similar to: CENTOS 4 and mono

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "CENTOS 4 and mono"

2006 Jan 23
How to call C# webservices
hey, i have created some webservices in C# with and IIS. i can go to them with http://localhost/Twodecode.Webservices/webservices.asmx Like: [Webservice] AddCity(string zip, string city) { some stuff return "SUCCES"; } How must i call this from ruby?? I save an object, and then call the services. city = if //call webservice else //do
2006 Jan 31
webservice problem (cant make client)
hey, i have made a webservice here i can see the wsdl file i have a method string Authenticate(string twa, string login, string pass) when i do /invoke i can test it, this all works backend_api.rb class BackendApi < ActionWebService::API::Base api_method :authenticate, :expects => [{:twa =>:string},{:login
2006 Mar 28
What if a webservice is not available = "execution expired" error
Hi, I''m using a webservice in my application. How can I make it so that my application will only try to connect to the webservice for a certain period of time and then give up? Right now my code is using a begin-rescue-else but sometimes I get a "execution expired" error if the webservice is not available or takes too long to respond. Thanks, Peter begin service =
2007 Nov 12
Microsoft SOAP - Help!!
Hello, I am trying to access Microsoft Live Search Using SOAP through R. In R I am using the RCurl packages to make the calls. I have the following situation that looks crazy and cannot figure out how to solve it: #SOAP Request library(RCurl) h = basicTextGatherer() body='<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-15"?> <SOAP-ENV:Envelope
2006 Aug 02
Need help with SOAP and .NET
I am trying to consume a .NET webservice from Whenever I call soap.doSingleRecord I receive an error saying that I have an "Empty XML Request Structure". Looking at the sample SOAP request it appears that all the settings I am sending need to be wrapped in <Request> tags. So it lookes like I need to build a seperate Request object and
2006 May 14
Invoke .Net WebService error in RoR
I have written a webservice: ----------- Service.cs ---------------- using System; using System.Web; using System.Web.Services; using System.Web.Services.Protocols; [WebService(Namespace = "")] [WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo = WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)] public class Service : System.Web.Services.WebService { [WebMethod] public string HelloWorld(string name)
2006 May 18
rails and .net webservices
Hello. I am novice in ruby. How can i use .net webservice method from ruby. Thanks. -- Posted via
2006 Jul 30
slightly OT: opinions on best webservice implementation
We have been using more and more Ror for new applications. Right now we are debating on the best way to implement some new webservices that will interact with our payment gateway. These webservices will be backend type functions. Updating customer/billing records, retrieving data, etc.. The interface for actually processing transactions won''t be changing. Ideally, the webservice will
2014 Jul 22
Question: Publishing R/S objects with WebServices (SOAP/WSDL)
Hello, Can anyone tell me if there is a package which will allow me to write a package in R, then publish the package using WebServices? The idea is that I want to be able to pass a data set into R, have R perform the calculations, then send the result back to either a .Net application or a LIMS BASIC application. So far I see many packages that allow R to consume WebServices, but I haven't
2006 Sep 06
soapenc:base64 and xsd:base64Binary
Hello guys, I have a little mix in all those webservices and wsdl files and all this things, and I have maybe a strange question. I''m trying to consume webservice from different webservice implementation than ror. And I there is one thing from ror regenerated wsdl file. Method parameter defined by :base64 type is defined in wsdl as ''soapenc:base64''. My question is, why
2006 Mar 22
currency conversion webservice in a rails app?
Hi, I''m interested in using a currency conversion web service in my rails app. Does anyone have a free service that they use and like? I found this one I''ve tried to make a simple, plain Ruby script to connect to this and get a conversion rate without success. How do I integrate a webservice into my rails app? I
2006 Jan 26
Webservices and submitting object with associations
Hi - is there an easy way to submit an object with its associations as an :expects parameter to a AWS webservice? I know I could first create a webservice method for the object, and then call - in a loop - another webservice for each of my association objects. Is there an easier more elegant way, so that I don''t have to make so many expensive webservice calls? I was thinking
2011 Jul 20
SSOAP & chemspider
Dear all, I've been trying on and off for the past few months to get SSOAP to work with chemspider. First I tried the WSDL file: cs<-processWSDL("") Error in parse(text = paste(txt, collapse = "\n")) : <text>:1:29: unexpected input 1: function(x, ..., obj = new( ? ^ In addition:
2006 May 25
post to a webservice in an integration test?
Hey railers, Just wondering if anyone out there knows how to generate a SOAP post using the session object in an integration test. I couldn''t find documentation on how to do so, but perhaps I''m overlooking something. I would like to call a webservice on my server in the following block: def login open_session do |sess| ...
2006 Jan 30
Arrays of objects as parameters to webservices
I think I am missing something terribly obvious. Is it possible to have an :expects parameter for a webservice that is an array of objects? I want to have a single webservice that expects all my line items (for an order). Is this something that is possible? -- Posted via
2009 Jul 21
help for SSOAP
Hi, I am trying to learn how to from within R access web services. I am also interested in having R be a client and from within R access data on other web services. Specifically the web services I would like to access from within R are “” Therefor, I wrote the following code into R program: > library(SSOAP) >
2015 Mar 03
account code
Hi list , I have a question with account codes, all my outgoing calls are authenticated, but now the boss wants to monitor these calls with the codes. example: maria has an extension "110", but peter was in place and use the phone maria , maria then says that she did not make that call to that number of cell. like to know who made it?, I think the pin code is my friendo , my users have
2016 Apr 15
Wine release 1.9.8
The Wine development release 1.9.8 is now available. What's new in this release (see below for details): - More work towards the WineD3D command stream. - Bug fix update of the Mono engine. - More WebServices reader support. - Still more Shader Model 5 support. - Support for gradients in metafiles. - Improved table formatting in WinHelp. - Various bug fixes. The source is
2012 Apr 30
Calendar Integration Problem
Hiii all, I am using asterisk and compile all modules related to calendar. neon version is 0.29.6. OS is ubuntu 11.10. I configured ical for zimbra, caldav for google mail and ews for exchange 2010 calendar. ical and caldav setup working fine and i am getting my calendar events perfectly. But for exchange 2010 calendar i am getting following error. "Unable to communicate with
2014 Mar 11
Cannot Ping after successful connection?
I apologize for the TLDR-style email, but I wanted to demonstrate that I have done a lot of work (11 hours and at least 8 tutorials including the tinc docs) before asking for help. My basic problem is this: tinc appears to properly connect and authenticate the client to the server, but I cannot ping or access resources. (yes. I know there is no 'server' in tinc, but 'server'