similar to: R CMD INSTALL warnings with conflicting imports

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1300 matches similar to: "R CMD INSTALL warnings with conflicting imports"

2008 Nov 03
possible tcltk event loop problem
Dear list members, Rich Heiberger reported to me last week that the Messages window in the Rcmdr GUI was freezing -- that is, messages posted to this window didn't appear -- under Windows and R 2.8.0. I was able to confirm this problem on three Windows systems, one using Vista and the other two XP. In each case, I used R 2.8.0 and Rcmdr 1.4-4 (the current version). The problem doesn't
2003 Nov 03
problem with fix() called from Rcmdr
Dear list members, I and my students have encountered an intermittent problem using the Rcmdr package (version 0.9-0) under Windows (with the SDI). The problem occurs both in versions 1.7.1 and 1.8.0 of R. The problem seems to occur only in the following context: The "Edit data set" button is pressed in the Rcmdr GUI. This executes the fix() function on the active data frame,
2003 Jun 06
stuck tcltk scrollbars under Windows XP
Dear R-devel list members, I've encountered a problem with my Rcmdr package under Windows XP and could use some advice: The Rcmdr package uses the tcltk package to create menus and dialog boxes. My standard procedure when a dialog is created is to grab the focus -- e.g., by tkfocus(top) tkgrab(top) (Here, top is a top-level window -- say, containing one or more scrollbars.)
2005 Mar 16
X11 Protocol error : BadWindow
All, I am using the tcltk package (under macos 10.3.8, running R from ESS, R 2.0.0). I am using tcltk libraries from fink: i tcltk 8.4.1-12 Tool Command Language and the Tk toolkit i tcltk-dev 8.4.1-12 Tool Command Language and the Tk toolkit i tcltk-shlibs
2009 Apr 14
disappearing dialog boxes when using tcltk
Dear all, I'm trying to use tcltk to build a small user-interface and couter the problem: It seems that sometimes the dialog box will be minimized automatically though I want it to be on top of the screen all the time. For example, when runing the following code, if you type in "a1", "a2", "a3", etc when being asked for an integer, the program is supposed to
2009 Aug 30
version 1.5-1 of Rcmdr package released
Dear R users, There is a new version (1.5-1) of the Rcmdr package. Here, from the CHANGES files, are changes since the last minor version (1.4-0) was released a year ago: ------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.4-1 o The following updated translations have been added: Catalan (thanks to Manel Salamero), French (thanks to Philippe Grojean), Japanese (thanks to
2008 Jul 18
Retrieving data from a tcl /tk function
Hello, I am sorry if this is an answered question, but I did my homework for a long while and couldn't figure out a way to retrieve data entry from a model dialog. In one of the examples compiled by James Wettenhall: odalDialog <- function(title, question, entryInit, entryWidth = 20, returnValOnCancel = "ID_CANCEL") { dlg <- tktoplevel() tkwm.deiconify(dlg)
2009 Oct 19
Problem with geometry manager in TclTK
Hello, everyone. I have the following problem with TclTk: I create some windows and want to change their position with geometry manage (sometimes they will be centered, sometimes not). If the toplevel is created and its dimensions are gathered via 'tkwinfo', I get (usually) correct values. However, if this window is created by a function (in the following example, by 'ask.format')
2007 Sep 19
Running tcltk From a batch file
Hi, I am trying to run some simple tktcl code.... ## in a file called test.R require(tcltk) tt <- tktoplevel() OK.but <- tkbutton(tt,text="OK",command=function()tkdestroy(tt)) tkgrid(OK.but) tkfocus(tt) Using a batch file with the command Rterm < test.R > testOutput.Rout --slave The GUI pops up but then disappears. The results in the test.Output.Routfile are > # Load
2012 Feb 24
tcl tk command function with arguments ??
Hello, I am using R 2.11.1 under Windows XP. I would like to know if its possible to use a function with arguments as a command in tcl tk. For example require(tcltk) PressedOK <- function() { tkmessageBox(message="You pressed OK!") } tt <- tktoplevel() OK.but <- tkbutton(tt,text="OK",command=PressedOK) tkgrid(OK.but) tkfocus(tt) the function PressedOK has no
2012 Nov 19
tcltk freezing using MS Windows for R-2.14+
I am the maintainer of a Bioconductor package (affylmGUI) which uses tcltk. It freezes inconsistently on MS Windows, but not Mac or Unix. see details below. After considerable testing I have reduced the problem from a few thousand lines of code to 30 lines! If you paste the following lines of code into an R window: testGUI <- function(){ require(tcltk) MainWindow <-
2006 Feb 10
tk mouse cursor icon widget tkwinfo tkfocus questions
1. I want to change the mouse cursor over my window into a wait/watch icon while R computes. Can this be done directly? Some ancient tcltk mailing lists said change the cursor over every widget in the window: foreach widget [winfo children $window] { $widget config -cursor watch } To do this I'll need a list of
2006 Mar 02
tcltk error when calling a dialog
Hello; I've got several radiobuttons in tcltk with the following sintaxis: tk2.rd <- /tkradiobutton(/frame4,command=plotDialog1,text="New Q plot", value=2, variable=OUTPLOTtclVar/)/ All the buttons call the same function "plotDialog1". With the objective of call a dialog to select some plotting options. When I select one of the radiobuttons and the windows with the
2009 Jul 09
Changing text in a tkentry widget
I searched the web and the list archives for a solution to this, but didn't see anything, so here goes. I'm new to tcltk. I'm trying to change the contents of a tkentry widget when a button is pressed. Once I get that working, the widget will be read only to the user. Here is some toy code: ############### require(tcltk) thisEnv=environment() tt<-tktoplevel() Name <-
2008 Mar 19
Radio Buttons or similars
Hello companions!!! I have a function that creates a Radio Buttons, and I need that this function return the selected value in the Radio Buttons. I would like that, if somebody know as I could return the value, you say me as do it. Next, I show the function function1<-function(){ require(tcltk) tt <- tktoplevel() rb1 <- tkradiobutton(tt) rb2 <- tkradiobutton(tt) rbValue <-
2005 Aug 31
tcl/tk return problem
Hello, I'm very new in working with tcl/tk in R and have a problem which will probably sound silly to most of you. Here is the code I have problems with: readcelfiles <- function() { require(tcltk) tt <- tktoplevel() tkgrid(tklabel(tt,text="Choose a directory!")) OnOK <- function() { fileDir<-tclvalue(tkchooseDirectory()) data.raw <-
2007 May 13
Dropdown boxes in tcltk and R
Hello, I'm very much a newbie in R and more so in tcltk so apologies if this question is stupid. Basically I am trying to use the combobox example found here: . What I want to do is in that example get fruitChoice as a variable in R in general. When I run that code, however, and the ask for fruitChoice it says
2008 Aug 19
Open directory within a menu in tcltk
Hello, I am trying to setup a menu to open files and directories. I have the following code: opendir<-function() { dirname<<-tclvalue(tkchooseDirectory()) } openfile<-function() { filename<<-tclvalue(tkgetOpenFile()) } require(tcltk) t1<-tktoplevel() topMenu<-tkmenu(t1) tkconfigure(t1,menu=topMenu) plotMenu<-tkmenu(topMenu, tearoff=FALSE)
2010 Jul 21
tcltk resizing when using tkgrid for layout
I've been able to figure out on my own how to do what I need in the largely undocumented tcltk package, but I've finally hit a wall. I can't even think of any sufficiently specific search terms to use for this. I'm trying to make the widgets in my tk window resize when the window is resized by clicking and dragging on its corners or edges. Instead they stay exactly where they
2004 Apr 14
Passing a pointer to .C() in Win32
Hi, Is there any way to pass an integer from R to C and have it cast as a pointer? # Win32 Example: library(tcltk) tt <- tktoplevel() hWndString <- tclvalue(tkwm.frame(tt)) # I'll avoid posting code to this function: source("") hWnd <- hexStringToDecimalInteger(hWndString) system32 <-