similar to: How to compute within-group mean and sd?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "How to compute within-group mean and sd?"

2009 Dec 26
Is SEM package of R suitable for sem analysis
Dears, I'm a college student and In doing my statistics homework. I use R with SEM package as my tool for sem analysis, but my teacher told me AMOS is more suitable for such analysis. Could someone help tell me whether it is true that some commercial software is better accepted in academic fields? Sorry if I should not post such topics here. -- Best Regards, Reeyarn T. Lee Accounting
2005 Dec 23
pagination problem
hey, i have this problem in the database i have 32 records and the sql filtered 4 records #getting the callerid records depending on the given paramaters and paginate it @callerid_pages = self, CallerId.count, 10, @params[''page''] @caller_ids = CallerId.find(:all, :conditions =>["geotags.firm_id = ? ", @firm_id], :order => " geotags.address1
2008 May 07
Assigning to the foreign key on a belongs_to association
I''ve encountered what seems like an odd omission in the behaviour of belongs_to associations: if you assign to the foreign key attribute, it doesn''t update the associated object (or mark a previously loaded one as stale) until you explicitly save or reload it. Let''s say we have a Company model, which belongs_to :city : >> torchbox =
2005 Dec 15
How to delete a record
hey, i my database i have users and groups, each user can get in different groups my db structure: table groups: id, name, basegroup, firm_id table users: id, firstname, lastname, email table groups_users: group_id, user_id my relation is a many to many: class Group < ActiveRecord::Base has_and_belongs_to_many :users end class User < ActiveRecord::Base has_and_belongs_to_many
2005 Sep 28
search engine, select the selected option
hey, i have a search engine that let u search on the an employee how can i make that if the user select "employee1" , on the next page "employee1" is selected this is my code (rhtml) <tr> <td><label for="employee_id">Employee</label></td> <td colspan="3"><%= select "employee", "id",
2005 Dec 14
how to get these records in has_and_belongs_to_many relation
hey, i my database i have users and groups, each user can get in different groups my db structure: table groups: id, name, basegroup, firm_id table users: id, firstname, lastname, email table groups_users: group_id, users_id my relation is a many to many: class Group < ActiveRecord::Base has_and_belongs_to_many :users end class User < ActiveRecord::Base has_and_belongs_to_many
2005 Dec 19
how to do security??
hey, i have maded some security in my website based on Here they work with users, roles and persmission, and they check it like this, user.has_permission(permission). I have extended this to: users and groups with roles and permissions. With permissions like "view records","edit records","delete records",... def
2009 May 04
Need to clean a table, and compute mean and SD
Hi For a school project I have a file with 120 columns and ~2000 lines. This file contains timestamps of spike detected in 60 channels, and the time elapsed between the last spike. I need to clean too high values. About 98% of values are between 0 and 2000 and 2% are between 2000 and 20'000. I want to get rid of theses values. Please could you help me? Regards Thom -- View this message
2010 Jan 05
mean for subset
Hello, does anyone know how to take the mean for a subset of observations? For example, suppose my data looks like this: OBS NAME SCORE 1 Tom 92 2 Tom 88 3 Tom 56 4 James 85 5 James 75 6 James 32 7 Dawn 56 8 Dawn 91 9 Clara 95 10 Clara 84 Is there a way to get
2006 Jan 03
has_and_belongs_to_many include problem
hey, i have users who are in groups, and i have a search form, where i can search on group, user lastname, and user firstname. All this is also with pagination. these are my models class User < ActiveRecord::Base has_and_belongs_to_many :groups end class Group < ActiveRecord::Base has_and_belongs_to_many :users end in my controller i do this THIS works (but in need pagination) @users2
2005 Dec 22
conditions on model
hey, this is the situation, an user may only access x clients (ex , 1, 5 ,6 ,7), so i make a string with those ids and paste it to the sql statement, the user is from the session #creating a list of all the client record ids the user may access and paste it in the sql statement if user.has_permission(''admin'') || user.view_all == 1 text = "" else text =
2005 Dec 01
problem with options_from_collection_for_select() need id not name
hey, i need a select list with a id property and not name, cuz i just ajax with this list and it checks on id not name if #called by ajax if @request.xml_http_request? #called by ajax @geotag_id=params[:geotag_id].nil? ? -2 : params[:geotag_id] else @geotag_id=params[:geotag][:id].blank? ? -1:params[:geotag][:id] end else @geotag_id = -1 end i use this @geotags =
2005 Jul 07
Tables: Invitation to make a collective package
Hi All, I would like to make an invitation to make a collective package with all functions related to TABLES. I know that there are many packages with these functions, the original idea is collect all this functions and to make a single package, because is arduous for the user know all this functions broadcast in many packages. So, I think that the original packages can continue with its
2011 Jul 05
Stuck ...can't get sapply and xmlTreeParse working
Can't seem to get the code below working. It gets stuck on line 24 inside the function hm; comments show the line in question. The function hm is called by sapply and is at the bottom of the code. Other stuff above line 24 works correctly including the first couple of lines of the function hm. Should I be using a different apply function or am I doing something wrong with xmlTreeParse ?
2012 Dec 17
Why does matrix selection behave differently when using which?
Dear R community, I have a medium sized matrix stored in variable "t" and a simple function " countRows" (see below) to count the number of rows in which a selected column "C" matches a given value. If I count all rows matching all pairwise distinct values in the column "C" and sum these counts up, I get the number or rows of "t". If I delete the
2019 Jun 03
[PATCH 22/22] docs: fix broken documentation links
Le 30/05/2019 ? 01:23, Mauro Carvalho Chehab a ?crit?: > Mostly due to x86 and acpi conversion, several documentation > links are still pointing to the old file. Fix them. > > Signed-off-by: Mauro Carvalho Chehab <mchehab+samsung at> > --- > Documentation/acpi/dsd/leds.txt | 2 +- > Documentation/admin-guide/kernel-parameters.rst | 6
2019 Jun 03
[PATCH 22/22] docs: fix broken documentation links
Le 30/05/2019 ? 01:23, Mauro Carvalho Chehab a ?crit?: > Mostly due to x86 and acpi conversion, several documentation > links are still pointing to the old file. Fix them. > > Signed-off-by: Mauro Carvalho Chehab <mchehab+samsung at> > --- > Documentation/acpi/dsd/leds.txt | 2 +- > Documentation/admin-guide/kernel-parameters.rst | 6
2012 Mar 13
Visualising multiple response contingency tables
Dear R Help Community, I have a question and an answer (based on reading this forum and online research), but I though I should share both since probably there's a much better way to go about my solution. My question is specifically about how to best visualise multiple response contingency tables. What I mean by 'multiple response' is that the total number of responses per row of a
2011 May 02
I'm trying to insert rows of a data.frame into a database table, or update where the key fields of a record already exist in the table. I've come up with a possible solution below, but would like to hear if anyone has a better solution. # The problem demonstrated: # Create a data.frame with test values library(RODBC) tbl <- data.frame( key1 = rep(1:3, each = 2), key2 =
2011 May 26
What am I doing wrong with sapply ?
Statement 9 using sapply does not seem to give the correct answer (or at least to me). Yet I do what I think is the same thing with statement 11 and I get the answer I'm looking for. 9 : s <-sapply(unlist(v[c(1:length(v))]), max) 11: for(i in 1 :length(v)) v1[i] <- max(unlist(v[i])) Shouldn't I get the same answer ? library(XML) rm(list=ls()) url <-