similar to: Importing files

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Importing files"

2012 May 05
creating a new column assigning values of other columns
Hello, ? I have to create a new column from the values of other columns of a data frame. The new?column (y$n) is created imposing a condition (using a third variable y$h) that assigns the values of two time variables (y$b and y$timepos). Here's the piece of code to get there (using the attached files): ? xact <- read.table("act.lig", sep = ',',
2012 Jul 15
Imposing more than one condition to if
Hi,   I have a dataset which contains several time records for a number of days, plus a variable (light) that allows to determine night time (lihgt= 0) and daytime (light> 0). I need to obtain get dusk time and dawn time for each day and place them in two columns. This is the starting point (d): day time light 1     1       20 1     12     10 1     11     6 1     9       0 1     6       0
2013 Feb 19
Cramer von Mises test for a discrete distribution
Hi, ? I'm trying to carry out Cramer von Mises tests between pairs of vectors belonging to a discrete distribution (concretely frequencies from 0 to 200). However, the program crashes in the attempt. The problem seems to be that these vectors only have positive integer numbers (+ zero). When I add a random very small positive decimal to the non-decimal part everything works fine (files prm1
2012 Apr 30
Subtract days to dates in POSIXct format
Hello, I'm having problems working with date values in POSIXct format. Here is what I got (eg.lig attached): x <- read.table("eg.txt", sep = ',', col.names=c("ok","time","secs","lig")) # it gives time as factor z <- cbind(x,colsplit(x$time, split="\\s", names=c("date", "clock")))
2013 Jun 10
modify and append new rows to a data.frame using ddply
Hi, I have a data.frame that contains a variable act which records the duration (in seconds) of two states (wet-dry) for several individuals (identified by Ring) over a period of time. Since I want to work with daytime (i.e. from sunrise till sunset) and night time (i.e. from sunset till next sunrise), I have to split act from time[i] till sunset and from sunset until time[i+1], and from time[k]
2011 Sep 12
Automated generation of combinations
Hello,   I'd like to generate automatically all the possible combinations of a set of 8 variables (there are 535, too many to do it by hand). For example:   input: varA, varB, varC output: varA+varB+varC             varA+varB             varA+varC             varB+varC             varA             varB             varC Is there any function that produces this option?   Thank you [[alternative
2016 Apr 20
overlay two facet_grid
Hi all, Does anyone know how to overlay two facet_grids? I have two facet grids as following: ggplot(data=df,aes(x=TE,y=TR,color="orange"))+geom_point()+facet_grid(FS+TRJ~OR+INV,labeller=label_both)+xlim(0,200)+ylim(0,10000) ggplot(data=df,aes(x=TE,y=TR))+geom_point(aes(color=TST))+facet_grid(FS+TRJ~OR+INV,labeller=label_both)+xlim(0,200)+ylim(0,10000) Thanks for any help! Elahe
2010 Jan 25
Issue using tapply
Hello all, I am trying to use the tapply function to sum some values and change the column names of the resulting vector. I input Emp Et 1 10565 ACC 2 7515 ADM 3 625 AGF 4 6243 CNS 5 12721 EDU 6 3924 FIN 7 18140 HLH 8 3686 INF 9 15841 MFG 10 243 MIN 11 1864 MNG 12 4664 OSV 13 5496 PRF 14 4988 PUB 15 2166 REC 16 2153 REL 17 16082 RTL 18 3582 TRN 19 757 UTL 20
2011 Jun 22
Appending to list
So im here now b/c im incredibly frustrated. Please consider the following: #Try 1 Data_<-list() Sn<-1:12 for(sn in Sn){ for(i in 1:10){ Data.X <- rnorm(100,0,10) Data_[[paste(sn,i,sep="-")]]<-Data.X } } ##Try 2 Data_<-list() Sn<-1:12 for(sn in Sn){ for(i in 1:10){ Data.X <- rnorm(100,0,10) Data_[[sn]][[i]]<-Data.X } } In Try 1 i am able to append
2016 Apr 20
overlay two facet_grid Overlaying aesthetics is possible. Overlaying graphs is not. Without sample data, concrete examples will be unlikely to appear, so read the above link and pay attention to the dput function. -- Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity. On April 20, 2016 3:01:43 PM PDT, "ch.elahe via R-help"
2009 Sep 24
Upgrading Dovecot on CentOS 4 from 0.99 to 1.x
(sorry for my previous message, I sent it by mistake before finishing it) Hello, We have a production mail server running dovecot 0.99 (dovecot-0.99.14-1.rf). We are getting several errors corrected in dovecot 1.x versions: * corrupted inboxes (garbage at beggining of mbox files), * corrupted index files (Error: Corrupted file index /home/jsmith/.imap/Drafts/.imap.index: Sequence 6 not
2010 May 28
Data frame manipulation
Hello All, Please consider the following: TotEmp<-c(19,6,1,1,8,44,2,33,48,1) ClusterType<-c("AGF","CNS","OSV","RTL","RTL","TRN","REL","ACC_CLUST","RTL","WHL") Taz<-c(0,0,0,100,100,100,101,101,102,103)
2013 Feb 12
Max value of each 2 rows in dataframe
Hello, I would like to ask you for help. I have quite a big dataframe (119 313 rows), this is a part of it: "jul" "ind" "time" "secs" "geo" "act" "lig" "date.x" "clock" "h" "m" "s" "d" "mo" "y" "dtime" "land" "date.y"
2018 Oct 31
nt status buffer too small
all result :) # ls -l /home/       --> on DC svad01 drwr-xr-x  4  root  root 4096 oct.  30 15:57 home drwr-xr-x  4  root  root 4096 oct.  30 15:57 profiles drwrwxr-x  4  root  root 4096 oct.  30 15:57 public drwr-xr-x  4  root  root 4096 oct.  30 15:57 services /etc/samba/smb.conf [global]   netbios name = svad01   realm = SITE.SOCIETE.LOCAL   workgroup = SITE   dns forwarder =
2013 Jun 04
[PATCH 1/2] acpi/processor: remove bm_rld_set of acpi_processor_flags
bm_rld_set seems obsolete now Signed-off-by: liguang <lig.fnst at> --- include/acpi/processor.h | 1 - 1 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-) diff --git a/include/acpi/processor.h b/include/acpi/processor.h index ea69367..cfec509 100644 --- a/include/acpi/processor.h +++ b/include/acpi/processor.h @@ -188,7 +188,6 @@ struct acpi_processor_flags { u8
2013 Jun 04
[PATCH 1/2] acpi/processor: remove bm_rld_set of acpi_processor_flags
bm_rld_set seems obsolete now Signed-off-by: liguang <lig.fnst at> --- include/acpi/processor.h | 1 - 1 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-) diff --git a/include/acpi/processor.h b/include/acpi/processor.h index ea69367..cfec509 100644 --- a/include/acpi/processor.h +++ b/include/acpi/processor.h @@ -188,7 +188,6 @@ struct acpi_processor_flags { u8
2013 Jun 04
[PATCH 1/2] acpi/processor: remove bm_rld_set of acpi_processor_flags
bm_rld_set seems obsolete now Signed-off-by: liguang <lig.fnst at> --- include/acpi/processor.h | 1 - 1 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-) diff --git a/include/acpi/processor.h b/include/acpi/processor.h index ea69367..cfec509 100644 --- a/include/acpi/processor.h +++ b/include/acpi/processor.h @@ -188,7 +188,6 @@ struct acpi_processor_flags { u8
2013 Mar 09
grouping followed by finding frequent patterns in R
I have a data in the following form : CIN TRN_TYP 9079954 1 9079954 2 9079954 3 9079954 4 9079954 5 9079954 4 9079954 5 9079954 6 9079954 7 9079954 8 9079954 9 9079954 9 . . . . . . there are 100 types of CIN (9079954,12441087,15246633,...) and respective TRN_TYP first of all, I want this data to be
2005 Jul 13
Hi, I have a question on read.table. I have a dataset with 273,000 lines and 195 columns. I used the read.table to load the data into R: trn<-read.table('train1.dat', header=F, sep='|', na.strings='.') I found it takes forever. then I run 1/10 of the data (test) using read.table again. And this time it finished quickly. So, there might be something wrong in my data
2012 Jun 08
Consulta sobre GLM-log linear
Estimados amigos, Estoy familiarizándome con los modelos lineales generalizados en R. Estoy interesado en realizar un análisis lig linear y me gustaría saber cuáles son o como extraer los valores correspondientes al chi cuadrado en el análisis para cada grupo y para las interacciones. Desde ya muchas gracias y disculpas si la pregunta es muy básica, adjunto los comandos que estoy utilizando. Si