similar to: how to extract p-value in GenMatch function

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "how to extract p-value in GenMatch function"

2012 Jun 05
propensity score matching estimates?
I'm using the "Match" package to do propensity score matching. Here's some example code that shows the problem that I'm having (much of this code is taken from the Match package documentation): *data(lalonde) glm1 <- glm(treat~age + I(age^2) + educ + I(educ^2) + black + hisp + married + nodegr + re74 + I(re74^2) + re75 + I(re75^2) + u74 + u75,
2010 Oct 04
Help with apply
Suppose I have the following data: tmp <- data.frame(var1 = sample(c(0:10), 3, replace = TRUE), var2 = sample(c(0:10), 3, replace = TRUE), var3 = sample(c(0:10), 3, replace = TRUE)) I can run the following double loop and yield what I want in the end (rr1) as: library(statmod) Q <- 2 b <- runif(3) qq <- gauss.quad.prob(Q, dist = 'normal', mu = 0, sigma=1) rr1 <- matrix(0,
2010 Dec 21
"variable lengths differ (found for '(weights)')" error in Zelig library
Dear R users, I am trying to estimate to estimate the average treatmen effect on the treated (ATT) using first the MatchIt software to weight the data set and, after this, the Zelig software as shown in Ho et al. (2007). See here for an explanation of how to apply this technique in R: I encounter a slight problem when I apply the weights that
2009 Jul 06
transform multi skew-t to uniform distribution
Hi R-users,  I have a data from multi skew t and would like to transform each of the data to uniform data.  I tried using 'pmst' but only got one output:   > rr1 <- as.vector(r1);rr1  [1]  0.7207582  5.2250906  1.7422237  0.5677233  0.7473555 -0.6020626 -2.1947872 -1.1128313 -0.6587316 -1.1409261     > pmst(rr1, xi=rep(0,10), Omega=diag(10), alpha=rep(1,10), df=5) [1] 3.676525e-09
2011 Jan 25
Problem with matchit() and zelig()
Dear all, Does anybody know why the following code returns an error message? >library(MatchIt) >library(Zelig) >data(lalonde) > >m.out1<-matchit(treat~age+educ+black+hispan+nodegree+married +re74+re75, method="full", data=lalonde) > >z.out1<-zelig(re78~age+educ+black+hispan+nodegree+married+re74+re75,, "control"),
2010 Sep 29
nlminb and optim
I am using both nlminb and optim to get MLEs from a likelihood function I have developed. AFAIK, the model I has not been previously used in this way and so I am struggling a bit to unit test my code since I don't have another data set to compare this kind of estimation to. The likelihood I have is (in tex below) \begin{equation} \label{eqn:marginal} L(\beta) = \prod_{s=1}^N \int
2005 Nov 08
retrieve most abundant species by sample unit
Hi R-users: [R 2.2 on OSX 10.4.3] I have a (sparse) vegetation data frame with 500 rows (sampling units) and 177 columns (plant species) where the data represent % cover. I need to summarize the cover data by returning the names of the most dominant and the second most dominant species per plot. I reduced the data frame to omit cover below 5%; this is what it looks like stacked. I have
2012 Oct 22
Matlab code to R code
Dear r-users, I would like to convert my Matlab code to R-code, however it dies not work as expected.  Hope somebody can help me to match Matlab and r codes. R code: rr <- function(r,cxn) { tol <- 1E-4; for(i in 1:n) { t1 <- (1+(i-1)*r)*log((1+(i-1)*r)) t2 <- (i-1)*(1-r)*log(1-r) rri <- ((t1+t2)/i*log(i))-cxn rr <- rri > tol } round(rr,4) } rr1 <- rr(0.5,0.0242) ; rr1
2008 Aug 26
svymeans question
I have the following code which produces the output below it clus1 <- svydesign(ids = ~schid, data = lower_dat) items <- as.formula(paste(" ~ ", paste(lset, collapse= "+"))) rr1 <- svymean(items, clus1, deff='replace', na.rm=TRUE) > rr1 mean SE DEff W525209 0.719748 0.015606 2.4932 W525223 0.508228 0.027570 6.2802 W525035 0.827202
2011 Jul 06
matching, treatment effect-ATT and Zelig package
Hi there, I'm wondering what Zelig in the following situation (code below) actually does. Is this considered as a so called regression adjustment after the propensity score matching? library(MatchIt) library(Zelig) data(lalonde) re78 represents the outcome variable 1. With Zelig m.out <- matchit(treat ~ age + educ + black + hispan + married + nodegree + re74 + re75, data = lalonde)
2009 Nov 29
optim or nlminb for minimization, which to believe?
I have constructed the function mml2 (below) based on the likelihood function described in the minimal latex I have pasted below for anyone who wants to look at it. This function finds parameter estimates for a basic Rasch (IRT) model. Using the function without the gradient, using either nlminb or optim returns the correct parameter estimates and, in the case of optim, the correct standard
2011 Jun 26
how to extract data from a function printout - example provided
Hi there, Does anyone know how to extract data from a function that prints out two or more summaries? In the function below (the whole code is provided) we get 5 different tables of data. I would like to split each of these tables in a separate file (while the function itself shouldn't be changed), so that further analysis on each data set could be carried out. Your help is deeply
2008 Sep 19
panel data analysis possible with mle2 (bbmle)?
Dear R community, I want to estimate coefficients in a (non-linear) system of equations using 'mle2' from the "bbmle" package. Right now the whole data is read in as just one long time series, when it's actually 9 cross sections with 30 observations each. I would like to be able to test and correct for autocorrelation but haven't found a way to do this in this package.
2007 Aug 23
weighted nls and confidence intervals
for unweighted fits using `nls' I compute confidence intervals for the fitted model function by using: #------------------- <- sqrt(apply(rr$m$gradient(), 1, function(x) sum(vcov(rr)*outer(x,x)))) luconf <- yfit + outer(, qnorm(c(probex, 1 - probex))) #------------------- where `rr' contains an `nls' object, `x' is the independent variable vector, `yfit'
2007 Aug 31
non-linear fitting (nls) and confidence limits
dear list members, I apologize in advance for posting a second time, but probably after one week chances are, the first try went down the sink.. my question concerns computation of confidence intervals in nonlinear fits with `nls' when weigthing the fit. the seemingly correct procedure does not work as expected, as is detailed in my original post below. any remarks appreciated. greetings
2008 Apr 22
[PATCH 0/3] ia64/pv_ops preparation
Hi. This patchset is preparation patches for ia64/pv_ops support. They are almost trivial and mainly make kernel paravirtualization friendly. thanks, Diffstat: arch/ia64/kernel/irq_ia64.c | 1 - include/asm-ia64/intrinsics.h | 11 +++++++++++ include/asm-ia64/mmu_context.h | 6 +----- include/asm-ia64/smp.h | 2 ++ include/asm-ia64/system.h | 10 ++++++++-- 5 files
2008 Aug 17
before-after control-impact analysis with R
Hello everybody, In am trying to analyse a BACI experiment and I really want to do it with R (which I find really exciting). So, before moving on I though it would be a good idea to repeat some known experiments which are quite similar to my own. I tried to reproduce 2 published examples but without much success. The first one in particular is a published dataset analysed with SAS by
2012 Dec 20
Optmatch Package Question
Hello , My optmatch package is loaded on R and otherwise running fine. I get an error after lcds successfully completes a logistic regression and I then try to obtain a propensity score: pdist <- pscore.dist(lcds) Error: could not find function "pscore.dist" Does anyone know if pscore.dist is part of the optmatch package, or is it contained in another package that I need to
2012 Dec 18
pscore.dist problem when running optmatch
Hello My optmatch package is loaded and otherwise running fine. I get an error after lcds successfully completes logistic regression and I'm trying to obtain a propensity score: > pdist <- pscore.dist(lcds) Error: could not find function "pscore.dist" I searched the help files, other online sources, could find no answer for this. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
2011 Dec 02
Error in Genetic Matching
Dear R Users, I am a novice learner of R software. I am working with Genetic Matching - GenMatch(), but I am getting an Error message as follows:  Error in GenMatch(Tr = Tr, X = X.binarynp, BalanceMatrix = BalanceMatrix.binarynp,  :    GenMatch(): input includes NAs Could you please suggest me correcting the above problem? My GenMatch command is, > gen1 <- GenMatch(Tr = Tr, X =