similar to: Vunerable shell scripts

Displaying 6 results from an estimated 6 matches similar to: "Vunerable shell scripts"

2020 May 31
Simple backup of maildir folder
On 29 May 2020, at 23:49, Admin Beckspaced <admin at> wrote: > I also have maildir as mailbox format and use the following script to do daily backups > > A couple of notes on this quite useful script: My mktemp does not support -p (FreeBSD 12.1) is I had to change the script to: DIR_TEMP=$($MKTEMP_COMMAND -d $TMP_FOLDER
2011 Apr 13
strategy for writing out file with lines header initiated with comment sign
Dear all, I have data.frame object in R. I want to export it in tab-delimited file with several lines of header initiated with comment sign (#). I do not know how to do that in R. Could you please give helps on this problem? Thanks in advance. Best, Jian-Feng, ################################################################## The lines I want to write in the header lines look like, with words
2012 Apr 09
Need to split long lines in mail archives
CentOS-6.2 I am investigating how to split long lines present in a Mailman generated html archives. Mailman places the email bodies within <pre></pre> tags and some users have MUAs that send entire paragraphs as one long line. I have looked at fmt and fold but these assume a pipeline from stdout to a fixed filename, which presumably is best done at the time of the original
2014 Oct 15
SSLv3 vunerability and Nautilus
CentOS-6.5 Apache httpd-2.2.15 We have a webdav folder accessible only by https. In conformance with the advisory we removed SSLv3 from the SSLProtocol directive of the Apache server on that webdav host, so that it now looks like this: SSLProtocol +TLSv1 Now I cannot connect to the webdav service from my gnome desktop. When I open the webdav folder I get a window with the following error
1998 Feb 05
vixie cron 3.0.1 continued
The problem with vixie cron is wider (and more funny) than I expected. Here''s my proggy which allows hiding files of any kind and size into crontab entries (remember, quota is ignored ;-): -- cron_put -- #!/bin/bash echo "Vixie cron 3.0.1 file storage - put utlility" echo "by Michal Zalewski <>" echo if [ "$1" = "" ];
1998 Feb 20
"not-so-dangerous symlink bugs" - a better look
Typical "[symbolic|hard] link bug" is a vunerability, which allows user X to overwrite files owned by Y (with useless portion of junk) when Y launchs buggy program. But this trivial (and often ignored) attack method can be easily turned into a cute, powerful weapon. Here''s an example how to perform advanced exploitation of gcc symlink bug (I choosen that one, because this