similar to: How does "case defined(Package["package"])" work?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "How does "case defined(Package["package"])" work?"

2007 May 18
Requiring Yum be installed before classes use it as a provider
I''m in the process of creating Puppet classes to install Munin via Yum on my RHEL4 hosts. Before Yum can be used as a provider, it obviously needs to be installed. I''ve tried requring the Yum package in the Munin classes but I still get an error about "Provider ''yum'' is not functional on this platform". Is there an easy way to require the yum class
2007 Jun 29
Installing a file only if a package is available
Hi, is there a way to make sure a file is installed only if a certain package is installed on the client? e.g. I want to distribute the client key for NX via puppet. However I only want to install these files if package ''freenx'' is installed on the client. I tried adding ''require => package["freenx"]'' but then puppetd complains it
2007 Apr 24
Announce: References are now on Trac
I''ve converted all of the inline docs over to restructured text, and I''ve got them all up on trac: Please let me know if you find any
2007 May 28
Anyone using storeconfigs with a DB other than sqlite?
Just wondering if anyone is using a backend database other than sqlite, and if so, how easy/hard it was to configure. I''m constantly receiving "SQLite3::BusyException: database is locked..." which I presume is due to sqlite''s relatively coarse locking method. Cheers, James -- Senior Linux Platform Engineer Midrange Services AXA Technology Services - Asia Pacific
2007 Aug 23
Using resource names in templates...
Hi all, I''ve been turning my head upside down to find a solution on the following problem: I have a samba fileserver and need to make puppet do: 1. Create groups 2. Create directories with group rights 3. Create an smb-shares.conf from a template that can be included in the main smb.conf. To do this I need to have a combination of sharename and group _and_ create the
2007 May 29
Tunnelling Puppet over SSH
I work at a large financial institution (AXA) and we have a large number of DMZs for our partner and internet-facing servers. The only access to the various DMZs is via SSH and no DMZ-initiated connections are allowed back to the internal network. I''d consider putting a Puppet server in the DMZ but no communication is allowed between DMZs either. Has anyone tried tunnelling Puppet
2007 Jul 17
Recommended way to set $FACTERLIB?
Is there a recommended way to set $FACTERLIB so that Puppet will be able to access custom facts when running as a Red Hat service? If I export $FACTERLIB=/var/puppet/facts and then run Puppet manually I have no problems, but I''m not sure how I should be setting $FACTERLIB when Puppet is running automatically. Cheers, James
2006 Sep 02
BayLISA Puppet presentation video
Hi all, Jennifer Davis from BayLISA has done us the service of already posting the presentation from this past Wednesday night: It''s about 2 hours total, and I can''t promise it''s any kind of amazing presentation, but I do a
2007 Apr 18
dependency and communication between defined classes
Hi, i wanted to know how you handle case when classes or define need to communicate between them. For exemple i got an ftpd define and a apachevhost define. Both need to know the path where the vhost is set and this path is defined by the ftpuser home''s directory. How can i ask information from other define or other classes ? we allready seen that tag are not reliable as they
2007 Jun 05
custom type, recipe, how to solve this ?
Hi, I have a little trickky thing i wanted to do with puppet, mainly this is configuring web host on servers. I have a tree like this : NODE - WEB -APACHE - 1.x - 2.x - FTP - VSFTP - PROFTPD - STATS -AWSTATS - if FTP then configure awstats for awstats - URCHIN5 So my issue is that i want to be able to have
2007 Apr 05
Preferred method for setting customer facts?
I''ve checked out the page on adding custom facts for Facter and I see that there are a number of ways to do this. Is there a preferred method of setting system-wide facts? In this case, I''d like to set a "Location" fact which represents the data centre a server is in. Cheers, James *********************************************************************************
2007 Mar 28
How is defined() used?
Hello What am I doing wrong here? $test = defined(User[''foo'']) _______________________________________________ Puppet-users mailing list
2007 Apr 18
puppet does not speak french ;)
i got a little idea there, should not puppet use environement LANG=C when managing facts or packages etc... ? i have LANG=fr_FR.UTF-8 and puppet choke on quite a few facts (erors messages with uname for exemple: Pour en savoir davantage, faites: « uname --help ». ) and also with packages updates : /usr/bin/apt-cache policy mysql-client-4.1 => err:
2007 Jan 07
0.22.0 Errata: Facts are not downcased
I forgot to mention this in my announcement yesterday. Puppet facts are no longer downcased in the language, and string comparisons now default to being case-insensitive. Where your operating system might previously have been ''solaris'' or ''debian'', it is now ''Solaris'' or ''Debian''. However, you can still do comparisons
2007 Nov 02
Custom reports in puppet
Does any one know or whether have someone done custom reports in puppet. Which will show the status of the servers, disk, cpu, load, pkg list, configs/files edited via puppet, how often a config file is updated, etc.. -- Deepak _______________________________________________ Puppet-users mailing list
2007 Jul 12
Problem with "defined" keyword
Hi, I''m running Puppet 0.23.0 on my servers, and i got something like this: In a classa.pp file (included in site.pp): class A { file { "test1": ... } } In a classb.pp file (included in site.pp): class B { file { "test2": ... } if defined(File["test1"]) { ... do things ... } if
2007 Apr 19
Puppet rpm packages for RHEL4 x86_64?
Just wondering if anyone has built (or found) Puppet rpm packages for RHEL4 x86_64 version. James ********************************************************************************* Important Note This email (including any attachments) contains information which is confidential and may be subject to legal privilege. If you are not the intended recipient you must not use, distribute or copy this
2008 Feb 13
dependency to storeconfig
Hi all, I''ve noticed, that once using storeconfig, if the db (in my case mysql) is down than puppet wont start... is there a real reason for making puppet depend on the db? Thanks, Ohad _______________________________________________ Puppet-users mailing list
2007 Jun 04
Puppet installation and observations
Greeting Puppeteers, ( I sent this from the wrong address so it may be a duplicate post after moderation ) I recently discovered puppet from the debian administration site and thought I might install it after BASHING my head against cfengine the last 3 times I tried to install it. I installed puppetmaster on my primary server and dropped puppet on a couple of xen virtuals. It worked
2006 Dec 04
puppet definition
Hello, still upgrading to .20.1 and i have another issue that puppet does not regonize anymore my definitions, i use some ensure lines definition in a function.pp file and since then i am unable to make it work. puppetmasterd tells me this: Unknown function sudoensure_line in file /etc/puppet/manifests/./classes/backup.pp the import of the function is my 2 line of the site.pp and i