similar to: Using \leq for <= in Rd files

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "Using \leq for <= in Rd files"

2006 Jan 04
Query Mixin by Duane Johnson
Hello At the start of October, Duane Johnson announced the Query mixin plugin on this list. The code was attached to the announcement email. Unfortunately, I''ve not been able to locate the attached code. Goggle has not helped me this time. Could somebody forward it to me? Thanks in advance Harvey This e-mail has been scanned for all viruses by MessageLabs.
2003 Oct 23
Re: ichar() function in R : 1st implementation, RFC
(RFC := Request For Comments) >>>>> "Tim" == Tim Keighley <> >>>>> on Thu, 23 Oct 2003 11:45:22 +1000 writes: Tim> Hi Martin, Tim> In October 2000 you wrote to r-help: >>> which reminds me that I've had a desire for something like >>> the old S function [from the blue book, and
2004 Apr 30
Exact Binomial test feature or bug?
Dear R Users, Is the p-value reported in a two-tailed binomial exact test in error or is it a feature? If it is a feature, could someone provide a reference for its two-tailed p-value computations? Using Blaker's (2000 - Canad. J. Statist 28: 783-798) approach,the p-value is the minimum of the two-tailed probabilities $P \left(Y\geq y_{obs}\right)$ and $P\left(Y\leq y_{obs}\right)$
2010 Jan 21
Double inequality with plotmath
Hello, I'm fairly new to R and I can't work out how to produce a double inequality like (LaTeX) $0 \leq x \leq 1$ in the legend of a graph. If I try > legend(50, 0.1, legend = c(expression(0 <= x <= 1), c(2 <= x <= 3)), pch = c(1,1), col = c(2, 3)) then I get an error message "unexpected '<=' in ...". I've checked the help files for plotmath and
2009 Feb 18
[LLVMdev] Parametric polymorphism
> I think the problem is deeper than that, in that LLVM has no official > concept of a subtype, so I don't see how the idea of polymorphism > could be defined in it. Parametric polymorphism is different from subtype polymorphism; you can have one without the other. Parametric polymorphism just means that you can use type variables (like T) in the IR, which are later instantiated to
2012 May 23
numerical integration
Greetings, Sorry, the last message was sent by mistake! Here it is again: I encounter a strange problem computing some numerical integrals on [0,oo). Define $$ M_j(x)=exp(-jax) $$ where $a=0.08$. We want to compute the $L^2([0,\infty))$-inner products $$ A_{ij}:=(M_i,M_j)=\int_0^\infty M_i(x)M_j(x)dx $$ Analytically we have $$ A_{ij}=1/(a(i+j)). $$ In the code below we compute the matrix
2005 Jun 27
Unused argument "na.action" to pairs.formula
Hi, I believe that the argument "na.action" is not used in the function pairs.formula (graphics). I am using R 2.1.1 for Windows, downloaded from CRAN. This is the body of the function as it is now: function (formula, data = NULL, ..., subset, na.action = stats::na.pass) { m <- = FALSE) if (is.matrix(eval(m$data, parent.frame()))) m$data
2006 Jun 14
CR issue
Hi, I am using RedCloth (3.0.4). First using online text2html ( , "123 456" returns <p>123<br />456</p> But by code: <code> require ''RedCloth'' puts"123\n456").to_html </code> I got: <p>123 456</p> CR is not taken in consideration. Is there any parameter I am
2006 Sep 14
Rv generation
Hi, Can Someone inform me how to generate RV's using the below CDF, by inverse technique. Thanks for your help and time. My CDF is as follows \[ F(x)=0 \ \text{if} \ x < 0\]\[ F(x)=\{\frac{x-x_i}{x_{i+1}-x_{i}}*(p_{i+1}-p_{i})\}+p_{i}\ \forall \ x_{i}\leq x < x_{i+1} \] \[ F(x)=1 \ \text{if} \ x > x_{i+1} \] Regards Murthy
2011 Jan 08
Normal Distribution Quantiles
This is probably embarrassingly basic, but I have spent quite a few hours in Google and RSeek without getting a clue - probably I'm asking the wrong questions... There is this guy who has decided to walk through Australia, a total distance of 4000 km. His daily portion (mean) is 40km with an sd of 10 km. I want to calculate the number of days it takes to arrive with 80, 90, 95, 99%
2009 Feb 18
[LLVMdev] Parametric polymorphism
On Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 12:32, DeLesley SpamBox <delesley.spambox at> wrote: >> I think the problem is deeper than that, in that LLVM has no official >> concept of a subtype, so I don't see how the idea of polymorphism >> could be defined in it. > > Parametric polymorphism is different from subtype polymorphism; you > can have one without the
2007 Nov 26
[LLVMdev] Fibonacci example in OCaml
Here is a complete 104-line native code compiler for a tiny subset of OCaml that is expressive enough to compile an external Fibonacci program: type expr = | Int of int | Var of string | BinOp of [ `Add | `Sub | `Leq ] * expr * expr | If of expr * expr * expr | Apply of expr * expr type defn = | LetRec of string * string * expr open Camlp4.PreCast;; let expr =
2007 Nov 25
[LLVMdev] Fibonacci example in OCaml
Here's my translation of the Fibonacci example into OCaml: open Printf open Llvm let build_fib m = let fibf = define_function "fib" (function_type i32_type [| i32_type |]) m in let bb = builder_at_end (entry_block fibf) in let one = const_int i32_type 1 and two = const_int i32_type 2 in let argx = param fibf 0 in set_value_name "AnArg" argx; let
2012 May 23
numerical integrals
Greetings,   I encounter a strange problem computing some numerical integrals on [0,oo). Define $$ M_j(x)=exp(-jax) $$ where $a=0.08$. We want to compute the $L^2([0,\infty))$-inner products $$ A_{ij}:=(M_i,M_j)=\int_0^\infty M_i(x)M_j(x)dx $$ Analytically we have $$ A_{ij}=1/(a(i+j)). $$ In the code below we compute the matrix $A_{i,j}$, $1\leq i,j\leq 5$, numerically and check against the known
2000 Oct 02
several documentation problems (PR#675)
Full_Name: Sheila Bryant Version: 1.1.1 OS: Solaris 2.6 Submission from: (NULL) ( During the 'make' process I get the following: String found where operator expected at /export/bors/bors-01/sws96srb/R-1.1.1/etc/ line 781, near "("</TABLE>\n"" (Missing operator before "</TABLE>\n"?) Bare word found where operator
2004 Dec 09
Hello, I am looking into description of and see under value $beta - the coefficients. When I use polynomial of degree 2 to fit surface I expect to get 4 coefficients: z = a_1 x^2 + a_2 xy + a_3 y^2 + a_4 What do beta really stand for and why do I get $beta vector of length 6? Thakns, Mark
2015 Jan 08
latex warning
Dear all, I am getting an R CMD check warning about the PDF manual. I am having a hard time finding out what is wrong, here is the log of the Rd2pdf call. The full check (and other) log is at if anybody is interested, and the package itself is here: Thanks, Best, Gabor
2015 Mar 03
Suggestions to improve the info page of /bin/linux/debian
Hi Johannes, I didn't know what would be the best approach to modify the page?how it was generated, is there a central place, etc.?which is why I posted on r-sig-debian in the first place. Anyway, although I'm more or less familiar with markdown and pandoc, it was easier for me to edit directly README.html as it was on CRAN. Please find attached a revision with the modifications I
2004 Dec 03
Computing the minimal polynomial or, at least, its degree
Hi, I would like to know whether there exist algorithms to compute the coefficients or, at least, the degree of the minimal polynomial of a square matrix A (over the field of complex numbers)? I don't know whether this would require symbolic computation. If not, has any of the algorithms been implemented in R? Thanks very much, Ravi. P.S. Just for the sake of completeness, a
2001 Oct 28
Summary: A speed improvement challenge
Many thanks to Nick Ellis, Vadim Kutsyy, Charles Berry, and Bill Dunlap for providing thoughts and alternative solutions to the problem. I have included Nick and Charles' notes in full below and a summary of the others. Thanks also to Bill for telling me about an inconsistency in how the first argument of sample is interpreted. I had ignored this, resulting in a major bug. Each person