similar to: write.csv

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "write.csv"

2006 Mar 29
dear list, i have a problem using the adaboost function from the package boost. running the example of leukemia works out very well, but so it does not on my own data. i always get the following 22 warnings: 1: cannot compute exact p-value with ties in: wilcox.test.default(x[which(y == 0)], x[which(y == 1)]) can anybody please help me with the meaning of this warning. thnak you stefan
2009 Jan 26
Getting data from a PDF-file into R
Hello I have around 200 PDF-documents, containing data i want organized in R as a dataframe. The PDF-documents look like this; or like this; So i want to pull out the data in coloured boxes it become organized like this (just in R instead of
2012 Aug 08
help, please! matrix operations inside 3 nested loops
hello, this is my script: #1) read in data: daten<-read.table('K:/Analysen/STRUCTURE/input_STRUCTURE_tab_excl_5_282_559.txt', header=TRUE, sep="\t") daten<-as.matrix(daten) #2) create empty matrix: indxind<-matrix(nrow=617, ncol=617) indxind[1:20,1:19] #3) compare cells to each other, score: for (s in 3:34) { #walks though the matrix colum by colum, starting at
2009 Nov 04
Search values and create a new matrix
Hi You wrotte me in R help and I´m very gratefull. I couldn´t reply because an illness. I writte this to see if you can help to solve. I´m a begginer (I´m 20 years old ) but I´m trying to learn more about this program also I´m learning Octave. I need to create a matrix in R whose values depends on the values of other matrix. You see: I have a first "R" matrix whose first row and
2008 Nov 20
convert factors to numbers
Hello, I have a problem with reading a csv-file. One colum of the inputfile consists of characters and numbers. After reading the csv-file I create a new dataframe by dividing the values of that colum into more colums (then a colum contains just characters or numbers) but the numbers are converted to factors. How can I create the new dataframe without having the numbers converted to factors?
2012 Feb 16
import .csv file into R
Dear r-helpers, I read a .csv file into R with the following command: A<-read.csv2(file="Mappe3.csv") It worked fine, except that I would like to get rid of the points between the words and get spaces instead like I have got in the .csv file. At the moment it looks like the following: hatte.gutes.Verhältnis.zu.Eltern
2010 Oct 15
Set value if else...
Hi I want to set a variable to either 1 or 0 depending on an value of a dataframe and then add this as a colum to the dataframe. This could be done with a loop but as we are able to do questions on a complete row or colum without a loop it would be sweet if it could be done. for example: table: Name Age Joel 24 agust 17 maja 40 and so on... And what I want to do is a command that
2009 Dec 01
median for time data
Hi everybody How do I do to calculate the median and average of a colum of time data like this: "8:50:10". I also need to plot the time difference between two colums Thanks a lot -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
2009 Jun 03
how can I ordinal regression??
What function and package I use to conduct ordinal regression?? My data is composed 2colums and 180rows. The first colum indicate level of mass and second colum is intensity. So, I want to calculate how much intensity are related mass. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2012 Nov 07
Newbie question : selecting subset of a Matrix
I have a matrix, I would like to use it like I use where query on an SQL table Let's say my matrix is > wok who task 1 joe task1 2 joe task2 3 joe task3 4 jack task1 5 jack task2 I want to extract a matrix that contains only rows where who = "joe" and task != "task2" The result would be the following matrix 1 joe task1 2 joe task3 How can I do
2013 Dec 06
Using assign with mapply
I have a data frame whose first colum contains the names of the variables and whose second colum contains the values to assign to them: : kkk <- data.frame(vars=c("var1", "var2", "var3"), vals=c(10, 20, 30), stringsAsFactors=F) If I do : assign(kkk$vars[1], kkk$vals[1]) it works : var1 [1] 10 However, if I try with mapply
2009 Jul 27
pairs plot
Hi all, I want to plot trough pairs() plot a matrix with 4 columns. I want to make a trhee plot in a graph. Plotting pairs colum 2,3,4 on y axis and 1 on X axis. You mean (a plot with three graphs) ommitting the first pair with itself. And only the pairs with colum 1 with the other not all pairs. I. e. this matrix 4177 289390 8740 17220 3907 301510 8530 17550 3975 316970 8640 17650 3651 364220
2008 Mar 22
counting values on one colum only
Hi all: Can someone help me count the number of rows with values in colum "a" only. assume the name of my dataframe is "weekly" I was trying i<- nrows(weekly$a) i but returns 7 when it should be 4. Thanks a b c d 27.000 27.000 1.569 0.013 160.000 27.000 1.632 0.013 146.000 27.000 1.830 0.015 70.000 27.000 2.475 0.019
2013 May 31
[LLVMdev] [POLLY] fix Bug 15817
Sebastian Pop wrote: > Jack Howarth wrote: > > The attached patch eliminates by removing the remaining > > "; XFAIL:*" added in > > The Isl/CodeGen/scevcodegen-1.ll testcase in polly appears as an XPASS in current llvm/polly 3.3 > >
2003 Aug 27
samba und netzlaufwerke unter winxp
Hallo, Ich habe ebendfalls das Problem, dass ich mich extra anmelden muss bei meinem Linux-Server. Hast Du da eine L?sung gefunden. From: "Marcel Stein" <> Subject: samba und netzlaufwerke unter winxp Date: Thu, 26 Jun 2003 20:04:56 +0200 Message-ID: <000001c33c0d$76d703f0$0201a8c0@winxp> Ich habe einen samba zu laufen und greife vom client winxp
2009 Jun 25
Hi all, I want to make multiple least squares estimation on two matrix (without intercept) imagine matrix "a" and matrix "b", I want to "regress" each colum on matrix "a" (dependent variable) on each column of matrix b, I mean, regress first colum on a to first column on b. Second column on a to second column on b. Imagine "a" and "b"
2013 May 31
[LLVMdev] [POLLY] fix Bug 15817
On 05/31/2013 10:11 AM, Sebastian Pop wrote: > Sebastian Pop wrote: >> Sebastian Pop wrote: >>> Jack Howarth wrote: >>>> The attached patch eliminates by removing the remaining >>>> "; XFAIL:*" added in >>>>
2010 Aug 01
finding max value in a row and reporting colum name
Hi, Hopefully someone can point me in the right direction on how I would go about solving the following. I have some data and need to find the column name of the maximum value in each row. This could be the data... > a <- data.frame(x = rnorm(4), y = rnorm(4), z = rnorm(4)) > a x y z 1 1.6534561 0.11523404 0.2261730 2 -1.2274320 -0.24096054 1.5096028
2009 Jul 13
Ubuntu und R
Hallo Zusammen, hatte gestern die Schnauze voll von Vista und habe mir daraufhin Ubuntu installiert. Bin also mit Ubuntu ?berhaupt nicht vertraut. Nun habe ich ohne Erfolg versucht, R zu installieren. Soweit ich der Anleitung folgen konnte habe ich es so wie auf gemacht. Im Terminal kann ich R problemlos starten. Allerdings bei der Installation von
2013 Jun 05
[LLVMdev] [POLLY] fix Bug 15817
On 05/31/2013 01:09 PM, Jack Howarth wrote: > On Fri, May 31, 2013 at 10:59:52AM -0700, Tobias Grosser wrote: >> On 05/31/2013 10:11 AM, Sebastian Pop wrote: >>> Sebastian Pop wrote: >>>> Sebastian Pop wrote: >>>>> Jack Howarth wrote: >>>>>> The attached patch eliminates by removing the