similar to: problem with location of libraries 64-bit (opensuse)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "problem with location of libraries 64-bit (opensuse)"

2009 Nov 11
fisher.test negative value error
Hi all, I am new to python, R and rpy2. I having few errors when I am using 'fisher.test' function where I am struck now. Please help to fix these bugs. My code for fisher.test goes this way *from rpy2 import * import rpy2.robjects as robjects def fisherExact(a,b,c,d): v = [a,b,c,d] m = robjects.r['matrix'](v,2,2) s = robjects.r['fisher.test'](m) return s *
2013 Apr 02
Rpy2 and Mac OS X 10.8.3
I am having a strange problem. I have been using python + rpy2 on my Mac for quite sometime now. I recently upgraded to OS X 10.8 from 10.6 and that's when the problem began. Now, when I try to load some R packages (like zoo) using robjects.r, python crashes with seg fault 11. Here's an example below: >> import rpy2.robjects as ro >> ro.r(''' library(zoo)
2013 Apr 02
Rpy2 and Mac OS X 10.8.3
I am having a strange problem. I have been using python + rpy2 on my Mac for quite sometime now. I recently upgraded to OS X 10.8 from 10.6 and that's when the problem began. Now, when I try to load some R packages (like zoo) using robjects.r, python crashes with seg fault 11. Here's an example below: >> import rpy2.robjects as ro >> ro.r(''' library(zoo)
2009 Nov 19
Issue when calling deparse(substitute(x)) from C with "anonymous" R vectors ?
Dear list, When calling R from C, what appears like a spurious error can be triggered during the execution of chisq.test(x, y). This is happening when the following conditions are met: - x and y are "anonymous" C-level R vectors (they do not have a symbol), but they are protected from garbage collection - x and y are "not too small" (it was experienced as soon as they are
2010 May 19
Why does my RPy2 program run faster on Windows?
Hi This is my function. It serves an HTML page after the calculations. I'm connecting to a MSSQL DB using pyodbc. def CAPM(self,client): r=self.r cds="1590" bm="20559" d1 = [] v1 = [] v2 = [] print"Parsing GET Params" params=client.g[1].split("&") for items in
2016 Dec 27
Definition of uintptr_t in Rinterface.h
Hi, I was recently pointed out that a definition in Rinterface.h can be conflicting with a definition in stdint.h: /usr/include/R/Rinterface.h has: typedef unsigned long uintptr_t; /usr/include/stdint.h has: typedef unsigned int uintptr_t; (when 32bit platform complete definition is: #if __WORDSIZE == 64 # ifndef __intptr_t_defined typedef long int intptr_t; # define
2017 Jan 01
Definition of uintptr_t in Rinterface.h
On 29/12/2016 15:55, Simon Urbanek wrote: > The problem is elsewhere - Rinterface.h guards the ultima-ratio fallback with HAVE_UINTPTR_T but that config flag is not exported in Rconfig.h. Should be now fixed in R-devel - please check if that works for you. Rconfig.h would be appropriate if Rinterface.h is being included from C code using the same compiler as used for R. But as Rinterface.h
2015 May 03
C-API: check whether R has been initialized ?
Beside the possible argumentation that with an API elegance and convenience might sometimes be superior to necessity, the suggested pattern ("every program, including R itself, keeping its own flag") does no work too well when the nested embedding of R is involved. A concrete example is: ``` $ R -q > library('rPython'); python.exec('import rpy2.robjects') R is already
2017 Jan 02
Definition of uintptr_t in Rinterface.h
> On Jan 1, 2017, at 5:12 PM, Laurent Gautier <lgautier at> wrote: > > > > 2017-01-01 8:28 GMT-05:00 Prof Brian Ripley <ripley at>: > On 29/12/2016 15:55, Simon Urbanek wrote: > The problem is elsewhere - Rinterface.h guards the ultima-ratio fallback with HAVE_UINTPTR_T but that config flag is not exported in Rconfig.h. Should be now
2013 Feb 10
rpy2 (Python <--> R)
Hi - I am having trouble installing rpy2. I have already compiled R as a shared library, but I do not have admin privileges on so I am trying to install rpy2 with: pip install -user rpy2 but I am getting the following error: ======================================== ./rpy/rinterface/_rinterface.c:86:31: fatal error: readline/readline.h: No such file or directory compilation terminated. error:
2010 Oct 20
[Rpy] "lapack routines cannot be loaded" in Ubuntu Linux 9.10
On 20 October 2010 at 09:57, Aman Thakral wrote: | Thanks for your reply. I just created a link to | /usr/local/lib/R/lib/ in /usr/local/lib. It works now. | I'm just curious, is this the "right" way to do it? Is there a better way? I am coming to this a little late but ... it is a band aid to a self-inflicted wound. You only have libRlapack because you built R
2015 May 04
C-API: check whether R has been initialized ?
rPython appears to provide an interface from R to Python by embedding Python and I'd think that it can safely assume that R has been initialized, but might not be the point here. The issue is that a Python package embedding itself R (here rpy2) appears to have no way to know that earlier in the life of the process R was initialized. 2015-05-03 19:48 GMT-04:00 Duncan Murdoch
2010 Jan 14
how to call a function from C
Hi, In Rcpp, we now have a "Function" class to encapsulate functions (they cover all three kinds, but this may change). To call the function, what we do is generate a call with the function as the first node and then evaluate the call. SEXP stats = PROTECT( R_FindNamespace( mkString( "stats") ) ); SEXP rnorm = PROTECT( findVarInFrame( stats, install( "rnorm") ) )
2009 Apr 06
Possible bug: How does find RHOME?
Hi While installing RPy2, I had curious problems which, if I traced them back correctly, have their root in the way that find the R installation directory. I wonder if this might be a subtle bug that only causes problems when one has several versions of R on one system but then can be very annoying and cause very strange behaviour. It seems to me that asks the Unix shell to
2019 Dec 07
Inconsistent behavior for the C AP's R_ParseVector() ?
Thanks for the quick response Tomas. The same error is indeed happening when trying to have a zero-length variable name in an environment. The surprising bit is then "why is this happening during parsing" (that is why are variables assigned to an environment) ? We are otherwise aware that the error is not occurring in the R console, but can be traced to a call to R_ParseVector() in
2013 May 01
rpy2 postgres qgis problem
? stato filtrato un testo allegato il cui set di caratteri non era indicato... Nome: non disponibile URL: <>
2015 Sep 04
Build R with MKL and ICC
On Wed, 2015-09-02 at 20:49 +0200, arnaud gaboury wrote: > On Wed, Sep 2, 2015 at 7:35 PM, arnaud gaboury <arnaud.gaboury at> wrote: > > After a few days of reading and headache, I finally gave a try at > > building R from source with Intel MKL and ICC. Documentation and posts > > on this topic are rather incomplete, sometime fantasist et do not give > >
2013 Oct 31
an rpy2, R cgi type question
Hi again. I'm putting together a little project with R, python, and a website. So I have an HTML file, a py file, an R file. Here is the HTML file: <form action="/cgi-bin/" method="post" target="_blank"> <input type="radio" name="subject" value="Integrate" /> Integrate <input type="radio"
2009 Mar 21
How to change Rlapack by lapack (for rpy2 installation)?
(I asked an earlier question on the rpy2 installation to the rpy2 list, the solution there was to edit the script, but this looks beyond what I can do unless someone tells me exactly what to modify). I have R 2.8.1 on 2 machines running ubuntu 8.04 (packages R-base and R-base-dev, among others, installed using Synaptic) and while the installation of rpy2 went fine on machine1, failed on
2010 Jun 14
executable script
In Python, it is literally this easy: import rpy2.robjects as robjects robjects.r(""" source("C:/ YOUR R FILE GOES HERE ") """) Type the name of your R source code into this script and save it as a Python script (add the suffix .py), and then you can run by double-clicking. If you want to see the results of your program, you'll have