixture yaml file to represent this data, but when I try to load it, I get this error: SystemStackError: stack level too deep Is there a max size allowed for a fixture file..? Here is the --trace output: rake db:fixtures:load --trace **
2007 Apr 17
using rake db:fixtures:load with rspec fixtures
Hi, I''m new to rspec. I have some fixtures in /spec/fixtures. If they were in /test/fixtures they could be loaded with rake db:fixtures:load. Is there any way other than a symlink to load my rspec fixtures into the database with rake? Or, can I cause rspec to load the fixtures from /test/fixtures? Thanks, Paul
2007 Sep 05
after_create callback called twice in test env when using fixtures
All, I''ve been trying to figure out a strange bug in one of my applications that I think I''ve narrowed down to a problem with rails fixtures. It seems as though the after_create callback is being run twice when I save a record. This is only happening a) in the test environment, and b) when there is a fixture file for that table. The test below only prints "Doing
2006 Apr 28
Accessing fixtures from unit tests
I have set up some fixtures in test/fixtures/users.xml: # Read about fixtures at admin: id: 1 username: admin password: admin pbarry: id: 2 username: pbarry I have a unit test for my user model: require File.dirname(__FILE__) + ''/../test_helper'' class UserTest < Test::Unit::TestCase fixtures :users def
2006 Jan 02
rake test_units not loading any fixtures
Hello All, If I run my unit tests individually using Ruby, they all work correctly. However, if I try to run them using "rake test_units", I get a bunch of error messages. The error messages appear to be caused by rake not loading any of the fixtures into the test database. I am using PostgreSQL on Windows. Does anyone have any suggestions? Many thanks, Bruce. -- Posted via
2011 Apr 26
problem populating table using rake db:fixtures:load
I''m running Rails 3 and I''m trying to populate a table using rake db:fixtures:load, and I''m getting a "Could not find" file error. The table is called stores, and I''ve confirmed that it exists, and the data is in stores.yml in my test/fixtures directory. The command I''m running is rake db:fixtures:load FIXTURES=stores. The error message
2007 Nov 05
loading fixtures into oracle
Any idea why this fixture would fail to load any data? <% %w( Admin Pharmacist PI/Co-PI Research\ Nurse ).each { |g| Group.create( :name => g ) } %> It works perfectly in irb but when I do rake db:fixtures:load I get no data, no errors, and no error logs. I realize my fixture doesn''t look like your typical run-of-the-mill fixture but it''s that way because I''m
2007 Aug 27
Foreign key constraints, fixtures, and rake task
I''ve got a spec that loads a fixture in the "before" block. This works fine running scripts/spec, but when I run rake spec instead, I get: ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid in ''User in fixture :quentin with an IM service but no IM name should be invalid'' Mysql::Error: Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails
2006 Oct 17
rake -T is missing rake db:fixtures:dump?
Subject says it all: rake doesn''t know about db:fixtures:dump. When I try, I get this: Don''t know how to build task ''db:fixtures:dump'' I thought this was a standard feature that ships with rake- any idea why it''s missing, and how I can reinstall it? Here''s the environment: Ruby version 1.8.4 (powerpc-darwin8.6.0) RubyGems
2006 Mar 30
Export Fixtures Plugin
= Description This plugin is a super lightweight tool used to export data into the test/fixtures directory. So if you want to export all your data from your production server into your development environment, this will simplify the process without having to load up your database manager. [%] rake db:fixtures:export_all RAILS_ENV=development [%] rake db:fixtures:load = INSTALLATION
2006 Jul 17
functional tests run fine on their own but fail with rake
this is a weird one. i have 8 functional tests classes. when I run them individually, they all pass. When i use rake or ''rake test:functionals'' one of them fails. I''ve traced the error back to a problemwith reading data from the session. when running the tests individually, the data is there. when run using rake, it''s nil. has anyone come across anything
2006 Aug 14
Testing fails with fixtures not when invoked directly
I have three files organization.rb, company.rb, and department.rb. I want to ensure the department always has a company require File.dirname(__FILE__) + ''/../test_helper'' class OrganizationTest < Test::Unit::TestCase fixtures :organizations def setup @smo = organizations(:smo) end def test_department_company_defaults_to_parent org = =>
2006 Sep 05
rake craziness with Migrate as a dependency
Hi everyone, For one of our projects we have a need to deploy and maintain a demo. As a result I''ve attempted to setup a set of rake tasks for the job. My goal is have one rake task called "deploy_demo" which purges the database, migrates to the current schema, and loads the db from a set of fixture files in a specified location. I''ve written two new tasks the perform
2006 Mar 01
maddening intermittent failures in unit tests with "working" code
Hi all, This testing problem has been a sink for time today, and is still unresolved. Basically I have some unit tests that test simple functions (example below) that depend on join operations in a habtm relationship, and I suspect I am getting "false" failures, i.e ones that do not logically make any sense. I need fresh sets of eyes to take a look and see if I''m mising