similar to: "Could not evaluate: Not a directory" errors with pluginsync

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: ""Could not evaluate: Not a directory" errors with pluginsync"

2008 Jan 03
modules and parser plugins: function unknown
Hi, We are totally sold on Pupet (what a nice concept) and are trying to setup a proof-of-concept. We are trying to learn a bit from other people''s work by integrating external modules. One of the modules we wanted to start with was the ''ntp'' module from David Schmitt. It clearly uses some functionalities from the ''common'' module, which we also
2010 Apr 01
pluginsync in 0.25
Seeing an error that I didn''t get in .24 since my recent upgrade today. I have pluginsync set to true, my fileserver conf is pointing to /etc/puppet/plugins and my config file is using the default pluginsource of puppet://puppet/plugins yet the client fails saying it can''t find it. Did the behaviour change in .25 from .24? [puppetd] pluginsync = true pluginsource =
2013 Mar 15
pluginsync trouble over SRV lookups
Hi folks, When using SRV lookups (over 2 puppetv3.1.1/RHEL6 masters), does anyone know why the "pluginsync" fails to sync at irregular intervals ? I am using "pluginsync = true" and "pluginsource=puppet:///plugins" on my puppet-clients(3.1.1/RHEL6). Yet I get failures such as "Error: Could not set ''file'' on ensure: Error 404 on SERVER: Could
2011 Jul 01
pluginsync fails to load custom facts or providers
possibly related to (or the same as) issues 4830 and 2244, i''m getting errors when adding a custom fact and provider to a module to propagate to clients. am i missing something here? i tried the workaround of adding a fileserver.conf to the master (referenced below and in the tickets) with no change. thanks for any help. here''s a pile of details: puppetmaster 2.6.9 is running
2012 Mar 08
Different behavior for pluginsync between "puppet agent --test" and "service puppet start"
I''ve got 3 custom facts configured within a couple of modules and am using pluginsync to sync them to the clients. My clients are CentOS 5.7. If I run "puppet agent --test -v", I get the following output and the custom facts get loaded and I can use those facts in my module classes: info: Loading downloaded plugin /var/lib/puppet/lib/facter/oraclehome.rb info: Loading
2008 May 30
pluginsync factsync etc
Hi, When starting puppet on a new machine, (or when the $vardir/lib is empty) puppet will not run the facts, it will only copy them. on the second time puppet runs, it works quiet well: on the client its defined: [main] pluginsync = true pluginsource = puppet://$server/plugins plugindest = $vardir/lib/puppet factpath = $vardir/lib/puppet/facter [puppetd] factsync = true I also tried with
2012 Jul 09
Custom ruby modules/classes, standard namespacing, pluginsync, etc.
still pretty new to Ruby, please bare with me :) Say I have a module with a custom type, structured like so: [modules]/mymodule/manifests/init.pp [modules]/mymodule/lib/puppet/provider/mytype/foo.rb [modules]/mymodule/lib/puppet/type/mytype.rb In foo.rb, I''d like to call some custom ruby functions in a module and/ or class. These are generic functions that may be used in other modules,
2007 Nov 13
require metaparameter and gems
I tried to install the ''mongrel'' gem tonight via puppet in an attempt to migrate from webrick to mongrel as described on the puppet site[1]. I added the following to my manifest: package { "rubygems": ensure => installed; "mongrel": ensure => installed, provider => gem, require => Package["rubygems"]; }
2011 Mar 05
err: Could not run Puppet configuration client: Parameter require failed: No title provided and "" is not a valid resource reference
Both the server and the client in this example are running 2.6.5: One class seems to be causing the error: debug: Value of ''preferred_serialization_format'' (pson) is invalid for report, using default (b64_zlib_yaml) debug: report supports formats: b64_zlib_yaml marshal raw yaml; using b64_zlib_yaml /var/lib/gems/1.8/gems/puppet-2.6.5/lib/puppet/resource.rb:396:in
2011 Oct 12
Could not evaluate: Field 'key' is required when exporting ssh_authorized_keys
I seem to have a weird error when trying to collect ssh keys and installing them on our backup server. On all hosts I have: @@ssh_authorized_key { "root@$fqdn": type => ssh-rsa, key => $rootsshkey, tag => ''host'', user => backups, } Then on my backup server I have: Ssh_authorized_key <<| tag == ''host''
2010 Sep 07
Could not evaluate: No ability to determine if ... exists
Hi, What does this error mean? Sep 7 17:15:54 racey puppet-agent[3291]: (/Stage[main]/Sysctl/Sysctl[kernel.shmmax]) Could not evaluate: No ability to determine if sysctl exists I don''t know where to start looking. If I should post my configuration, please let me know. Best regards, Martijn.
2012 Dec 06
Any advice on how to debug Could not evaluate: Puppet::Util::Log requires a message
Hi! all of a sudden my puppet runs started to spew out this mysterious message on the most basic of use of Package resource: err: /Stage[main]/Hadoop_gateway_node/Hadoop::Client[hadoop client]/Package[hadoop-doc]: Could not evaluate: Puppet::Util::Log requires a message Does anybody have a clue of what it could be? Or at least how can I go about debugging what''s wrong? I''m
2013 Oct 17
Error: Could not evaluate: invalid comparator for command get
Hello, I use saz/ssh module to config ssh server. Here is part of my manifese file: ssh::server::configline{ ''AllowGroups'': ensure => ''present'', value => $allowgroups } ssh::server::configline{ ''AllowUsers'': ensure => ''absent'', } But it report error after perform this change. Here is the error message: Info:
2011 May 03
Could not evaluate: Cannot write SSH authorized keys without user
I just installed puppet on an ubuntu natty narwhal desktop and I''m getting the following error on one of my puppet classes: notice: //myclass/Ssh_authorized_key[adminuser]/ensure: created err: //myclass/Ssh_authorized_key[adminuser]: Could not evaluate: Cannot write SSH authorized keys without user ssh_authorized_key { "adminuser": ensure => present,
2012 Aug 06
Could not evaluate: Could not retrieve information from environment production source(s) for one module, for other is ok
Hi, I have been fighting this issue without success for several days. I am sure some of you have dealt with something similar: I have 2 manifest one for vim which works like a charm : class vim { if $operatingsystem == "Debian" { package {"vim": ensure => present, } package
2012 Jan 11
augeas error: Could not evaluate: unknown error - Failed to initialize Augeas
Hi, I am running puppet 2.6.12 on a SLES11SP1 server. I get the following error message as part of the puppet catalog run on a SLED11SP1 client. Augeas[sap_host_entries](provider=augeas): Opening augeas with root /, lens path , flags 0 err: /Stage[main]/Sap/Augeas[sap_host_entries]: Could not evaluate: unknown error - Failed to initialize Augeas Can somebody shed some light on the error
2009 Dec 03
Could not retrieve catalog
Hello all, I''m running puppet for the first ime. I''ve finished the install but I''m stuck at the certificate part. The puppet master (0.24.4-3) is running on Ubuntu Lenny and the puppet client (0.24.8-4.el5) is running on CentOS 5.3. After the install, from the client side, I''ve run: puppetd --server --waitforcert 60 --test On the
2010 Apr 05
Problem syncing custom fact
I am trying to get a custom fact to sync. The fact is in a module. It will sync if I run puppet with "--pluginsync" but not otherwise. I have "pluginsync=true" in my puppet.conf. Shouldn''t the command line option and puppet.conf option have the same results? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group.
2012 Jul 31
$concat_basedir not defined
Hey folks, I am using puppet for some OpenStack deployments and on a new node things look pretty good right until after the successful reception of a cert from the puppet master. I get this error: err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: $concat_basedir not defined. Try running again with pluginsync enabled at
2013 Oct 30
Warning: Local environment: "42A" doesn't match server specified node environment "production", switching agent to "production"
Hi, When I run puppet agent --test --environment 42A, I have the following warning : Warning: Local environment: "42A" doesn''t match server specified node environment "production", switching agent to "production". ... The puppet manifest for the environment "42A" isn''t applied. The puppet version is 3.3.1-1puppetlabs1 on agent and