similar to: eager loading and polymorphic associations

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "eager loading and polymorphic associations"

2008 Apr 21
Eager Loading Polymorphic Associations
Hi, I''m searching for a method of eager loading polymorphic associations under activerecord 2.0.2. After some initial google-fu I came up with a link to an enhancement that''s been added to edge: Anyone have any idea how long that might take to work its way into a general release? I''m early in development now so I can afford to
2006 Mar 31
Eager loading of polymorphic associations
Polymorphic associations work great until I try to do some eager loading through :include. In my example, the interface name is ":imagehaver". Here''s my little eagerly loading find line: Image.find(params[:id], :include => :imagehaver) All it gives me is an ActiveRecord::EagerLoadPolymorphicError with no further explanation. I haven''t been able to dig up anything
2008 Apr 23
Bug in eager loading and polymorphic associations?
Hi friends, i''m usgin the edge version because i need eager loading on polymorphic associations support, but i see this: Message.find(:first, :include => :owner) #This generate this query: SQL (0.000072) SET SQL_AUTO_IS_NULL=0 Message Load (0.000389) SELECT * FROM `messages` User Load (0.001070) SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE ( IN (1,2)) And this Message.find(:first,
2006 May 24
migrations and SQLite
I read in the instructions of Tracks that "upgrading via the rake migrate command is quite a bit more tricky currently with SQLite and SQLite3". Is there any gotcha regarding migrations and SQLite3? -- fxn
2006 Mar 26
Eager loading and polymorphic association
Hi all, Is it possible to do "eager loading" with polymorphic associations ? Ex : I have a Page model that acts as taggable. When I do Page.find(:all), I would like to retrieve all tags associated with a page. Thanks, Thomas. -- Posted via
2006 Mar 19
elemental race conditions question
What''s the standard way to prevent race conditions in controllers? Say user has many posts. Post controller has action add_post that receives user id, post controller find()s the user and while he is creating the post entry an administrator deletes that user in a separate session. We cannot assume the database checks foreign key integrity. How do you get that right? -- fxn
2006 Apr 05
when is model() needed?
I have just some vague and thus probably wrong ideas about when to use model() in controllers, and by now I err on being redundant. I don''t post them here to avoid leaving anything that may be false in the archives. Can anyone explain exactly in which cases one should use model()? -- fxn
2006 Feb 19
is "display" a reserved name of some sort?
A view display.rhtml sees no controller state variables set in the corresponding display action. Why? -- fxn
2006 Feb 15
where to set $KCODE
My application uses only UTF-8. Which is the canonical place to do something global like setting $KCODE? -- fxn
2006 Feb 19
distributing iconv.dll
I would like to distribute Iconv for Windows with my Rails application (developing on a Mac, no experience with dlls). I threw iconv.dll and charset.dll under lib without luck. Where would I need to put them (if this is possible at all)? -- fxn PS: The reported error message is in Spanish but translated reads something like "the specified process was not found: Init_iconv".
2006 Feb 11
after_(read|find) callback?
I am pondering the possibility of encrypting/decrypting some fields in a SQLite backend on-the-fly. The point of the message is not security, I know that''s broken, but whether there''s a technique that provides on-the-fly save/read filters. Of course the solution would need to work transparently in joins, so user.posts.last.title would do the right thing if title
2006 Jul 31
Patch for #3438: Eager loading doesn''t respect :order of associations
Hello all, I still have a patch for #3438 (eager loading doesn''t respect association orders); it passes all unit tests, and has additional unit tests with full coverage. The patch is attached. == The Bug == Author.find(1).posts != Author.find(1, :include => [:posts]).posts if Author has_many :posts, :order => anything. This means that either one must avoid eager loading or
2010 May 07
Can't eagerly load a polymorphic association defined in an STI parent class?
If I define an association (in my case a polymorphic one) in an STI parent class, and try to eagerly load it in a subclass, I get the following error: ActiveRecord::ConfigurationError: Association name ''myassoc'' was not found; perhaps you misspelled it? If I redefine the same association again in the STI subclass, it works. Is this a bug or what? -- You received this message
2011 May 03
Database performance for polymorphic associations under high load
Hey guys, I''ve been thinking lately about polymorphic associations, and I wonder: is there a noticeable or tangible performance "hit" from doing polymorphic associations when you''ve got your database under really high query load? So for example, maybe I have a "message" model, a "user" model and an "administrator" model, without any
2006 Jul 26
Polymorphic Associations: dynamic finders
Is there any sort of dynamic finder for polymorphic associations? For example if I had: class InviteNode < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :inviteable, :polymorphic => true end I would like to be able to search by: InviteNode.find_by_inviteable(some_object) instead of having to do: InviteNode.find_by_inviteable_id_and_inviteable_type(, obviously I
2006 Feb 04
What''s the best way to embed a form?
I would like to embed my login form on my app''s home page. What''s the best way to render the login action of member controller from another action? Thanks Frank --------------------------------- Relax. Yahoo! Mail virus scanning helps detect nasty viruses! -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2006 Feb 10
[Req] polymorphic associations howto
Hi people, I''m looking into polymorphic associations as a way to cleanup some messy parts of my code. I think they will allow me to do exectly what I need, but since there''s little to none written on this subject, I''d be delighted if someone could shed some light on this. Especially what the different options and needed table structures need to be. Thanks, -
2008 Apr 11
polymorphic associations wrong when used with inherited class?
Consider the following: class Event belongs_to :event_object, :polymorphic => true end class Asset < ActiveRecord::Base end class EventedAsset < Asset has_one :event, :as => :event_object end EventedAsset.find(:first).event generates the following SQL: SELECT * FROM `events` WHERE (events.event_object_id = 1 AND events.event_object_type = ''Asset'') LIMIT 1
2007 Jan 27
Polymorphic Associations or not
Hey, I am starting my store application again for the 3rd time, I am just trying to get eveything right so that I don''t come up with any more complex problems later. Hopefully someone can steer me in the right direction. I have a store that sells lots of types of product. e.g. CDs, T-Shirts, DVD Each product type has different associations. Cds - multiple artists, multiple genres,
2006 Jul 10
Polymorphic associations in reverse?
My app has an association that''s got me scratching my head. I have Users, and Images. A User has many Images. (Yes, another picture sharing app, but it''s for a small niche, and it doesn''t end in -r!) I would like to express a "Favorite" relationship between both Users to Users, and Users to Images. This seems like the opposite of the standard