similar to: Proxy and SSO (single sign-on)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "Proxy and SSO (single sign-on)"

2011 Nov 24
Problem with lmtp proxy
Hello everyone, I have set up postfix to deliver mails to dovecot (2.0.16) using LMTP. On the other hand, I've successfully configured the IMAP proxy setting in dovecot in order to be able to distribute mailboxes among different servers. I wanted to do the same proxy at LMTP level, but it's not working. If I put lmtp_proxy = no, then everything works ok (assuming the mailbox is local),
2019 Nov 24
Proxy GSSAPI + PLAIN authentication
Hi, I try to configure a proxy accepting GSSAPI and PLAIN authentication. When authenticating with Kerberos, Dovecot uses master user and password to authenticate to backends (backends can be Cyrus or Exchange servers too) When authenticating with PLAIN passwords, Dovecot sends user's login and password to the backend. For GSSAPI, I use extrafields : k5principals=principal at REALM proxy=Y
2012 Jan 02
Small LOGIN_MAX_INBUF_SIZE for GSSAPI with samba4 (AD)
Hello, I faced the problem with samba (AD) + mutt (gssapi) + dovecot (imap). From dovecot log: Jan 2 17:58:42 server dovecot: imap-login: Disconnected: Input buffer full (no auth attempts): rip=, lip=, secured My situation: CentOS 6.2 IMAP: dovecot --version: 2.0.9 (CentOS 6.2) MUA: mutt 1.5.20 (CentOS 6.2) Kerberos: samba4 4.0.0alpha17 as AD PDC $ klist -e Ticket
2016 Feb 19
Automatically inferring %d on multi-domain virtual install ?
On Fri, Feb 19, 2016 at 08:41:15AM +0100, Steffen Kaiser wrote: > >I'm trying to allow domain-less logins for a multi-domain virtual IMAP > >server, and wondering if I can automatically infer the domain (value of > >variable %d) from the local IP (%l) or the hostname used by the client > >when connecting to my server. > > > >Let's say I have two host
2015 Dec 03
How do we disable LOGIN-REFERRALS? (part 2)
> On 03 Dec 2015, at 17:20, sb <serbr at> wrote: > > On 12/3/15 2:49 PM, Timo Sirainen wrote: > >> There is no code that can be disabled on Dovecot side. >> I think you need to read how LOGIN-REFERRALs actually work. > > This is an excerpt from the RFC: > >> A home server referral may be returned in response to an AUTHENTICATE >>
2012 Jan 11
In 2.0.17 you increased LOGIN_MAX_INBUF_SIZE from 1024 to 4096. Should you also have increased MASTER_AUTH_MAX_DATA_SIZE from (1024*2) to (4096*2)? /* This should be kept in sync with LOGIN_MAX_INBUF_SIZE. Multiply it by two to make sure there's space to transfer the command tag */
2015 Jan 09
auth-deny : from file to LDAP
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 On Thu, 8 Jan 2015, Thomas HUMMEL wrote: > On Thu, Jan 08, 2015 at 02:48:47PM +0100, hummel at wrote: >> Hello Timo, > >> a) should I >> >> . change the driver of the first passdb from passwd-file to ldap >> . for user to be rejected, add an LDAP attribute named "foo" with a value of
2011 Jun 03
LMTP/Sieve/sendmail path
Hello, I have a system using postfix multi instance feature. The first, main postfix-instance is a nullclient as suggested by The second instance is for real use. Postfix receive mail and handover them to the dovecot lmtp server. Thats working. The lmtp server supports sieve. One account has activated a vacation rule. So while delivering
2018 Jan 19
API de AEMET con R?
Desde el terminal de Ubuntu, he conseguido descargar los datos usando esto: DESCARGAR LISTA DE ESTACIONES wget --method GET --header 'cache-control: no-cache' --no-check-certificate --output-document -*vuestra api key* DESCARGAR DATOS HISTÓRICOS Diciembre 2017, ALICANTE wget
2016 Feb 21
Automatically inferring %d on multi-domain virtual install ?
very intrigued by your solution Timo, have attempted something similar in the past to no avail. When I tried I was unable to retain the user at domain when setting the domain as extra field - protected is new to me and can't find documentation - but also doesn't work :( # cat # cat
2019 Dec 05
Coeficientes GLM binomial
Un ejemplo con un modelo más simple: He especificado este modelo: >formula(m2.pile) ger ~ tem + pot + time Si hago predict me da: >predict(m2.pile,newdata=data.frame(tem=25,pot=0,time=3),type="response") 0.08243262 Extraigo los coeficientes: > coef(m2.pile) (Intercept) tem pot time -1.89521331 -0.02303313 4.74499714 0.02043222 Ahora calculo la
2020 Feb 17
Colocar objeto Dates dentro de un vector.
Carlos, muchas gracias, voy a probarlo. Pero me sigue intrigando por que no puedo ponerlo como elemento de un vector... Misterios del R. SI lo averiguo os lo digo. Jaume. El sáb., 15 feb. 2020 a las 19:08, Carlos Ortega (<cof en>) escribió: > Hola, > > Una alternativa que te puede ayudar es enfocar el problema de esta otra > forma. > Puedes ir guardando
2020 Feb 24
Colocar objeto Dates dentro de un vector.
Muchas gracias, Probaré eso también y ya os cuento. Jaume. El lun., 17 feb. 2020 a las 22:10, Javier Marcuzzi (< javier.ruben.marcuzzi en>) escribió: > Estimado Jaume Tormo > > En lo personal yo utilizo un enfoque como el que comenta Carlos Ortega, se > me ocurre que posiblemente funcione si a su código le coloca algo de > formato, me refiero a esta forma: >
2019 Nov 28
Coeficientes GLM binomial
Estimad en s errer en s He hecho este modelo glm m1.pile<-glm(ger~tem+pot+time+I(tem^2)+I(tem^2):pot ,family="binomial" ,data=long.PILE ) Que nos da la probabilidad de germinación de una semilla en función de tem (Temperatura), pot (Humedad del suelo) y time (Tiempo que la semilla pasa en esas condiciones). Ahora quiero, para diferentes tem, pot
2012 Feb 15
extraer datos de un dataframe a partir de un factor
Hola eRReros, Necesito extraer datos de un dataframe según uno de los factores. La cosa sería algo así: df.nuevo <- iris[iris$Species=="setosa"|iris$Species=="virginica",] Que me crea un df nuevo solo con las filas en que Species es setosa o virginica. El problema es que mi factor de interés tiene 22 niveles y a veces he de seleccionar 13, 10, 8 niveles o números así.
2019 Feb 12
Leer un txt a trozos
Estimad en s eRRer en s, Tengo un txt que quiero importar a R. Pero no tiene un formato adecuado para usar cosas normales, como por ejemplo read.csv() El formato es algo así: time 1 col1 col2 col3 col4 dato dato dato dato dato dato dato dato dato dato dato dato dato dato dato dato dato dato dato dato end time 2 col1 col2 col3 col4 dato dato dato dato dato dato dato dato dato dato dato dato dato
2012 Jun 04
paquete SPEI función thornthwaite
Hola eRReros. Os lo explico con un ejemplo: # Cargamos los paquetes y el ejemplo install.packages("SPEI") library("SPEI") data(wichita) # los primeros 12 datos head(wichita,12) # mi subset de los primeros 12 datos meu<-wichita[c(1:12),] meu # como veis los valores de TMED son iguales en ambos dataframes. # ahora viene el problema # calculamos
2019 Nov 24
Proxy GSSAPI + PLAIN authentication
<!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> </head> <body> <div> If your dovecot is recent enough you can use mechanisms setting on passdb block. See <br> </div> <blockquote type="cite"> <div>
2015 Mar 02
IP drop list
Dave McGuire writes: >> >> >> then setup fail2ban to manage extrafields > > Now that's a very interesting idea, thank you! I will investigate this. If you don't expect yor firewall to handle 45K+ IPs, I'm not how you expect dovecot will handle a comma separated string with 45K+ entries any
2020 Feb 15
Colocar objeto Dates dentro de un vector.
Hola, Estoy encontrando un problema al intentar poner un objeto Dates en un vector o dataframe. Mi ejemplo # preliminares install.packages( lubridate ); library( lubridate ) v <- c(0, 0, 0) original<-c(2019,308,1700, 25) # c(año, día del año, hora, temperatura) esto sale así de un sensor de temperatura # convertimos los datos originales en algo que entienda R a <-