similar to: "undefined symbol" with wxRuby gem on Fedora Core 5...

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: ""undefined symbol" with wxRuby gem on Fedora Core 5..."

2008 Jan 19
No joy from Wx::App.dispatch, Wx::App.yield...
OK, back with another iteration of the same problem... I updated my game demo, but the Close button failed to respond when (and only when) there were too many objects onscreen. The drawing loop is probably lasting longer than my drawing timer interval. I was able to reproduce the problem in my (probably familiar by now) test script just by boosting the number of lines drawn per frame. After
2007 Dec 01
Tearing in my buffered animation test script...
OK, I have a basic blit demo working (thanks to Alex Fenton for his reply, which I finally saw). However, there''s a great deal of "tearing" on the screen - flickering grey lines in the black background. It looks like the blit isn''t always complete when the screen refreshes. Can anyone look at this and tell me what I might be doing wrong? Any help would be most
2007 Dec 30
Drawing thread not getting enough time from scheduler?
Need some assistance with animation again... When I run the drawing code in a separate thread, it''s slow as heck. I think it may be because the drawing thread isn''t getting enough time from the thread scheduler. I was able to reproduce the problem in my little sample program simply by increasing the number of lines it draws per update. I''m lucky to get one frame
2008 Mar 13
Equivalent to before(:all) for StepGroups?
I have a helper object that I''d like to have available inside each of my story steps, but would like to declare it *outside* all the steps. (It knows how to create various objects in my library, then stores a string reference to it for later steps to refer to.) Problem is, I''ve tried assigning to a module variable both inside and outside my steps_for block, and I get an error
2007 Jan 03
instalation problem
Hi Im testing wxRuby. I have a problem when ruby try to load the load wx. Im newbie to ruby, maybe a make a simple mistake : Best regards. Install wxRuby-------------------------------------------------------------- pedro@la-vaca-azul:~$ sudo gem install wxruby2-preview Need to update 2 gems from .. complete Select which gem to install for your platform (i486-linux)
2008 May 25
Segmentation Fault.
Hi there, I am relative new to the wxRuby so please bear with me. I use Ubuntu Hardy Heron 8.04 release. I have installed the wxwidgets C libraries and then did a gem install wxruby The ruby extensions were downloaded and installed correctly. If i do $gem list --local .. wxruby (1.9.7) .. Then I tried to run a simple example "Hello World" as described in the tutorial
2008 Feb 17
A bug in wxRuby. Segmentation fault in random situations.
Hello, I wrote an application in wxRuby: ruby 1.8.6 wxruby 1.9.4 installed from gem windows xp sp2 After several minutes of running it crashes with the following error: "c:/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:27: [BUG] Segmentation fault ruby 1.8.6 (2007-03-13) [i386-mswin32] This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way. Please contact
2005 Apr 27
does anyone have success with wxruby with wxwidgets 2.6?
Hello, All. I`m trying to compile wxruby with wxwidgets 2.6 under windows with latest mingw, but have lot of troubles. wxwidgets and ruby 1.8.2 compiles just fine, examples work pretty well. To make wxruby compile (non-swig, from cvs) i was made some minor changes like explicit cast ("IN2NUM(...)" to "INT2NUM((long) ...)"), removed some constant definitions from const.cpp
2008 Jan 15
Just to say that I''ve tagged 1.9.3 in the repository, but havent'' yet had time to create the release. Please do upload the binary builds as they become available. I''ll do the source package and linux-intel build tomorrow once I''be got some sleep! a
2007 Oct 04
wxRuby: MemoryDC problems...
I''m trying to put together a quick test of buffered animation with WxRuby, but I''m encountering a fair amount of trouble... I''m drawing to a Wx::Bitmap first, then using Wx::DC#draw_bitmap to copy it to a Wx::Window. But I get the following error: C:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/wxruby-1.9.1-i386-mswin32/lib/wx/classes/bitmap.rb:18:in `draw'': uninitialized
2006 Jun 08
Dear WxRuby users and hackers, am I right that WxRuby 0.6 which I have downloaded today from the webpage is based on WxWidgets 2.4, which is based on GTK 1.2? I have tried to run ''make'' after ''ruby extconf.rb'' with WxRuby0.6/WxWidgets 2.6.3 but I got this error: ~/ruby/src/wxruby-0.6-src/src$ make g++ -fPIC -O2 `wx-config --cxxflags` -I.
2004 Jun 04
RE: problems installing wxruby
Jeremy Stell-Smith wrote: > > actually... > > the mac distro only includes the mac readme, and doesn''t say > anything about > wxwindows/widgets at all, except for where to get it > > the source distro in the main readme says that it works with wxWidgets OR > wxWindows 2.4.x Probably a wording error that snuck in when trying to accomodate the name change to
2005 Apr 30
wxRuby Roadmap, Schedule and wxWidgets 2.6.0
Hi, I''m very interested in migrating some apps to ruby and wxRuby. Is there a rough estimate of when wxRuby will support wxWidgets 2.6.0? Are there specific tasks that require volunteers?
2004 Aug 20
wxruby-swig: where does wxclasses-2.4.2.xml comes from?
Was trying to understand more about the internals of wxruby-swig, where does the big chunk of XML comes from? I saw something similiar in Python, is that massaged out of there? The codes produced by extractxml.rb and wxclasses-2.4.2.xml is quite different from the original header files. Just for example the WxDialog class. OnXXX are non-virtual in WxWidgets, but virtual in wxruby-swig
2010 Jan 17
Does wxRuby include Gizmos controls?
Hi, I''m starting to use wxRuby for personal projects. Originally, I used wxPython in my company because they don''t want to install the Ruby environment just for me... But at home, I still prefer the Ruby language... So, wxWidgets is a great library, but wxPythons add some intersting stuff. I''m specially interested by the TreeListCtrl. it seems that this control
2004 Apr 17
wxruby-swig progress report
Tonight, I generated a full set of almost 400 swiggable .h files, one for each wxWidgets class. I used the big xml file that I mentioned earlier, which itself was (apparently) scraped from the wxWidgets html help files. Several interesting notes: 1. REXML took forever to parse the 2.5 meg xml file. I didn''t want to do stream processing, and hoped to stay with a pure-ruby solution,
2008 May 11
instabilities in wxRuby 1.9.6
I have recently started to use wxRuby, because I have used the wxWidgets library from C++ for a few years and found it an excellent toolkit. I am using Ubuntu 8.04 and version 1.9.6 of wxRuby. A problem though is a number of instabilities. This may be due to my own ignorance, but I have usually found C++/wxWidgets, once the program compiles it will at least stay working, if at times
2004 Jul 20
The great MSVC wxruby-swig bug hunt!
Hi everyone, As Kevin has just announced, wxruby-swig has been moved into CVS as a toplevel project. It still is not in a "releasable" form yet, but it now builds on more systems than it doesn''t, and is moving towards stability. Because of the complexity of the build environment, we''re using rake ( as a build system instead of the standard
2009 Oct 30
wxRuby on Ubuntu 9.10
Installing the gem from rubygems, along with the available wxwidgets packages from synaptic, I'd recieve this error: /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/wxruby-2.0.1-x86-linux/lib/ /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/wxruby-2.0.1-x86-linux/lib/ symbol _ZN13wxAuiNotebook14ShowWindowMenuEv, version WXU_2.8.5 not defined in file with link time reference -
2008 Mar 04
How to build and test wxRuby
Greetings, I''m using wxRuby2 to develop an app, and I''d like to have a build of wxRuby2 to work from so that when I find something that doesn''t work, I can maybe attempt to find out why and, who knows, maybe even submit a patch once in a while. I should start by saying that I''m on Mac OS X 10.5.2. What I''d like to do is to have this build of