similar to: Nearest Neighbors

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 900 matches similar to: "Nearest Neighbors"

2009 Jun 02
What do you think about my function?
Hello, I want to know what do you think about my function. I know that it isn't briliant :/ but what do you think? What I should do that my function will be better? (now is very slow and not ideal, sometimes I also get a mistake!) ########## My function ############################################# dzieci<-transform(dzieci, zywnosc=0) zywnoscCalosc<- function( jedzenie, sklep, n1, n2,
2009 May 31
Error:non-numeric argument in my function
Hello! I have a function: zywnoscCalosc<- function( jedzenie, n1, n2, n3, n4, d1, d2, d3, d4 ) { ndf <- data.frame(nn1=n1,nn2=n2,nn3=n3,nn4=n4) ddf <- data.frame(dd1=d1,dd2=d2,dd3=d3,dd4=d4) for (i in 1:length(n1)){ wekt_n = ndf[i,] wekt_n_ok = wekt_n[!] dl_n = length(wekt_n_ok) wynik = (1*wekt_n_ok)/(1*dl_n) } } and I get an error like this: Error in 1 * wekt_n_ok :
2009 Feb 18
Training nnet in two ways, trying to understand the performance difference - with (i hope!) commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code
Dear all, Objective: I am trying to learn about neural networks. I want to see if i can train an artificial neural network model to discriminate between spam and nonspam emails. Problem: I created my own model (example 1 below) and got an error of about 7.7%. I created the same model using the Rattle package (example 2 below, based on rattles log script) and got a much better error of about
2006 Sep 11
Translating R code + library into Fortran?
Hi all, I'm running a monte carlo test of a neural network tool I've developed, and it looks like it's going to take a very long time if I run it in R so I'm interested in translating my code (included below) into something faster like Fortran (which I'll have to learn from scratch). However, as you'll see my code loads the nnet library and uses it quite a bit, and I
2008 Jun 12
About Mcneil Hanley test for a portion of AUC!
Dear all I am trying to compare the performances of several methods using the AUC0.1 and not the whole AUC. (meaning I wanted to compare to AUC's whose x axis only goes to 0.1 not 1) I came to know about the Mcneil Hanley test from Bernardo Rangel Tura and I referred to the original paper for the calculation of "r" which is an argument of the function cROC. I can only find the
2006 Mar 15
How to compare areas under ROC curves calculated with ROCR package
Dear all, I try to compare the performances of several parameters to diagnose lameness in dogs. I have several ROC curves from the same dataset. I plotted the ROC curves and calculated AUC with the ROCR package. I would like to compare the AUC. I used the following program I found on R-help archives : From: Bernardo Rangel Tura Date: Thu 16 Dec 2004 - 07:30:37 EST
2006 Mar 20
How to compare areas under ROC curves calculated with ROC R package
I might be missing something but I thought that AUC was a measure for comparing ROC curves, so there is nothing else needed to "compare" them. The larger AUC is the higher correlation of 2 variables compared. No other measures or calculations are needed. Jarek Tuszynski -----Original Message----- From: r-help-bounces at [mailto:r-help-bounces at] On
2004 Dec 15
(no subject)
Dear R-helper, I would like to compare the AUC of two logistic regression models (same population). Is it possible with R ? Thank you Roman Rouzier [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2006 Mar 14
help on moran's I index of point pattern, not areal pattern
hi,friends, we all know that moran's I index and Geary'C index can be used to test spatial autocorrelation in both the area data and point data, but i only can find something on how to calculate on the data of area, and can't find the methods to perform it on the point data, could anybody give me some information, thanks in advance! -- Kind Regards, Zhi Jie,Zhang ,PHD Department of
2004 Feb 02
Nearest Neighbor Algorithm in R -- again.
Several of the methods I use for analyzing large data sets, such as WinGamma: determining the level of noise in data Relief-F: estimating the influence of variables depend on finding the k nearest neighbors of a point in a data frame or matrix efficiently. (For large data sets it is not feasible to compute the 'dist' matrix anyway.) Seeing the proposed solution to "[R] distance
2004 Jun 22
k nearest neighbours
Hi there fellow R-users, Does anyone know of a function which does exactly what knearneigh{spdep} (finds the k nearest neighbours) does in the package spdep but for more than 2D data? Regards Wayne KSS Ltd Seventh Floor St James's Buildings 79 Oxford Street Manchester M1 6SS England Company Registration Number 2800886 Tel: +44 (0) 161 228 0040 Fax: +44 (0) 161 236 6305
2012 Jun 20
nearest neighbours and their ID
Dear R users, I used nndist() to gain the distance of 2 nearest neighbours of the points in my dataset. Is there a way of getting the ID numbers of these nearest neighbours (along with their distances). The command I used: nn2 <- nndist(X2, k=1:2). This is the output of the nearest neighbour distances I got (the IDs of the given points are there but their IDs aren't). Any help or
2006 Jun 23
Problems creating packages.
I'm creating my own package for personal and I'm having trouble getting it to a point where R (v 2.3.1) will recognise it. I've followed two different tutorials for how to create the package structure and the DESCRIPTION file ( , ). I'm still getting
2010 Feb 24
Sparse KMeans/KDE/Nearest Neighbors?
hi, I have a dataset (the netflix dataset) which is basically ~18k columns and well variable number of rows but let's assume 25 thousand for now. The dataset is very sparse. I was wondering how to do kmeans/nearest neighbors or kernel density estimation on it. I tired using the spMatrix function in "Matrix" package. I think I'm able to create the matrix but as soon as I pass
2009 Dec 16
Porting CELt to the C5505
Hi, I am an applications engineer for Texas Instruments in the UK. I am trying to port the CELT codec to the C5505, this has HW accelerated FFT engine ( I am having problems with the stack allocation. Do you have any reference code that compiles for the C55x under CCS (code composer studio)? *******************************
2003 Jun 30
spatial correlation test
hello, I want to do a test for spatial correlation. I tried it with geary.test() but I don't understand the required input. x= a numeric vector the same length as the neighbours list in listw (my sampled data, I assume) listw= a listw object created for example by nb2listw (well when I check nb2listw() I get to "neighbours - an object of class nb" - but I couldn't figure
2003 Jul 16
Help on NNET
Hi, Dear all, I am just starting using R in my work and got some trouble to figure out some of the errors. Can anybody help me? The following is the script: read.csv('pupil.txt',header=TRUE,sep='\t')->pupil samp<-c(1:50, 112:162, 171:220, 228:278) pupil.nn2 <- nnet(Type ~ ., data = pupil, subset = samp, size = 2, rang = 0.1, decay = 5e-4, maxit = 200)
2001 Jan 10
nearest neighbors
Is there an implementation of a reasonable k-nearest neighbor finder already in one of the packages? -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Robert Gentleman phone : (617) 632-5250 | | Associate Professor fax: (617) 632-2444 | | Department of Biostatistics office: not yet
2012 Aug 01
Neuralnet Error
I require some help in debugging this codeĀ  library(neuralnet) ir<-read.table(file="iris_data.txt",header=TRUE,row.names=NULL) ir1 <- data.frame(ir[1:100,2:6]) ir2 <- data.frame(ifelse(ir1$Species=="setosa",1,ifelse(ir1$Species=="versicolor",0,""))) colnames(ir2)<-("Output") ir3 <- data.frame(rbind(ir1[1:4],ir2))
2005 Jul 27
how to get actual value from predict in nnet?
Dear All, After followed the help of nnet, I could get the networks trained and, excitedly, get the prediction for other samples. It is a two classes data set, I used "N" and "P" to label the two. My question is, how do I get the predicted numerical value for each sample? Not just give me the label(either "N" or "P")? Thanks! FYI: The nnet example I