similar to: bouton de fermeture

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "bouton de fermeture"

2006 Jun 21
Problem with observe_field
Hi folks, I have following in my view : =================== <div class="foo"> <%= select ''theme'', "id", Theme.find_all.collect {|t| [, ] }, { :prompt => ''Select a theme'' } %> </div> <%= observe_field( :theme_id, :update => :my_style, :url => { :action => :themelookup, :id => @space,},
2007 Nov 24
Bonjour. Ne pouvant pas afficher toutes les pages web avec html window, est-ce qu''il est possible à partir d''un bouton de coller l''url choisi dans la barre de recherche d''IE7 par exemple et d''ouvrir IE7 automatiquement à la page recherchée? Est-ce que vous pouvez me donnez quelques explications si cela est possible? merci sebastien
2007 Apr 20
Je vous renvoi ce message car vous n''avez pas répondu au précédent. je voudrais savoir à propos de "ConfigBase" Est_ce qu''il à toujours la même valeur dans wxruby2? Est-ce que l''on peut le placer dans n''importe quelle classe? Est-ce que vous pourriez me donner un exemple avec ConfigBase, svp, car il n''y en a pas dans les démos. merci
2005 Jul 27
SWIGging ConfigBase
Hi all I''m trying to write an .i file for ConfigBase. If I can figure out a few general SWIG things then I think most of it will work. Apols for the noob swig questions. The C++ class has lots of overloaded methods called Read, which return different kinds of values. In wxruby-not-swig these are implemented as read, read_bool, read_int and so on. read() means read_string(). In ruby
2005 Oct 22
6 error with weft-qda
Dear wxruby users I''ve been trying to get wxruby-based weft-qda 0.9.6 running on a linux from scratch 6.1 system (this list had a discussion about weft-qda last year and alex fenton''s also been trying to help me out - no luck so far). I get stuck with wxruby 0.60 (I think). I compiled wxruby against wxGTK 2.4.2 (without gtk2, without unicode - gtk+ version is 1.2.10) - after
2007 Apr 14
=question sur wxruby2
Bonjour, je voulais savoir si wxruby2 est intégré à l''interpréteur ruby? Que veut dire $0 ? merci Sebastien _______________________________________________ wxruby-users mailing list
2006 Oct 21
Window#paint patch
Attached is a patch and some extra files to fix our ObjectPreviouslyDeleted crasher with the paint method. As discussed, it just re-implements the method in Ruby. I created a directory lib/wx/classes as a place to hold Ruby extensions to the API. The attached app.rb and window.rb files should be added to it. When this patch is applied, files in that directory are automatically required on
2005 Jul 30
classes to be ignored etc
Hi just a quick update on I''ve added a clearer comparison of the two versions, plus info on classes that are being dropped or shouldn''t be implemented b/c standard library is preferred. obviously these are up for discussion, just my view based on what''s in ruby by default or easy to
2012 Oct 11
Coupure de connexion entre Rails 3.2.7 et Postgres 8.4
Bonjour à tous, Je développe une grosse application en Rails 3.2.7 qui est connecté à une BD Postgres 8.4 installée sur la même machine. L''application s''exécute sur Apache avec le module Passenger. L''application est constamment utilisée par une centaine d''utilisateurs et ne pose aucun problème pendant plusieurs heures puis, d''un coup, Rails ne
2002 Jul 06
Aide sur samba
A monsieur Andrew Je suis ?tudiant en fin de cycle de formation en infomatique ? l'institut Africain d'informatique de Libreville.J'?tais sur vos sites et je suis persuad?s que vous ?tes la personne la bien plac?e pour m'orienter et m'aider sur un sujet concernant "l'authentification linux des sessions windows".Ainsi on me demande de concevoir et de mettre en
2007 Jul 25
Salut alex, j''ai un petit souci. quand j''utilise "demotaskbaricon" avec traducteur-wxruby, que j''ouvre mon application(donc l''icone apparaît dans la barre de lancement rapide) et que je ferme mon application, l''icone disparaît tout de suite. Mais quand je l''utilise avec l''exemple Wizard et que je ferme mon application
2008 Aug 29
Asterisk cdr_mysql inexact values
I have a simple cdr configured with the default tables, here is a row of a good cdr report calldate | clid | src | dst | dcontext | channel | ect ..... ect .... 2008-08-29 10:16:49 | "C. BOUTON" <40> | 40 | XXXXXXXXXXX | phonesystems | SIP/40-08776938 | ect ..... ect .... I have replaced the number by
2007 Nov 19
Bonjour tout le monde. En fait je voudrait savoir si il est possible d''enlever l''une des trois fonctions de la frame(maximize_box, minimise_box, close_box). On peut retirer les 3 en même temps, mais est-ce que l''on peut juste retirer l''une des trois? merci sebastien _______________________________________________ wxruby-users mailing
2013 Jun 16
MOH don't work after update
Hi we have a small problems. We have a Asterisk 1.6.1 old server with music on old. we have updated to AsteriskNow 11.4.0 and now, when we want play sound, we have a errors: -- Executing [334xx at Accueil_HNO:2] BackGround("SIP/SIP000005-0000000c", "Fermeture") in new stack [Jun 16 07:35:06] WARNING[7634][C-00000006]: file.c:701 ast_openstream_full: File Fermeture does
2003 Mar 26
no route to host between Mac samba and Linux samba
I have a mac running Mac OS X ans samba 2.2.5 which is provided by Apple. The Linux server have samba 2.2.8 (the last one). Sometimes, in the server logs, you have: [2003/03/26 14:26:30, 0] lib/util_sock.c:read_data(436) read_data: read failure for 4. Error = No route to host in this case, the Macclient lost the samba connection and has to reboot because a silly error (Mac error: -47, %
2010 Feb 25
read.table (trying one more time)
Hey listers, I've posted this doubt other day... But I am still having a hard time... I have a MAC and I am not getting how to use the read.table command... At the bottom of the FINDER application I have the following path: Macintosh HD>Usu?rios>User>Marcio>UdeM>Travail Dirig?>Data>MU284 Population.txt I didn't find out how I could copy and paste this path as it is
2004 Nov 22
Hello, Brand new user of R that I want to interface with Windew (, I am looking for a detailed documentation of R(D)Com. Does anybody know where I can find it, or do you have any form of experience of the use of R with Windev? Thanks for your help. PS : As I am new to the group, people interested in some details about the requestor could find his resume at address
2007 Sep 16
Salut Alex. Quand j''utilise: evt_close() {|event| on_sortie} def on_sortie @fich1 = nil end dans mon application, ça désactive complètement la fermeture. Pourquoi? J''aimerai pouvoir créer un évenement à la fermeture de mon application, quand je la ferme avec window manager, qui pourrait me permettre d''initialiser ma variable. Quel est la chose que je ne fait pas
2010 Feb 16
Mestat wrote: > > Hi listers, > I just got a MAC, so I am trying to use the command READ.TABLE but I am > getting a error that is probably caused by the wrong path that I am > using... > The command is the following... > > file<-read.table("/Users/M?rcio/UdeM/Travail Dirig?/Data/MU284 > Population.txt",header=T,skip=24) > > And I am getting the
2007 Jul 12
Backgroundrb needs a new maintainer.
Hello All- Is there anyone out there that wants to take over as maintainer of the backgroundrb project? I feel bad because I know lots of folks use it but I absolutely do not have time to work on it anymore :(. I''m looking for a new maintainer, I would give you all the access to the project you need and try to help you come up to speed on the codebase. If anyone is