similar to: [Bug 2050] New: Support XDG basedir specification

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 600 matches similar to: "[Bug 2050] New: Support XDG basedir specification"

2013 Mar 26
Samba + ACLs: Can’t add group write permissions
Hi there, I?ve been trying to get my head around a problem I have with Samba. I?ve set up Samba 3.6.13 on a Raspberry Pi with Arch Linux ARM on it and let it serve a couple of folders from an attached external ext4 drive mounted to /srv/cifs (of course with the "acl" option enabled). I?ve been trying to create a share that is read-writable for all members of a particular UNIX user
2011 May 27
Can't install RedCloth gem, fails to compile
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Hi there, I''m trying to install the RedCloth gem on my Arch Linux (64bit) system, but hadn''t had success yet, RedCloth doesn''t seem to compile. Here''s the installation output: ====================================== $ LANG=en_US.utf8 sudo gem install RedCloth Building native extensions. This could take a while...
2009 May 05
kghostview and xdg-open. Need to fix problem across whole system
In Centos 5.3, a bad problem has surfaced in user land. We want to use either Evince or Adobe acroread as the pdf view, but the update of kdegraphics has somehow screwed up these systems so that the odious, horrible, awful pdf viewer kghostview is used. It is what you get when you doubleclick on pdf files, it is what programs get when they try to use xdg-open framework. This happens even though
2008 Feb 11
Use xdg-open ?
Hi, are there any plas to implement xdg-open feature along with old "hardcode" style ? Not all people likes to use xpdf or firefox, switching to xdg-open would be a great enchancement. Cheers. -- Regards, TPG - MandrivaLinux's contributor _ ( ) X ascii ribbon campaign - against html e-mail / \ - against proprietary attachments
2024 Feb 02
Adding XDG BDS paths *as fallbacks only*, not replacing ~/.ssh
2 February 2024 at 12:37, "Damien Miller" <djm at> wrote: > > No, sorry. This has been discussed extensively before, leading to the > > most uncivil discussion our bugtracker has ever seen and the only > > permanent user bans I've ever had to implement. Myself and the other > > developers have zero desire to relitigate this and no
2024 Feb 02
Adding XDG BDS paths *as fallbacks only*, not replacing ~/.ssh
On Fri, 2 Feb 2024, 90 wrote: > Since I can't help but feel like my previous email is already being flat-out ignored, I would just like to reiterate: > > - I am not asking for ~/.ssh to stop being used. > - I am happy to contribute this myself with the blessing of the devs. > > All I would like is to be able to move files within ~/.ssh to their appropriate XDG paths and
2011 Dec 23
Using xdg-open by default under Wine
Hello. Is there a way to make Wine use the xdg-open program by default when opening file types it does not know about? For example, I have XArchive with RAR support, but don't have WinRAR installed on Wine. I want to make Wine use xdg-open, which will call XArchive which in turn will use the `rar' program to operate on the file. Any help on this topic?
2024 Feb 02
Adding XDG BDS paths *as fallbacks only*, not replacing ~/.ssh
Since I can't help but feel like my previous email is already being flat-out ignored, I would just like to reiterate: - I am not asking for ~/.ssh to stop being used. - I am happy to contribute this myself with the blessing of the devs. All I would like is to be able to move files within ~/.ssh to their appropriate XDG paths and have OpenSSH continue to find these files without me needing to
2024 Feb 01
Request: Add XDG Base Directory paths as fallback locations
Hello. I'd like to preface this by saying that while this can be considered a feature request, I am more than happy to contribute a patch myself that would deliver this. I am aware that in the past there has been some hostility towards the suggestion to adhere to the XDG Base Directory Specification for OpenSSH and its various configuration files. For the record, I am not asking for any of
2011 Feb 06
Psych can't load LaTeX entities file
Hi there, I wanted to use RedCloth with my RubyOnRails 3 application, but it seems that RoR uses 1.9.2''s Psych by default as the YAML parser if available, and Psych fails to load the LaTeX entities file: ==================================================================== #ruby -v: ruby 1.9.2p136 (2010-12-25 revision 30365) [x86_64-linux] irb(main):001:0> Dir.pwd =>
2010 Sep 09
Wx::Grid and motion events, bug?
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Hi there, Doesn''t a Wx::Grid get motion events sent? This code demonstrates the problem: - -------------------------------------------------------------- #!/usr/bin/env ruby #Encoding: UTF-8 require "wx" class MyFrame < Wx::Frame include Wx def initialize(parent = nil) super(parent, title: "Test", size:
2011 Sep 01
wxRuby wiki has been vandalized Is there any way to restore it? -- Posted via
2011 Feb 14
Sendmail and Dovecot deliver (dovecot-lda)
Hi, I have a Centos 5 system with sendmail running as my MTA. Normally I note from sendmail logs that mails get delivered using the 'local' mailer. I have therefore entered the following into my file, from an earlier post on this list: define(`LOCAL_MAILER_PATH',`/usr/libexec/dovecot/deliver') define(`LOCAL_MAILER_FLAGS',`DFMPhfnu9')
2011 Sep 17
vfs_shadow_copy2 doesn't seem to work with basedir of /
Hi all, I'm using the VFS sbadow_copy2 module, and I think I've hit a bug. This config works: mattcen at adam:SambaTest$ cat works3/smb.conf [SambaTest] comment = SambaTest writable = yes path = /srv/SambaTest/share #vfs objects = shadow_copy vfs objects = shadow_copy2 shadow:snapdir = /mnt/dates shadow:basedir = /srv mattcen
2005 Dec 22
Ruby on Rails and lookup tables
Hi, I''m a newbie on both Ruby and Ruby on Rails, and I''m struggling with my first app. I have a table with a column called "employee_id" which is a foreing key associating it with the "employees" table. I have populated both tables. When I run "ruby script/generate scaffold <model name> <controller>" it generates a web page with all
2011 Oct 06
WxRuby refresh from a long running function
Hi All, This is my first post and I am a complete (well almost complete) noob at WxRuby. I have programmed in Ruby for a while, but now I am trying my hand at a GUI base program running on Windows. There is quite a bit of serial communication between the app and a external device. The problem I am facing is a function call that takes a long time to complete before returning to WxRuby.
2008 Nov 18
Problem with the Linux R 2.8.0 rpm for 64 bit REL 4
Hi, I am trying to update my version of R on Centos 4. $uname -a Linux 2.6.9-78.0.5.ELsmp #1 SMP Wed Oct 8 07:06:30 EDT 2008 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux I tried to update the current version of R (2.6.2) which was installed locally as an rpm $R --version R version 2.6.2 (2008-02-08) Copyright (C) 2008 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing ISBN 3-900051-07-0 I used yum to
2016 Oct 20
Has anyone figured out how to make Firefox 45.4.0 on CentOS 6 use xdgurl to handle xdg:// URLs? Google is full of suggestions that don't work. When I select a an xdg:// link I don't get a dialog asking me what to do like Google says I will. Instead I get a message that says Firefox doesn't have a clue how to handle this URL. Do you want to try again? I tried about:config I added:
2016 Oct 21
On 10/20/16 07:06, James Pearson wrote: > Mark LaPierre wrote: >> Has anyone figured out how to make Firefox 45.4.0 on CentOS 6 use xdgurl >> to handle xdg:// URLs? >> >> Google is full of suggestions that don't work. When I select a an >> xdg:// link I don't get a dialog asking me what to do like Google says I >> will. Instead I get a message that
2017 Apr 04
[PATCH v2] builder: Don't hard-code /etc for configuration files.
Use ./configure --sysconfdir setting. --- builder/ | 2 +- mllib/ | 1 + 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/builder/ b/builder/ index cbd9d4bd0..d7c4820bf 100644 --- a/builder/ +++ b/builder/ @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ let xdg_config_home () = let xdg_config_dirs () = let dirs = try Sys.getenv