similar to: trellis plot

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 8000 matches similar to: "trellis plot"

2011 Nov 09
raking weighting
Hi everyone, Does anyone know if there is a package to compute raking weights using R? What I need is to create a variable with weights base in some demographic variables (e.g. sexo, age group, area) using the raking procedure. Thank you in advance! -- Sebasti?n Daza
2011 Feb 02
grey scale graphs
Hi everyone, Does anyone know how to get "black and white theme" (grey scale,, I would say) graphs using lattice or ggplot2, as it is shown in this webpage: I am using Sweave, and I cannot get that color configuration. I have added the following option: trellis.device(color=FALSE) but I got a pdf file with color graphs. Thank
2012 Oct 11
survey package question
Hello, I have got a cluster sample using an election dataset where I already had the final results of a county-specific election. I am trying to figure out what would be the best sampling design for my data. The structure of the dataset is: 1) polling station (in general schools where people vote, for a county, for example, there are 15 polling stations) 2) inside each polling station, there
2011 Mar 26
simple if question
Hi everyone, I have just got different samples from a dataframe (independent and exclusive, there aren't common elements among them). I want to create a variable that indicate the sampling selection of the elements in the original dataframe (for example, 0 = no selected, 1= sample 1, 2=sample 2, etc.). I have tried to do it with ifelse command, but the problem is that the second line
2011 Feb 16
id number by group and correlative
Hello everyone, I am new in R and I am trying to create a id number (a correlative sequence of numbers) by group, and a correlative sequence of numbers inside each group (my idea is to get statistics by group without having to aggregate the database). Here an example: group id_group correlative_group A 1 1 A 1 2 A 1 3 A 1 4 B 2 1 B 2 2 B 2 3 C 3 1 C 3 2 C 3 3 C 3 4 C 3
2011 Apr 03
style question
Hi everyone, I am trying to build a table putting standard errors horizontally. I haven't been able to do it. library(memisc) berkeley <- aggregate(Table(Admit,Freq)~.,data=UCBAdmissions) berk0 <- glm(cbind(Admitted,Rejected)~1,data=berkeley,family="binomial") berk1 <- glm(cbind(Admitted,Rejected)~Gender,data=berkeley,family="binomial") berk2 <-
2017 Dec 14
Aggregation across two variables in data.table
Dear all, I have a data.frame that includes a series of demographic variables for a set of respondents plus a dependent variable (Theta). For example: Age Education Marital Familysize Income Housing Theta 1: 50 Associate degree Divorced 4 70K+ Owned with mortgage 9.147777 2: 65
2011 Apr 03
Hi everyone, I am trying to build a table putting standard errors horizontally. I haven't been able to do it. library(memisc) berkeley <- aggregate(Table(Admit,Freq)~.,data=UCBAdmissions) berk0 <- glm(cbind(Admitted,Rejected)~1,data=berkeley,family="binomial") berk1 <- glm(cbind(Admitted,Rejected)~Gender,data=berkeley,family="binomial") berk2 <-
2011 Feb 05
very basic HLM question
Hi everyone, I need to get a between-component variance (e.g. random effects Anova), but using lmer I don't get the same results (variance component) than using random effects Anova. I am using a database of students, clustered on schools (there is not the same number of students by school). According to the ICC1 command, the interclass correlation is .44 > ICC1(anova1) [1] 0.4414491
2004 Oct 19
Matrix/Table col headings R 2.0.0
I have been looking at some 'table' examples in Peter Dalgaard's ISwR book, and I am confused by how to get right justification of my table headings when I use the tables() command. Compare the following: # Produces right justfified column names caff.marital=matrix(c(652,1537,598,242,36,46,38,21,218,327,106,67),nrow=3,byrow=T)
2010 Dec 21
combination value
<>Hi every one, I want to calculate the combination function in R, the value not all the possible choices. I mean cmbn(5,2)=10. Is there any function unless using factorial? Regards, Amir [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2011 Jan 31
rj packages and eclipse
Hi everyone! Does anyone know how to install the rj package in Windows (7)? I am trying to set up eclipse, but I got [INFO] The R package 'rj' is not available, R-StatET tools cannot be initialized. Thank you in advance!
2011 Jan 21
Function comparable to cutpt.coxph from "Survival Analysis using S"
Dear Mrs Rachel Pearce, I am looking for a function "cutpt-coxph" in R - like you did some years ago. How have you solved the problem? Have you found it or a similar function? thank you, Sincerely, Friederike "The title says it all really; I am looking for a function along the lines of cutpt.coxph as described in "Survival Analysis Using S" (Tableman and Kim), Chapter
2012 Apr 18
Displaying data in Trellis
This is a question relating to the Trellis function in R. I have a set of socioeconomic data that I would like to display with the xyplot() function for several states. I will have a total of 6 plots, with the y-variable as "Age Group", and the x-variable as "Median Income". Suitability of the plots aside (this cannot be changed), I need to plot the points of one of the states
2011 Jan 31
Latent Class Logit Models in discrete choice experiments
Dear R users, I would like to perform Latent Class Logit Models for the analysis of choice experiments in environmental valuation. This kind of analysis is usually performed with NLogit Software ( I attach the results I usually obtain using NLogit and NLogit model specifications. For Random parameter models and Logit Models I usually perform my analysis with the package
2011 Aug 11
Subsampling data
*Dear R community* * * *I have two questions on data subsample manipulation. I am starting to use R again after a long brake and feel a bit rusty.* * * *I want to select a subsample of data for males and females separately* * * library(foreign) Datatemp <- read.spss("H:/Skjol/Data/HL/t1and2b.sav", use.value.labels = F) > table(Datatemp$sex) 1 2 3049 3702
2013 Apr 16
Dear Sir/Ma, I Adelabu.A.A, one of the R-users from Nigeria. When am running a coxph command the below error was generated, and have try some idea but not going through. kindly please assist: > cox1 <- coxph(Surv(tmonth,status) ~ sex + age + marital + sumassure, X) Warning message: In fitter(X, Y, strats, offset, init, control, weights = weights, : Ran out of iterations and did not
2018 Apr 10
convert numeric variables to factor
Thank you very much. After that I have the following error: cols<- c("GrMM", "RELG", "CASTE1", "SECTOR", "SECTOR4","AGE", "MARITAL", "JOBSTATUS", "ENG", "EDU", "PARENT_EDU", "MASSMEDIA_F", "MASSMEDIA_M", "HomeComputer", "HomeInternet") > for
2011 May 18
data network format and grouping analysis
Hi everyone, I have a dataset of friendship with this format: ego alter 4746 1 2 9742 1 3 14738 1 NA 4747 2 NA 9743 2 3 14739 2 1 4748 3 13 9744 3 5 14740 3 14 4749 4 NA 9745 4 NA 14741 4 NA 4750 5 NA 9746 5 13 14742 5 10 4751 6 12 9747 6 7 ... NA means that individuals don't select any
2018 Apr 10
convert numeric variables to factor
I run this command for converting the numerical variable into factor. However, I get the following error message. > cols<- c(?GrMM", "RELG", "CASTE1", "SECTOR", "SECTOR4","AGE", "MARITAL" "JOBSTATUS", "ENG", "EDU", "PARENT_EDU", "MASSMEDIA_F", "MASSMEDIA_M",