similar to: How to link to vignette from .Rd file

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "How to link to vignette from .Rd file"

2002 Dec 16
Creating libraries: Cannot make help
Hi all I am trying to package a library in R 1.6.1 (Windoze XP). I have read the document "Writing R extensions" and think I have done things correctly (though apparently not). I have searched the mail archives for help to no avail. I also posted a few days ago and thanks to Peter Dalgaard I have managed to focus my search for errors. I am trying to create a library in R. I run the
2009 May 25
vignette problem
Dear R People: I'm using R-2.8.1 on Ubuntu Jaunty jackalope (or whatever its name is), and having a problem with the vignette function: > vignette("snowfall") sh: /usr/bin/xpdf: not found > Has anyone run into this, please? Or is this for the Debian R list, please? Thanks, Erin -- Erin Hodgess Associate Professor Department of Computer and Mathematical Sciences
2001 Feb 12
I'm in the process of porting a set of routines from S to R (the 'asypow' package) and have struck one or two problems that I've been unable to clear up with the documentation I have. I may simply need a pointer to the right docs. I managed to get the code to run with minimal changes, but in order to get it to load using library(), had to run it through: R CMD build ... and
2010 Feb 15
R-Commander plug-in difficulties
Hi All, I have recently created an Rcmdr plugin package and it passed all the checks and was uploaded to CRAN. I then downloaded it from CRAN and tried running it from my local R program and received this error: ... Error in f(libname, pkgname) : could not find function "getRcmdr" Error in library(pkg, character.only = TRUE) : .First.lib failed for 'RcmdrPlugin.MAc' In my
2009 May 25
[R] vignette problem
Dear R Debian People: I put this on the "big list" too. I'm having a problem with the vignette function. > vignette("snowfall") sh: /usr/bin/xpdf: not found > > This is on Ubuntu Jaunty jackalope, R-2.8.1 thanks, Erin -- Erin Hodgess Associate Professor Department of Computer and Mathematical Sciences University of Houston - Downtown mailto: erinm.hodgess
2009 Oct 06
vignette() failure
Hi, I can't pinpoint exactly since what R version I first noticed this error, but are others seeing this? R> vignette("grid") R> sh: : command not found instead of having the vignette displayed in the proper viewer? This is with: R> sessionInfo() R version 2.9.2 (2009-08-24) x86_64-pc-linux-gnu locale:
2010 May 14
Problem with vignette printing
Dear R-users, I am trying to figure out why I cannot print vignettes in my new R installation (R.11 on opensuse 11.2). Apparently, vignette objects are properly created but could not be printed: > z<-vignette('grid') > str(z) List of 3 $ file : chr "/usr/lib/R/library/grid/doc/grid.Snw" $ pdf : chr "/usr/lib/R/library/grid/doc/grid.pdf" $ topic: chr
2016 May 03
vignette/knitr help
I need some help understanding a problem running the tests on the 'digest' package. Initially, I got the message that the 'knitr' package was needed to run vignettes: Running vignettes for package ?digest? Error in loadVignetteBuilder(vigns$pkgdir) : vignette builder 'knitr' not found So I installed the knitr package and all its dependents (?mime?, ?stringi?,
2023 Jun 27
Correct use of tools::R_user_dir() in packages?
tools::R_user_dir() provides configurable directories for R packages to write persistent information consistent with standard best practices relative to each supported operating systems for applications to store data, config, and cache information respectively. These standard best practices include writing to directories in the users home filespace, which is also specifically against CRAN policy.
2008 Nov 15
unable to view vignette in R
Hello All R-Gurus: ISSUE: Cannot view R vignettes due in Ubuntu Linux (a debian variant). note: this issue has been posted to this list before with no responses given see DETAILS: I am trying to view an R vignette. Here is the situation: I issue the openvignette(), then select the vignette I wish to view...and the system returns:
2006 Oct 13
cygwin script for Sweave
below is a very simple bash script to run Sweave from a cygwin terminal, run pdflatex on the generated .tex file, and then view the resulting .pdf output. i usually use cygwin when i am (forced to be on) Windoze, but i found a few issues with paths that this script works around. pdfview, used in the script, is simply:
2010 Oct 24
R-devel CMD build fails when vignette present
If I try to build a package with a vignette R CMD build Biobase I see * checking for file 'Biobase/DESCRIPTION' ... OK * preparing 'Biobase': * checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... OK * cleaning src * installing the package to re-build vignettes * creating vignettes ... OK * cleaning src Error in setwd(pkgname) : cannot change working directory Execution halted This is
2007 Jun 20
Help With Sweave:
Hi All, I am running Ubuntu Feisty (7.04) on a Thinkpad T41. I've installed the nowebm package for Ubuntu. Working from this HowTo: I try to compile the example *.Snw as in the Sweave manual: mdj at lapmdj:~/Desktop/Sweave/example1$ noweb example-1.Snw Can't open output file Despite the error, a *.tex file is produced. Now I am
2007 May 09
Reading a web page in pdf format
Each day the daily balance in the following link http://www. is updated. I would like to set up an R procedure to be run daily in a server able to read the figures in a couple of lines only ("Industriale" and "Termoelettrico", towards the end of the balance) and put the data in a table. Is that possible? If
2012 Apr 30
R CMD check . segfault on re-building vignettes
(Warning: There is some potential that this message is redundant.) I think that i have spotted an issue with R CMD check that does not trace back to a rare case, so it must have been reported already or i am doing something stupid. However, to be sure and because I did not find any comments on this while searching the R mailing lists, here is what i did: R CMD check . from within a package
2007 May 14
RFC: allow packages to advertise vignettes on Windows
Hello, The vignette concept, which started in Bioconductor, seems to be catching on. They are supported by R CMD build/check and documented in the Writing R Extensions manual. I think vignettes are a fantastic way to introduce new users to a package. However, getting new users to realize that a vignette is available can be challenging. For some time now, we have had a function in Biobase that
2001 Sep 08
R-function available for noncentral hypergeometric distribution
For those who are interested, I have made available a R function for noncentral hypergeometric distribution at The paper that describes the algorithm will appear in The American Statistician. The function does not run on S-plus as the R's scoping rule is used. Here is how the function can be used: > n1
2010 Sep 22
problem opening pdf device on Windows 7
I can not open PDf device. Acrobat is closed. I have checked archives but could not find a solution. What should I do? > cont.cdfplot("myanalysis.pdf", myanalysis$CDF, ylbl.r="Stream Length (km)") Error in pdf(file = pdffile, width = width, height = height) : unable to start device pdf In addition: Warning message: In pdf(file = pdffile, width = width, height = height)
2012 Apr 30
file.copy(src, src, recursive=TRUE) causes a segfault (Was: Re: R CMD check . segfault on re-building vignettes)
It appears that file.copy() does not protect against the case when one copies one directory to a subdirectory of itself resulting in it trying to create and endless recursive copy of itself. REPRODUCIBLE EXAMPLE: src <- "foo" dir.create(src); file.copy(src, src, recursive=FALSE) # ok file.copy(src, src, recursive=TRUE) # PROBLEM
2002 Oct 30
PDF printer using ps2pdf ?
Hi, Is it possible to set up a printer in samba that will use ps2pdf converter to create pdf documents when printing on it ? Best Regards Steph