similar to: trying to add another app

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "trying to add another app"

2006 Sep 07
Multiple rails apps with Mongrel
I''m trying to set up several different Rails apps on the same domain, each one running Mongrel. After reading all of the documentation, it''s fairly clear how to use subdomains - create several Apache virtual hosts, each of which has a different ProxyPass and ProxyPassReverse command to redirect from different ports (ie, 3000, 3100), and then have each Mongrel instance (or
2006 Nov 13
Service Temporarily Unavailable when using apache
hey all, I''m trying to do a mongrel_cluster+apache2 config. this is my testapp.conf: <VirtualHost *:80> Include /etc/apache2/conf.d/testapp.common # ErrorLog logs/testapp_errors_log # CustomLog logs/testapp_log combined </VirtualHost> this is my testapp.common: ServerName DocumentRoot /home/patcito/testapp/public/ <Directory
2006 Dec 21
my apache 2.2 conf
I just finished updating our internal site, which hosts multiple Rails apps, to Apache 2.2.3. It also has a TWiki rewritten into the root, ViewVC mounted on /cvs, and /server-status and /server-info. <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName ServerAlias int CustomLog /var/www/logs/ combined ErrorLog /var/www/logs/ [...]
2006 Aug 16
(no subject)
Hi everybody, We are developing several applications on a single server and I''m looking for a way to use mongrel with each of them. Right now, is being served on that machine through apache and mongrel. Here''s what a part of my apache config looks like: <Proxy balancer balancer://testappcluster> BalancerMember
2008 Jun 16
Apache rewrites with mongrel
I?m knew to rewrites on apache in combination with mongrelcluster. It?s urgend for me, because the server has an loadaverage about 10 :-((((( Ok so I?m using 3 mongrel-server on an mongrelcluster. The Loadbalancer ist apache I think, that my rewrites are not correct. Please can anybody check my rewrites ? That?s in my /etc/apache2/conf.d/rails.proxy_cluster.conf <Proxy
2007 Jan 30
Update for thread: Multiple rails apps with Mongrel
Hi, I found another way to throw multiple rails apps under a single domain like: changes here... mongrel.html Tony
2006 Jul 23
Mongrel, Apache 2.2, Rails question. HELP!
Sorry to bother you with a Rails "newbie"-like question, but I have been tearing my hair out for a couple of days with the deployment scenario I am trying to setup. I use a service provider that supports multiple domains via Virtual Hosts. I have all the software installed and "working". I want to deploy two apps under my domain and have the following in my .conf file:
2006 Nov 04
[ Rails ] Multiple rails apps on 1 host
Team, I''m trying to figure out how to run 2 rails apps on one host. I ran an experiment: cd /tmp/ rails app1 rails app2 cd app1 script/server rails put a copy of lighttpd.conf in /tmp/app1/config/ and then started lighttpd http://localhost:3000 gave me the splash page. I shutdown the server I added something to /tmp/app1/config/lighttpd.conf server.modules = (
2010 Apr 14
sshd sending eof to peer instead of SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_CLOSE.
I am using the ssh port forwarding feature. My configuration is as follows: On my server machine, running sshd, and app1. On my client machine, running ssh (client) and app2. The client connects to the server requesting remote port forwarding from port X on the server machine to port Y on the client machine. app2 is listening on port Y on the client machine. app1 connects to port X
2013 Mar 08
hiera / create_resources / define
I''m trying to use create_resources to create a series of files with semi-custom content based on a template. This is what I have: foo.conf.erb: Name "<%= name %>" WorkingDir "<%= working_dir %>" ... a bunch of static entries YAML: configs: config1: Name: app1 WorkingDir: /var/app1 config2: Name: app2 WorkingDir: /var/app2
2006 Jun 18
Problem using "rake db:migrate"
Hi all, I am facing a problem while using rails "migrate" feature for creating tables in a database. Following are the details. I have 2 applications say "app1" & "app2". I want both of them to use same database say "testdb". For "app1", I create 3 models which in turn create 3 migration files with prefix, 001_, 002_ & 003_. Now I
2006 Jun 21
multiple apps one virtual host one domain
I''m trying to achieve the following: Having a development server that runs multiple rails apps running wihout creating a different virtual host for each apps. my documentRoot is therefore /var/rails for my whole config http://myserver/app1/controller/action -> (/var/rails/app1/...) http://myserver/app2/controller/action -> (/var/rails/app2/...) I''m under apache 1.3 mod
2008 Jan 23
Apache, Mongrel, Authentication
A question about mongrel, apache and authentication. I''ve got a Rails site with I think a very typical setup: a mongrel cluster behind an Apache proxy. So Apache''s handling the static stuff and it hands off dynamic content to mongrel. I want to put the site temporarily behind Apache''s basic authentication. What I get when I do this is that is a password prompt which
2006 Aug 18
Lighttpd Conf Help - Multiple Domains Multiple Apps
Hi Guys, I hope someone can help me out. I am trying to configure two applications to run on lighttpd and each app will have its own domain. My machine is running on Fedora. When I run my lighttpd with the following conf file, I get no error but when I check out my app, it dishes out a 404 error- the 404 being served isn''t the 404 inside the railsapp/public folder. Do hope someone
2012 Sep 26
Puppet 2.7, hiera 1.0 and hiera as an ENC
This is the situation I have: All my hosts are the* same OS.* All my host are in the* same puppet environment,* so I cannot use %{environment} I have a module that sets all the *basic* functionality for the OS, resolution, authentication, security, packages, etc I have a module for each application hosted. At the moment all the ''data'' is in Puppet, mostly in parametrised
2007 May 02
2 Rails Applications sharing same login system
Hi i have 2 seperate rails applications. They both share the same login system. If someone is logged into application 1 then they should be able to start using application 2 without logging in again. I am unsure how to achieve this. I''ve a feeling i can somehow do it by telling both the apps to share a cookie, but i''m not sure. Does anyone know how to do this or has anyone
2009 Mar 02
new project at the same domain
Hi, just a quick question, is there a way how to run two apps on the same domain? Both for testing purposes. Thank you. P. -- Posted via --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to
2011 Jan 05
WINEPREFIX - some questions
hi there. I hope this is the right place for asking this. After reading through the information about WINEPREFIX in the FAQ and the User Manual, I've still got some questions left: I (hypotetically) want to create a new clean wine-environment, install the winetricks d3dx9 package into it, and then run three applications in it. Would the following commands be the right way to do it? Code:
2006 Aug 25
Multi apps in one Mongrel instance
Hi, It would be nice if Mongrel would do multiapps in one Mongrel instance. For the moment, I have one Mongrel for each app of my server, each on a different port. For example: http://server:8080/app1 http://server:8080/app2 instead of: http://server:8080/ http://server:8081/ Is that planned? Thanks. -jec -- JeSC - Software et Consulting Jean-Eric Cuendet Ing?nieur HES en
2006 Aug 16
mongrel lighttpd and ssl
I am wanting to one run instance of lighttpd, many many instances of mongrel. I also need ssl but only for one of my sites. I understand that Mongrel does not play with SSL so I am forced to use Lighttpd. I think that lighttpd only handles ssl or non-ssl on any given instance. Is there a way for me to accomplish my goal of one lighttpd with multiple mongrels and the occasional ssl connection? --