similar to: pasenger does not start puppet master under nginx

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "pasenger does not start puppet master under nginx"

2012 Dec 10
puppet master REST API returns 403 when running under passenger works when running from command line
Hi! Everyone, puppet agent is not able to fetch any files, plugins or post catalog, reports to the master. both puppet agent and master are on version 3.0.l, passenger version 3.0.18 , nginx version: nginx/1.3.9 built by gcc 4.4.6 20120305 (Red Hat 4.4.6-4) (GCC) TLS SNI support enabled configure arguments: --prefix=/apps/nginx --conf-path=/apps/nginx/nginx.conf
2011 Jul 08
Puppetmaster setup with separate CA server configuration help
Hi All, I am setting up puppetmaster with nginx and passenger and separating the Puppetmaster primary CA server. I have 3 host loadbalancer01 - Nginx doing LB on IP address and also running puppetmaster with passenger under (port 8140). primaryca - Puppetmaster Primary CA pclient - Puppet Client The did the following steps: On Primary CA server: ---------------------------- cd
2013 May 30
Could not request certificate: Error 405 on SERVER
Hi all, I have experience using puppet, however I am new to setting puppet up as it was already done for me in past environments. I am running into an issue while trying to set puppet up for the first time on RHEL 6.4. I was hoping y''all might be able to help me! I get the following error from the puppet client''s /var/log/messages log: May 30 07:06:30 pclient
2013 Jul 23
Debugging Puppetmaster with Apache/Rack/Passenger
Hi, I''m currently trying to debug a performance issue I''m having. Therefore I would need "DEBUG" output. When using one puppetmaster process, this is fairly easy by starting it like this: > puppet master --no-daemonize --debug Now I need to see this debug output when running puppetmaster the way I ususally do - using Apache/Rack/Passenger. After looking
2013 Feb 06
Certificate nightmares
I think I really hosed my certificates somehow this morning trying to get PuppetDB and Puppet talking again -- here''s where I stand. My Puppet master and PuppetDB are again talking, or at least, aren''t complaining about communication. From my puppet master, I can run "puppet agent -t", and it runs just fine. From any other node on which puppet had been running, I
2012 Oct 02
Puppet 3.0: Not authorized to call find on /file_metadata, more issues?
I''ve seen mention of this error in several places, with different causes. So before I posted here, I attempted to resolve this on my own. I corrected the change from puppet:///files to puppet:/// in my manifests *.pp files. No changes were made to the auth.conf file, and I did note in the ChangeLog that: Auth.conf differentiates between names and IPs – There’s a new allow_ip
2013 Aug 30
Could not find certificate Error: header too long
I''m having a strange issue: A new machine created this morning showed thi error: ON PUPPET AGENT [root@wso2greg ~]# puppet agent --environment=production --verbose --no-daemonize --debug Debug: Puppet::Type::User::ProviderUser_role_add: file rolemod does not exist Debug: Puppet::Type::User::ProviderPw: file pw does not exist Debug: Failed to load library ''ldap'' for
2011 Oct 06
More cloud provisioner stuff
I''m still having some issues with cloud provisioner. I have a fresh install of provisioner, .60rc1, puppet 2.7.3, and dashboard 1.2.0. Everything has a very default install as described in the documentation. I was unable to get bootstrap to work, so I did things in a linear fashion (create, install, classify). Classify is failing and theres not really any good debug info, I just get
2011 Feb 15
Puppetmasterd not receiving certificate request
Hi: I''m trying to configure Puppet on Ubuntu, and strangely I am never able to generate a certificate because my server never shows any pending certificate requests. Put differently, on the server I am running puppetmasterd and on the client I am able to connect to the server, but the client continues printing notice: Did not receive certificate warning: peer certificate
2011 Jun 13
puppet clients
I''ve gone over the documentation several times now and I can''t figure out how to ''apply'' a manifest to a client. The client does have a signed certificate but the only thing in the /etc/puppet folder on the client is an ssl directory. I have a manifest that works fine on the puppet ''master'' I have added the client into
2011 Jul 22
Random error in the recovery catalog
Hello, I randomly errors like this: Fri Jul 22 09:01:41 +0000 2011 //SERVER.fqdn/Puppet (err): Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: end of file reached Fri Jul 22 09:01:41 +0000 2011 //SERVER.fqdn/Puppet (notice): Using cached catalog Fri Jul 22 09:01:41 +0000 2011 //SERVER.fqdn/Puppet (err): Could not retrieve catalog; skipping run Here are the versions: puppetmaster
2012 Feb 29
Private key troubles after a new install and a reboot
Ok, I''m new to puppet, but I''ve got everything working for my setup. Almost. I''m trying to set up a new server, using cobbler, and then puppet. CentOS 6.2 Puppet 2.7.11 Cobbler 2.0.11 I have things set up so I can use kickstart to install the server on boot. It installs puppet and facter from the puppetlabs repos and the snippet
2012 Nov 13
400 permission denied error
I''m just getting started with puppet and there''s something I can''t get working. I have a client/agent setup at the moment. When running puppet agent for the first time, I get the following error: puppet agent --test dnsdomainname: Unknown host Error: Could not request certificate: Error 400 on SERVER: Permission denied - /etc/puppet/auth.conf My auth.conf looks
2013 May 15
Puppet 3.2.0-0.1rc2.el6 SSL problem
I am having an issue adding new clients to puppet. The master is not accepting connections from unauthenticated clients, even though my auth.conf that worked with v3.1.1 has not changed. If I test ssl via curl -k, the puppet master returns "can''t convert nil into String" to the client. The http log on the master shows a 400 return code. Also note, I''m using
2010 Oct 19
client won't use remote file bucket
Hi all, I''m having a stupid moment getting a remote file bucket working. My client only file buckets locally, not remotely. I have this site.pp: ********* filebucket { "main": server => "puppet" } File { backup => "main" } node ''default'' { include test } ********* and this test module: ********* class test { file {
2010 Oct 20
puppetd 0.25.4 with puppetmaster 0.24.8?
Our puppetmaster runs 0.24.8 on Ubuntu 9.10. Our clients are either Ubuntu 9.10 or Ubuntu 8.04. We''ve just brought up our first Ubuntu 10.04 machine. This machine installs puppetd 0.25.4. The Ubuntu 10.04 machine can''t seem to present it''s certificate request properly. In my masterhttp.log, I see [2010-10-20 13:09:06] - -
2010 Jun 09
Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: certificate verify failed
Hi guys, I''m trying to setup my first puppet installation and I''m running into problems. I''ve got the puppetmaster running on a fresh install of Centos 5.4. The puppet client is also on another Centos 5.4 server. Once I''ve signed the client certificate on the puppetmaster, the client seems to break. See below for the debug output from the client. Any clue as
2012 Feb 09
Puppet master can not find file_metadata for my puppet module
Hello, I am running a puppet master version 2.7.5 on Centos 5.7 and a puppet agent version 2.7.5. I am simply trying to apply changes to files by defining a file resource in my manifest. When I execute my puppet agent to do the installation it complains it can not find the file meta data. Here is my manifest. class neospeech::config { file { "/usr/vwmrcpd/vwmrcpd/vwmrcpd":
2014 Oct 29
Right way to install phpMyAdmin through Nginx and PHP-FPM
First I know this is not a list for PHP or Nginx setup or something else but I'll give it a try and ask here for support I'm running a new server with PHP 5.5.18 and Nginx 1.6.2 through FPM/FastCGI. The server is working fine since I have other websites running on it. Now I'm trying to configure phpMyAdmin and I tried this: * 1. *Create a file under
2010 Feb 19
Strange messages on 0.25.4.
Hi all. I am testing 0.25.4 to upgrade from 0.23.2. In testing, I found two strange messages on 0.25.4 which I have never found on 0.24.3. So could you tell me what these messages mean and how to fix them. [Environment] Puppetmasterd -version : 0.25.4 -OS : Solaris10 10/09 Puppetd -version : same as Puppetmasterd -OS : same as Puppetmasterd [Strange messages] 1.When Puppetd