similar to: segfault in gplots::heatmap.2

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "segfault in gplots::heatmap.2"

2012 Aug 30
segfault in gplots::heatmap.2
Hi all, I am taking this over from r-help (see I experience a segfault when calling gplots::heatmap.2(), but only when certain other packages are loaded. I am not sure for the correct place to send this bug report. Should I send it to the package maintainers directly? If R-help is the wrong place, please feel free to direct me to
2014 Aug 15
leer ficheros excel en R en Ubuntu
offline? te lo envío a tu email, pq no creo que a toda la lista sea buena idea. El 15 de agosto de 2014, 9:47, Jorge I Velez <jorgeivanvelez en> escribió: > De nada, Miguel. Es posible que me envies el archivo offline? --JIV > > > > 2014-08-15 17:45 GMT+10:00 Miguel Fiandor Gutiérrez < > miguel.fiandor.gutierrez en>: > > Gracias
2014 Aug 15
leer ficheros excel en R en Ubuntu
Gracias Jorge por contestar tan rápido. Con gdata hago eso del path, y directamente con el fichero, lo vi en una web, y he intentado todas las opcioens que he visto. En vez de install.packages('rJava', type = 'source') he hecho install.packages('rJava') Ahora probaré, y lo mismo con scan y readLines. He visto en stackoverflow que mi problema puede ser actualizar java,
2014 Aug 15
leer ficheros excel en R en Ubuntu
Hola, @javier, me gustaría no tener que hacer nada de forma manual, ni por fuera de r, rstudio. Es decir, el típico comando de linux que me convierta de xls a csv prefiero no usarlo. Me gustaría hacerlo todo desde R. @jorge -> Con RODBC me salta -> Error: could not find function "odbcConnectExcel" Lo que creo que es inevitable en Ubuntu
2012 May 09
Can't read xlsx file into R. Seem, Seem to have XLConnect loaded.
I have spent hours on R in Windows 7. Just installed 2 days ago so the R package should be current. Currently I am using the RGui (64-bit) for Windows. I can not read an Excel file into R from my computer. Have hours on this. Completely crazy!! I have the XLConnect package loaded. I think it is loaded because when I enter: > loadedNamespaces() [1] "base"
2016 Apr 23
Java memory error when reading a small xlsx file
Hi, I tried to read a (small) xlsx file by "readWorksheetFromFile" function of "XLConnect" package and "read.xlsx" function in "xlsx" package, but I got this error message: Error: OutOfMemoryError (Java): Java heap space I tried to follow the solution on the web
2011 Jun 27
XLConnect Error
Any ideas of what is happening when I attempt to load XLConnect? I think I installed everything correctly. I posted what I get when I installed rJava as well as when I attempted to load rJava directly. Thanks in advance for any help you can give on this. library(XLConnect) Loading required package: XLConnectJars Loading required package: rJava Error : .onLoad failed in loadNamespace() for
2013 Nov 11
problem using rJava with parallel::mclapply
Dear all, I got an issue trying to parse excel files in parallel using XLConnect, the process hangs forever. Martin Studer, the maintainer of XLConnect kindly investigated the issue, identified rJava as a possible cause of the problem: This does not work (hangs): library(parallel) require(rJava) .jinit() res <- mclapply(1:2, function(i) {
2013 Jul 22
problem loading large xlsx file into r
Hi, I am facing trouble when trying to read large xlsx file into R. please find the code and error below. The file I was trying to read has 36,500 rows X 188 col, ~ 37 MB size. > options( java.parameters = "-Xmx4g" ) > library(xlsx) Loading required package: xlsxjars Loading required package: rJava > cftc =
2014 Aug 14
leer ficheros excel en R en Ubuntu
Hola, Pensé que esto iba a ser trivial en R, pero me estoy encontrado muchos con mi problema en internet, y que las soluciones ofrecidas no terminan de funcionar. Estoy intentando leer un fichero .xls en ubuntu con los siguientes paquetes y nada: require(RODBC) conn = odbcConnectExcel("madrid.xls") # open a connection to the Excel file sqlTables(conn)$TABLE_NAME # show all sheets df =
2012 Oct 09
Estimados. Encuentro el siguiente error pero no logro darme cuenta de cómo se resuelve o dónde está el inconveniente (el dir está ok): > library(gdata)> redes <- read.xls("Base_EncuentrosRedes.xls", sheet = "CAPS")Error en findPerl(verbose = verbose) : perl executable not found. Use perl= argument to specify the correct path.Error en file.exists(tfn) : argumento
2016 Jul 26
Exportar datos en formato de Excel
Hola. En mi caso, no he podido resolver los problemas con el Java para usar XLConnect, que en los papeles me parece el mejor. Supongo que algo de la arquitectura del sistema o bien de la relación entre el Java, el R y el RStudio. Así que utilizo library(openxlsx) write.xlsx(datos, file = "EDA1.xlsx") #donde datos es el objeto que quiero guardar. Requiere instalar el RTools, según tipo y
2013 Feb 28
conflict between rJava and data.table
Dear devel-listers, I found a conflct between rJava and data.table. Actually me questions is where to report it? Should I rather send it directly to the package maintainers or post it on some bug tracker. The problem is that data.table has a function called "J" and rJava uses the same quite intensively. I used the xlsx R package which depends on rJava to write .xls files and ran
2012 Aug 08
Cannot create Java virtual machine (-1)
All, I am trying to get the XLConnect package to work on one of my servers and I am getting an error that XLConnectJars cannot create the java virtual machine. The server is a 32-bit Windows Server 2003 machine with R 2.15.1. The version of Java installed on the server is J2SE Environment 5.0 update 8. I know this not the latest version of Java, and I will try to update it when I get
2024 Mar 15
write.xlsx error message
I think remember this error from trying to write an Excel file that already existed. If this file already exists, try to delete it and see, if this solves the issue. Besides that you're writing that you are "Using write.xlsx to extract data from an Excel file", write.xlsx() is to write an Excel file, not to read from it. Should be read.xlsx() then iirc. ? ? Gesendet:?Freitag, 15.
2016 Jul 26
Exportar datos en formato de Excel
Buenos días a todos! Estoy trabajando con una base de datos que directamente he descargado de internet y después de prepararla un poco necesito exportarla a Excel he intentando con las dos opciones que mencionaré al final pero ninguna funciona, de qué otra manera puedo exportar esos datos a Excel... muchas gracias por su ayuda y pronta respuesta! 1) library(xlsx) library(rJava)
2012 Oct 16
Problems with xlsx and rjava
Hi, I keep getting the below error regarding rJava which is required by package xlsx (I have used it in the past to directly import data from Excel 2010). I was on R version 2.15.0 when I was getting this error this morning. So I upgraded to 2.15.1 but still the same problem. I tried unstalling and reinstalling xlsx and even rJava directly from the source as indicated here:
2009 Jul 21
problem with heatmap.2 in package gplots generating non-finite breaks
I have written a wrapper for heatmap.2 called heatmap.w.row.and.col.clust which auto-generates breaks using breaks<-round((c(seq(from=(-20 * stddev), to=(20 * stddev))))/20, digits = 2) #(stddev in this case = 2.5) This has always worked well in the past but now I am getting an error that non-finite breaks are being generated. Drilling down, it seems that my wrapper is generating finite
2008 Nov 25
row labels in heatmap.2(package gplots)
Dear R users, I have a question regarding how to make row labels readable in a heat map. I have successfully made a heat map using function "heatmap.2" in the package "gplots". However, as there are many rows in the heat map, I have difficulties labeling them (heatmap.2 provides a parameter "labRow" to label the row names, but as I have too many rows, I can not make
2006 May 16
reordering materix presentation in heatmap.2 in the 'gplots' library
Dear R users, I'm trying to create images of 2 symmetrical matrices using heatmap.2 of the 'gplots' library. Both matrices have the same row and column names For the first matrix I'm using the default clustering and column denrogram options: heatmap.2(Matrix1, symm=T, breaks=20, col=rich.colors(19), main="matrix1","histogram",