similar to: instance_exec routes -> form helpers

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "instance_exec routes -> form helpers"

2009 Feb 18
Stuffing - A plugin to use CouchDB with ActiveRecord models
Hey, Just a heads up on anyone wanting a quick way to start playing with CouchDB ( and Rails without leaving the comfort of ActiveRecord. Stuffing is a Rails plugin that I wrote to let you access a CouchDB document directly within your ActiveRecord model. The plugin is on GitHub: I posted a short video screencast intro
2006 Jul 19
I am a newbie and I would like some help deciding w hat operating system
Hi Kevin/All, I''m a rails/ruby noob. Have put a rails app in production on Windows :-) We have put our java apps in production using SUSE. If you can throw some light On "SUSE is gorgeous but slow" -- it will help us. Is only ruby/rails slow on Suse OR is it considered to be generally slow distro for all apps ? If slow for most apps, how much Performance hit is that ?
2007 Oct 31
DBI Package
Hello everyone! Congratulations by this gorgeous software. My name is Germán Carrillo, I'm writting from Colombia. I don't have much experience with R, reason why I use the R-GUI (version 2.5.1) on Windows. I have some problems with DBI package, I want to connect to PostgreSQL database but I don't know the way to do it. I was reading the DBI manual and I tried write in my R Console
2011 May 27
unable to start server
When i start the server "rails s",following error message appears: => Booting WEBrick => Rails 3.0.7 application starting in development on => Call with -d to detach => Ctrl-C to shutdown server Exiting /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/actionpack-3.0.7/lib/action_dispatch/routing/mapper.rb:167:in `default_controller_and_action'': missing :controller
2016 Sep 30
CentOS on new Thinkpads
I've had success on "older" model Lenovos.....(T-410 / T-420 / T-430) but anything beyond those seems to have some issue or another. I was even able to swap the standard drive to an SD (250GB) on a T-430 and it's running g like a champ. A lot of the newer stuff is OK as long as you don't have any boutique drivers for video network or sound. YMMV. On Sep 29, 2016 9:18 PM, John
2006 Oct 20
#Transfer - Timeout is configurable?
Hi guys, This should be has an easy answer for you, my users are complaining that when they press # and then ear gorgeous Allison "Transfer" the timeout is very small, they must enter immediatly the extension to transfer the call. Is it possible to change this? ;transferdigittimeout => 3 ; Number of seconds to wait between digits when transfering a call This is timeout
2012 Jan 26
Problem while creating new resource on ActiveAdmin
HI All, I have installed the Active Admin successfully, but facing the following error while restarting the server after generating an resource. *rails generate active_admin:resource item* /home/logs/Desktop/training/RAILS/courier/app/admin/items.rb:1:in `<top (required)>'': uninitialized constant Item (NameError) from
2008 Dec 27
New Mustek UPS model working
Hello, first of all I'd like to thank all the NUT developers for their gorgeous work and for their efforts to make NUT the best and most complete UPS management software I've ever seen (seriously). Secondarily I'd like to help the NUT project as far as my help is needed, I'm not a programmer (by now...) but I would like to help somehow anyway. I have 3 UPS from the same
2011 Mar 07
has_one :dependent => :destroy error (in `configure_dependency_for_has_one': compile error (SyntaxError))
Hi I''m getting the following error : /Users/nikosd/.rvm/rubies/ree-1.8.7-2011.02/bin/ruby -e $stdout.sync=true;$stderr.sync=true;load($0=ARGV.shift) /Users/nikosd/.rvm/gems/ree-1.8.7-2011.02@.../bin/rake test Testing started at 12:00 PM ... (in /Users/nikosd/Work/.../.../...)
2011 Dec 07
Errors when running the local server
Hi all, I''m running an application on my localhost, but the command "rails server" behaves very inconsistently. About an hour ago it ran well on another app, but got errors now. According to the errors it seemed that the server began to run but the there is something missing in the library. But I''m very new to Rails so cannot figure out what do these lines mean:
2013 Apr 09
Getting Started
So far I''m disappointed with what I see as red flags. I follow along what seems like foolproof instructions. I install everything, rails new /some/new/app cd to the directory and rails server and my worst fears cryptic useless stack I copy the top line, search for stuff on this sqllite3 adaptor to fix it, I type the gem install command it mentions (gem install
2013 Apr 13
running rails on my linux mint
Hi i cannot start my rails server webrick and i m just start learning rails .. the error i get is: > /var/lib/gems/1.8/gems/railties-3.2.13/lib/rails/script_rails_loader.rb:11: warning: Insecure world writable dir /sbin in PATH, mode 040777 /var/lib/gems/1.8/gems/bundler-1.3.5/lib/bundler/runtime.rb:216: warning: Insecure world writable dir /sbin in PATH, mode 040777 => Booting WEBrick
2007 Dec 20
How-to spec this helper method?...
Hey gang, I have this dead-simple method defined in a helper: def add_category_link(name) link_to_function name do |page| page.insert_html :bottom, :categories, :partial => ''category'', :object => end end Where, and mostly how, would I spec this? I haven''t been able to find how to stub the rjs in a helper spec, so
2010 Dec 15
Having trouble testing :( "superclass mismatch" and can't load "test_helper"
I''m having trouble testing my Rails 3 application. Unit testing doesn''t work. If I try ruby article_test.rb directly, I get a "no such file to load" error, and if I try rake test:units or ruby unit/ article_test.rb I get this odd "superclass mismatch for class ArticlesController" error! I''m hoping I can get this settled... My test files were
2012 Feb 27
Bit of a issue with creating a new app and running it
HI all, I have just setup the ROR environment on a vps, but once i created the app and run rails s or db:create after modifying the database.yml it keeps on appearing with the "Could not find gem sqlite3" etc message which i know this as it''s not install as i am using mysql. What else have i got to do other than modifying the database.yml as to me it''s still looking
2009 Jul 17
OT - Sensa Fuze
Anyone have experience with using a Sensa Fuze mp3/ogg player on CentOS 5.x? I'm looking for a player that plays vorbis and isn't a M$/DRM/Apple slave and this one looks like a good one to buy. Thanks for any help!
2012 May 14
unicorn <3
hey, i am a big unicorn fan -- i have been running it in production since late 2010, and it is happily handling (literally) billions of backend requests for a popular facebook game. i also <3 unicorns in general ..... so i decided to make an awesome t- shirt, sporting the "Angry Unicorn" that you may remember from github error pages. i hope some of you might like it as well:
2010 Jun 24
Wine on Windows (via opengl32.dll)
Hello! I'm trying to replace "default" Direct3D7 implementation with gorgeous Wine software (ddraw.dll/wined3d.dll). However initialization brings surprises. wined3d.dll tries to load opengl32.dll (it's correct I suppose). opengl32.dll calls GetSystemMetrics from user32.dll (it's probably correct) user32.dll tries to use ddraw.dll to calculate some parameters. Maybe
2011 Sep 27
Platinum Blu-Ray Defeat the World
I ordered the Limited Edition Diamond Collector's Set,because I'm a big Disney dvd ( I was blown away by how nice the set really is. The box is lined in velvet with gold embossments. The lithographs are of pencil animation, so you get to see all of the animator's original pencil lines.
2016 Sep 30
CentOS on new Thinkpads
On 9/29/2016 5:55 PM, Michael B Allen wrote: > It seems optical drives are gone. Do I boot the iso from USB or what's > the procedure now? yup, put iso on USB, go to town. > Generally seeking new laptop advice. If Lenovo is not good is anyone > using Toshiba? I have not much cared for Lenovo since IBM sold out to them. I've been generally quite happy with business grade