similar to: Tk grid problem

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Tk grid problem"

2007 Oct 08
tcltk scrollbar
The following code should give me (at least that's what I think) two list boxes with their individual scrollbars. But instead both scrollbars stick to the same listbox even though they work as they should (scroll individual listboxes). When I remove all the widgets on top everything works perfectly. Any help would be highly apprecciated. ps: all subsequent listboxes and scrollbars work
2009 Oct 19
Problem with geometry manager in TclTK
Hello, everyone. I have the following problem with TclTk: I create some windows and want to change their position with geometry manage (sometimes they will be centered, sometimes not). If the toplevel is created and its dimensions are gathered via 'tkwinfo', I get (usually) correct values. However, if this window is created by a function (in the following example, by 'ask.format')
2008 Mar 31
tkconfigure throws an error
Thanks everybody for looking at this. I am trying to assign a script to a button please help: ############ library(tcltk) tt<- tktoplevel() tktitle(tt)<-"the title" heading<-tklabel(tt,text="Enter date as YYYY-MM-DD") l1<-tklabel(tt,text="Reporting date") b1=tkbutton(tt,text="Run") d.val<-tkentry(tt,width=12) tkgrid(heading,columnspan=2)
2010 Jul 21
tcltk resizing when using tkgrid for layout
I've been able to figure out on my own how to do what I need in the largely undocumented tcltk package, but I've finally hit a wall. I can't even think of any sufficiently specific search terms to use for this. I'm trying to make the widgets in my tk window resize when the window is resized by clicking and dragging on its corners or edges. Instead they stay exactly where they
2008 May 07
Aling elmentos into Windows with TK
Hello!! I would like create a window that has diferent element as: I know as make it, but I don?t know as I could (align the diferent elemnts to left, right, top, bottom) or (put in a coordinates into windows). If anybody know as I could make it, I would
2009 Apr 28
[macosx] improving quartz & Aqua Tk behaviour outside of RGui
Hello, On Mac OS X, certain Aqua/Quartz UI functionality requires an application to be launched from within an app bundle, or (alternatively) requires a Carbon application with a resource fork. Playing with the wxWidgets distribution, I discovered that it is quite easy and transparent to make such a Carbon app from (I guess) any command line application. When applied to the R executable called
2009 Apr 28
[macosx] improving quartz & Aqua Tk behaviour outside of RGui
Hello, On Mac OS X, certain Aqua/Quartz UI functionality requires an application to be launched from within an app bundle, or (alternatively) requires a Carbon application with a resource fork. Playing with the wxWidgets distribution, I discovered that it is quite easy and transparent to make such a Carbon app from (I guess) any command line application. When applied to the R executable called
2008 Nov 03
possible tcltk event loop problem
Dear list members, Rich Heiberger reported to me last week that the Messages window in the Rcmdr GUI was freezing -- that is, messages posted to this window didn't appear -- under Windows and R 2.8.0. I was able to confirm this problem on three Windows systems, one using Vista and the other two XP. In each case, I used R 2.8.0 and Rcmdr 1.4-4 (the current version). The problem doesn't
2009 Aug 24
Copy & Paste from tktext on Mac
Hi there, a text Window is supposed to map the shortcuts for copying and pasting (<Ctrl-C>, <Ctrl-V>) automatically. I'm working under Mac OS X and my text window doesn't really map these functions automatically - it works fine under Windows. Is there an easy way to map copy&paste functions to a text window under Mac OS X? This is what I'm doing with my text
2023 Mar 13
tcl tk: set the position button
Dear Rodrigo, Try tkwm.geometry(win1, "-0+0"), which should position win1 at the top right. I hope this helps, John -- John Fox, Professor Emeritus McMaster University Hamilton, Ontario, Canada web: On 2023-03-12 8:41 p.m., Rodrigo Badilla wrote: > Hi all, > I am using tcltk2 library to show buttons and messages. Everything > work
2005 Sep 05
tcltk, X11 protocol error: Bug?
Hi, I am having trouble debugging this one. The code is attached below, but it seems to be a problem at the C-tk interface. If I run this 1 time there are no problems if I run it more than once I start to get warnings that increase in multiples of 11 everytime I run it. Here is a sample session > source("clrramp2.r") Loading required package: tcltk Loading Tcl/Tk interface ... done
2005 Apr 23
tclServiceMode: stop Tcl/Tk from updating
In Windows, Tcl/Tk programs running under the tcltk package can update too frequently: for exmaple, we might go through a long sequence of operations to construct a complex display, and in Windows each addition will be shown separately. To work around this, I've added a function "tclServiceMode" which serves as an R interface to the "Tcl_SetServiceMode" function in the
2002 Jul 06
R: one-sample binomial test
try ?power.prop.test > -----Messaggio originale----- > Da: Tim Wilson [mailto:wilson at] > Inviato: sabato 6 luglio 2002 6.05 > A: R-help > Oggetto: [R] one-sample binomial test > > > Hi everyone, > > Here's how I solved a problem for my stats class. I'm pretty sure I > understand what's going on, but I wonder if there's a more >
2008 Mar 19
Radio Buttons or similars
Hello companions!!! I have a function that creates a Radio Buttons, and I need that this function return the selected value in the Radio Buttons. I would like that, if somebody know as I could return the value, you say me as do it. Next, I show the function function1<-function(){ require(tcltk) tt <- tktoplevel() rb1 <- tkradiobutton(tt) rb2 <- tkradiobutton(tt) rbValue <-
2005 Feb 28
Getting width of Tk text widget via tcltk
Dear list members, Is it possible via a suitable tcltk command to get the *current* width, in characters, of a Tk text widget that has been resized with the mouse? In the following code, the reported width of the text widget doesn't change, even though it has been resized. I can, however, get the current width in pixels: > library(tcltk) > top <- tktoplevel() > textWindow <-
2008 Jul 22
tklistbox and extracting selection to R
Dear experts, I am trying to understand why is it that when I paste (into the R console) the following code to select an option from a list: require(tcltk) tt<-tktoplevel() tl<-tklistbox(tt,height=ntx,selectmode="single",background="white") tkgrid(tklabel(tt,text="Select the legend of" )) tkgrid(tl) treatments<<-levels.tx for(i in
2012 Aug 07
Trying to build up a user interface with the R tcltk package
I'm trying to build up a user inteface using the R tcltk component. Since the documentation for this R library is scarce and poor, I have decided to use only the .Tcl function to pass commands to the tcl interpreter. So I wrote my first very simple tcltk program, hoping to run it from inside R and get the nice Tk window, with the following R instruction: -> .Tcl('source
2012 May 03
Help with readBin
I'm trying to read a binary file created by a fortran code using readBin and readChar. Everything reads fine (integers and strings) except for double precision numbers, they are read as huge or very small number (1E-250,...). I tried various endianness, swap, But nothing has worked so far. I also tried on R 64 bit for linux and windows (R 2.14) and R 2.11 on windows XP 32 bit. Any help would
2009 Jul 09
Changing text in a tkentry widget
I searched the web and the list archives for a solution to this, but didn't see anything, so here goes. I'm new to tcltk. I'm trying to change the contents of a tkentry widget when a button is pressed. Once I get that working, the widget will be read only to the user. Here is some toy code: ############### require(tcltk) thisEnv=environment() tt<-tktoplevel() Name <-
2006 Jun 30
tkbutton command - how to know which button was clicked?
In the below code fragment, print(arg) always prints the last element of rekeningen$rekening. Is this because of lazy evaluation? I.e. arg is evaluated at the time the button is pressed? And, if so, how can I avoid this? I tried function() {force(arg); print(arg)} but that didn't work either. Thanks, Jeebee. for(rek in seq(1,nrow(rekeningen))) { arg <- rekeningen$rekening[rek]