similar to: lubridate:ymd_hm and coercion of class POSIXct. Smooth way to restore the date format.

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 500 matches similar to: "lubridate:ymd_hm and coercion of class POSIXct. Smooth way to restore the date format."

2011 Feb 02
Need help subsetting time series data
Hi all, I have multiple datasets of time series data taken from GPS collars. The collars are supposed to take a fix every hour on the half hour, i.e., 0:30, 1:30, 2:30...23:30, (because it sometimes takes longer for the collars to acquire a location the minute of these locations vary from 30-34) but because of a software glitch in the collars, at random times the collars start taking multiple
2010 Oct 13
Date Time Objects
I am trying to convert an array from numeric values back to date and time format. The code I have used is as follows; for (i in 0:(length(DateTime3)-1)) { DateTime3[i] <- (strptime(start, "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M")+ i*interval) where start <- [1] "1/1/1981 00:00" However the created array (DateTime3) contains [1,] 347156400 347157600 347158800 347160000 347161200 347162400
2012 May 27
Problem with strptime
Hello Forum, I have a problem with the strptime function. With the ''data1'' dataset below it works fine, but with the ''data2'' dataset something goes wrong (see final line below). Both data1 and data2 are in exactly the same original format, the only difference is that they span different dates. Please help, since it is driving me nuts! Many thanks. Best
2009 Nov 25
Possible bug in "unsplit" (PR#14084)
Dear R-bug-people I have encountered a problem with "unsplit", which I believe may be caused by a bug in the function. However, unexpericend with bug-reports I apologise if this is barely a user problem rather than a problem within R. The problem occurs if an object is split by several grouping factors with levels not occuring in the data, and using drop = TRUE. This may appear as
2010 Aug 31
New package: lubridate 0.1
Please find below the package announcement for the R package lubridate available from cran. Thank you, Garrett Grolemund Rice University ##lubridate Date-time data can be frustrating to work with in R. R commands for date-times are generally unintuitive and change depending on the type of date-time object being used. Moreover, the methods we use with date-times must be robust to time zones,
2010 Aug 31
New package: lubridate 0.1
Please find below the package announcement for the R package lubridate available from cran. Thank you, Garrett Grolemund Rice University ##lubridate Date-time data can be frustrating to work with in R. R commands for date-times are generally unintuitive and change depending on the type of date-time object being used. Moreover, the methods we use with date-times must be robust to time zones,
2010 Nov 17
lubridate v2.2 available on cran
Version 2.2 of the lubridate package is now available. lubridate makes it easier to work with date-time data. For example, it provides: * simple functions to extract and modify components of a date-time, such as years, months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds: year(), month(), day(), ... * quick and easy functions to parse date-times: ymd(), dmy(), mdy(), ... * helper functions for handling
2010 Nov 17
lubridate v2.2 available on cran
Version 2.2 of the lubridate package is now available. lubridate makes it easier to work with date-time data. For example, it provides: * simple functions to extract and modify components of a date-time, such as years, months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds: year(), month(), day(), ... * quick and easy functions to parse date-times: ymd(), dmy(), mdy(), ... * helper functions for handling
2017 Nov 06
Añadir filas hasta que se acabe un proceso
Gracias a todos Isidro, para esa solucion que planteas voy a complementarla con las fucniones de lubridate interval y %within%. Un saludo Jesús ________________________________ De: Isidro Hidalgo Arellano <ihidalgo en> Enviado: lunes, 6 de noviembre de 2017 13:06 Para: 'Jesús Para Fernández'; r-help-es en Asunto: RE: [R-es] Añadir filas hasta que se acabe un
2015 Dec 12
Wine release 1.8-rc4
The Wine development release 1.8-rc4 is now available. What's new in this release (see below for details): - Bug fixes only, we are in code freeze. The source is available from the following locations: Binary packages for various distributions will be available
2007 Jun 01
Wine release 0.9.38
This is release 0.9.38 of Wine, a free implementation of Windows on Unix. What's new in this release: - Beginnings of support for copy protection kernel drivers. - More MSI automation support. - Many 64-bit compilation fixes. - A number of OLE fixes. - Lots of bug fixes. Because of lags created by using mirrors, this message may reach you before the release is available at the
2012 Mar 02
Wine release 1.4-rc6
The Wine development release 1.4-rc6 is now available. What's new in this release (see below for details): - Bug fixes only, we are in code freeze. The source is available from the following locations: Binary packages for various distributions will be
2012 Mar 06
lubridate 1.1.0
#lubridate lubridate makes it easier to work with dates and times by providing functions to identify and parse date-time data, extract and modify components of a date-time (years, months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds), perform accurate math on date-times, handle time zones and Daylight Savings Time. lubridate has a consistent, memorable syntax that makes working with dates less frustrating.
2012 Mar 06
lubridate 1.1.0
#lubridate lubridate makes it easier to work with dates and times by providing functions to identify and parse date-time data, extract and modify components of a date-time (years, months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds), perform accurate math on date-times, handle time zones and Daylight Savings Time. lubridate has a consistent, memorable syntax that makes working with dates less frustrating.
2011 May 27
lubridate, as.POSIXct and a vector of times: bug or feature??
It took me some time to realize this annoying behavior was coming from lubridate. Perhaps this behavior is unexpected a result of cursory knowledge of it.... ## The expected behavior > sometimes=c(0,1,2,3)*60*60*24 > as.POSIXct( sometimes, origin='1970-01-01', tz='GMT') [1] "1970-01-01 GMT" "1970-01-02 GMT" "1970-01-03 GMT" "1970-01-04
2012 Nov 16
lubridate concatenation issue
I took a look at Hadley's lubridate which seems a very neat package, but i am having a small problem with  concatenating lubridates to build vectors of it. Namely when function c( )  is applied to lubridate seems to change time to a local timezone in this particular case changing the date to previous one.  > d<-ymd('20111231') > d [1] "2011-12-31 UTC" > c(d) [1]
2010 Jul 02
Wine release 1.2-rc6
The Wine development release 1.2-rc6 is now available. What's new in this release (see below for details): - Many translation updates. - A lot of bug fixes. The source is available from the following locations: Binary packages for various
2012 Nov 13
Using lubridate to increment date by business days only
Hello, I know how to increment a date by calendar date: ticker$ldate <- ticker$tdate + days(5) How do I increment it by business days only so that week-ends are not counted? So for example friday november 2 + 5days becomes friday november 9 & not wednesday nov 7. Thanks for your help. -- View this message in context:
2012 Jan 11
lubridate does not install on FreeBSD any more
With newest R devel #sessionInfo() R Under development (unstable) (2012-01-10 r58085) Platform: amd64-portbld-freebsd10.0 (64-bit) locale: [1] de_DE.ISO8859-15/de_DE.ISO8859-15/de_DE.ISO8859-15/C/de_DE.ISO8859-15/de_DE.ISO8859-15 attached base packages: [1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base I get the following error when I try to build and install lubridate from
2011 Oct 23
Creating 2 week intervals (lubridate)
Hello, I have a list of dates in which I am going use for a time series analysis. I want to break these dates up into 2 week intervals and count the number of times a date appears in this interval. For example from Nov. 19, 2000 to Dec 2 ,2000 with the data listed below I want to return Start_date Count2000/11/19 4 Date: 2000/11/20 2000/11/21 2000/11/19 2000/11/29 My first approach was toa