similar to: network plot problem

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 600 matches similar to: "network plot problem"

2011 Mar 12
betareg help
Dear R users, I'm trying to do betareg on my dataset. Dependent variable is not normally distributed and is proportion (of condom use (0,1)). But I'm having problems: gyl<-betareg(cond ~ alcoh + drug, data=results) Error in optim(par = start, fn = loglikfun, gr = gradfun, method = method, : initial value in 'vmmin' is not finite Why is R returning me error in optim()? What
2011 Feb 21
difference in pairs ?
Dear all, I want to perform paired Wilcoxon signed ranks test on my data. I have pairs defined by ID and TIME variables. How can I calculate difference in variables q1, q2 in each pair? TIME ID q1 q2 1 1187 3 2 1 1706 3 3 1 1741 2 4 2 1187 3 2 2 1706 3 3 2 1741 2 4 Please, any clue! :) -- ************************** Vlatka Matkovic Puljic +32/ 485/ 453340 [[alternative HTML version
2010 Apr 21
median Q?
Hi, I have dataset n1 and v1 (years). when i ask median(year) [1] NA but if i put summary of dataset n1: summary(n1) R produces median (together with min/max/mean....) why it is so? -- ************************** Vlatka Matkovic Puljic 095/8618 171 [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 Apr 07
recoding variables-recode not working
Hi, I have numerical variable that I want to recode into categories '0' and '1 and more' and do analysis with that data. I have tried various of possibilities to do so, but I am sucked and nothing is working. recode(Q12, "0='A';1:30='B'") cut(Q12, breaks=c(0,1,30), lables=c('0', '1 and more')) cat(Q12, "0=0;1-33=1") What should
2010 Apr 21
calculating age from year of birth and date?
Hi, I have v1 (date of test) and v2 (year of birth). v1 v2 15.5.2008 88 18.6.2009 54 I want R to use only year in v1; and v2 see as 1988 and calculate age in v3. any ideas how to do that? -- ************************** Vlatka Matković Puljić 095/8618 171 [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2007 Oct 09
igraph and plotting connected components
Hello there, I am using the igraph package to build graphs from my data. If I plot a graph though, it's not easy for me to see what's going on. Does anybody know how to rearrange a graph to get a plot without too many crossing lines? Maybe other packages? Thanks a lot in advance for any pointers, -- D --------------------------------- [[alternative
2007 Oct 08
graph or svn
Hello all, I'm having a spot of trouble. I have made a very nice distance matrix from some comparison calculations. However, the matrix is 3096 x 3096, so it's relatively large. Currently I'm using the svn package as it seems to work for my data. The graph package errors and says the "adjacency matrix must be symmetric for undirected graphs". I though 3096 x 3096 was
2008 Jul 11
Hello I am a relatively new user of R and am struggling to use the 'network' package. I have a correlation matrix (produced using 'cor'), and want to draw a network where each item showing correlation above a threshold (say 0.5) is joined by a green line, and each item showing correlation below a threshold (say -0.5) is joined by a red line. Does anyone have any hints of how to
2009 Feb 26
layout of igraph
Dear R users, I am trying to draw a network using igraph package. I intend to place the hub nodes (the ones with the relatively more connection with other nodes) in the center of the graph. Also, the graph need to be in the fashion that the higher the correlation between two nodes is , the closer the two nodes will be. Is there any layout that can help or any other way to do this? Thanks in
2009 Mar 03
save the layout using igraph
Hi R users, I am using built-in functions in igraph package to draw networks . I need to compare several network with exactly the same structure but with edge hightlighted differently. I am wondering if there is a way to save the layout so that every graph will look the same as each other except for the colors of edges. Or is there any parameter I can set for this purpose?? Thanks in advance,
2011 Mar 28
Questions about 'igraph' package.......
I am using 'igraph' package to make some graphs of 'gene-gene interaction'. I can get a data.frame which has three columns. gene1 gene2 pvalue AGT MLR 1.2e-04 MLR 11BHSD1 1.71e-05 IFG2 11BHSD2 2.2e-07 . . . . . . . . . AGTR1 NPPA
2012 Oct 18
help finding edge connecting two nodes
I'm new to R and igraph and I was wondering if anybody can help me with the following. I want to find the edge weight between two vertices in a graph. My graph structure is defined by the normal ego (node1), alter (node2) and the weight of the edge between them. I know that I can get the weight for each of the edges in the list of edges that originate from node number 5 using
2007 Dec 20
factor manipulation: edgelist to a matrix?
Hello All, I have had considerable bad luck with attempting the following with for loops. Here is the problem: # Suppose we have a data.frame with the following data, which can be considered a type of edgelist (for those with networks backgrounds): # # V1 V2 # 1 A # 1 A # 1 B # 2 A # 3 C # 3 A # 3 C # 3 B # # I want the output of the function to produce a matrix, such that #each factor of
2011 Apr 09
Converting edgelist to symmetric matrix
Hi, I have network data in the form of a couple of edgelists containing weights in the format "x,y,weight" whereby x represents row header and y represents column header. All edgelists are based on links among 634 nodes and I need to convert them into a 634*634 weighted matrix. I searched for online help using possible keywords I know, but I could not find a clue how to do this in
2011 Jan 05
unique limited to 536870912
Hi I am using R with igraph to analyze an edgelist that is greater than the said amount. Does anyone know a way around this? Thanks Inder
2011 May 18
data network format and grouping analysis
Hi everyone, I have a dataset of friendship with this format: ego alter 4746 1 2 9742 1 3 14738 1 NA 4747 2 NA 9743 2 3 14739 2 1 4748 3 13 9744 3 5 14740 3 14 4749 4 NA 9745 4 NA 14741 4 NA 4750 5 NA 9746 5 13 14742 5 10 4751 6 12 9747 6 7 ... NA means that individuals don't select any
2003 Apr 22
Social Network Analysis and R
I'm interested in computing densities of a number of small ego-centred or local networks. I've installed both the R program and the sna package. My next task is importing the data into R. Our data was entered into Spss in an edgelist format in which each case specifies the link between an alter and an ego. For example: 10101 10102 1 10101 10103 3 10102 10104 2 10201 10203
2008 Mar 26
Latentnet Data Import
Hello everone, I am a computer science researcher in the UK - and have a quick question regarding importing data into R and more specifically latentnet. I am trying to import data such as a text file containing: (This is based on the Sampson data set) ----------- Network attributes: vertices = 3 directed = TRUE hyper = FALSE loops = FALSE multiple = FALSE total edges=
2012 Nov 19
R SNA: Creating a adjacency matrix containing all actors but only values of a subset
1 down vote favorite my problem is the following: I am using the R SNA package for social network analysis. Lets say, my starting point is an edgelist with the following characteristics. Every row contains a firm name, the ID of a project they are involved and further characteristics, let's say the projects year. Firms can be in several projects, and one project can consist of a
2011 Jul 06
superimposing network graphs
Dear all, I have a undirected network (g), representing all the sexual relationships that ever existed in a model community. I also have a directed edgelist (e) which is a subset of the edgelist of g. e represents the transmission pathway of HIV. Now I would like to superimpose the picture of the sexual relationships with arrows in a different colour, to indicate where in the network HIV was