similar to: multi-histogram plotting

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "multi-histogram plotting"

2012 Mar 14
sum(hist$density) == 2 ?!
> x <- rnorm(1000) > h <- hist(x,plot=FALSE) > sum(h$density) [1] 2 ----------------------------- shouldn't it be 1?! > h <- hist(x,plot=FALSE, breaks=(-4:4)) > sum(h$density) [1] 1 ----------------------------- now it's 1. why?! -- Sam Steingold ( on Ubuntu 11.10 (oneiric) X 11.0.11004000
2012 Mar 26
Error during wrapup: incorrect number of dimensions
when subsetting a matrix results in a single row, it is converted to a vector, not a matrix. how do I avoid this? 1. __GOOD__ > edges <- get.edges(g,E(g)) > edges [,1] [,2] [1,] 0 2 [2,] 0 3 [3,] 0 4 [4,] 0 5 [5,] 1 1 [6,] 0 4 [7,] 0 6 [8,] 0 7 [9,] 0 8 [10,] 0 9 [11,] 0 5 [12,] 0 10 [13,] 0 11
2005 Jan 04
Re: Re: 8 pstn lines+ on Asterisk supported
Hi Steven, I wish, I already have 2 spare TE410p and 1 TE405p. But customer wants to use Analogue and they already installed the lines. Yesterday, I ready about the FXO modules being replaced by Digium, this relaxed me a bit. But as you said, I will have to worry about the ring and hangup detection, cleaner lines, impedance matching echo problems specially that I have not heard of anyone using
2005 Jan 04
Re: 8 pstn lines+ on Asterisk supported
Hi timebandit, I'm realy happy to hear that, and as a matter of fact, all my Asterisk hardware is Intel server products, from chasis to MB. I know I can trust this hardware and I have excellent support from the guys I buy from. Thank you. >Message: 5 >Date: Mon, 3 Jan 2005 15:48:47 -0500 >From: <> >Subject: Re: [Asterisk-Users] 8 pstn lines+ on
2011 Dec 31
Histogram omitting/collapsing groups
I have two large datasets (156K and 2.06M records). Each row has the hour that an event happened, represented by an integer from 0 to 23. R's histogram is combining some data. Here's the command I ran to get the histogram: > histinfo <- hist(crashes$hour, right=FALSE) Here's histinfo: > histinfo $breaks ?[1] ?0 ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 ?6 ?7 ?8 ?9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
2011 Jul 11
plot means ?
Hi, I need this plot: given: x,y - numerical vectors of length N plot xi vs mean(yj such that |xj - xi|<epsilon) (running mean?) alternatively, discretize X as if for histogram plotting and plot mean y over the center of the histogram group. is there a simple way? thanks! -- Sam Steingold ( on CentOS release 5.6 (Final) X 11.0.60900031
2008 Sep 01
another histogram question
Hi there, I hope this question is not as stupid as the one before ... I tried to shorten my histogram (because the distribution is quite skewed and I simply don't want to see the long tail but still use the histogram plot). How can I do something like this? (The example does not work but I don't know why...) data <- rnorm(100) # as example, of course this is not skewed... h <-
2005 Jan 03
8 pstn lines+ on Asterisk supported hardware.
Hi all, I have this project that requires me to use 8 PSTN lines and possible more. I was thinking 2 TDM cards with FXO modules. The I got to read the "Qs about FXO/FXS cards" thread and that scared me. Can anybody recommend anything that is known to work ok with no mysterious problems? I was thinking OpenSwitch12 cards. What do you guys think? Any help is appreciated. Regards, Hadi
2010 Apr 23
help in conditional histogram
Dear Dr. Sarkar, When I try to run the codes, I found the following problem: > h<- sample(1:14, 319, rep=T) > c<- sample(1:14, 608, rep=T) > n<- sample(1:14, 1140, rep=T) > vt<-c(h, c, n) > ta<-rep(c("h", "c", "n"), c(319, 608, 1140)) > > to<-data.frame(vt,ta) > library(lattice) Attaching package: 'lattice'
2012 Feb 10
the value of the last expression
Is there an analogue of common lisp "*" variable which contains the value of the last expression? E.g., in lisp: > (+ 1 2) 3 > * 3 I wish I could recover the value of the last expression without re-evaluating it. thanks -- Sam Steingold ( on Ubuntu 11.10 (oneiric) X 11.0.11004000
2009 Sep 02
Howto fit normal curve into histogram using GGPLOT2
Currently, I am doing it this way. x <- mtcars$mpg h<-hist(x, breaks=10, col="red", xlab="Miles Per Gallon", main="Histogram with Normal Curve") xfit<-seq(min(x),max(x),length=40) yfit<-dnorm(xfit,mean=mean(x),sd=sd(x)) yfit <- yfit*diff(h$mids[1:2])*length(x) lines(xfit, yfit, col="blue", lwd=2) But since, ggplot2 has more appealing
2004 Aug 19
probability histogram question
Hello, all; I get an unexpected result when trying to plot a probability histogram with R1.9.1 on windows xp: #with the following code: > x <- runif(100,0,1) > hist(x) > hist(x, freq=F) > h <- hist(x, freq=F) > summary(h) # Length Class Mode #breaks 11 -none- numeric #counts 10 -none- numeric #intensities 10 -none- numeric #density 10
2012 Mar 20
igraph: decompose.graph: Error: protect(): protection stack overflow
I just got this error: > library(igraph) > comp <- decompose.graph(gr) Error: protect(): protection stack overflow Error: protect(): protection stack overflow > what can I do? the digraph is, indeed, large (300,000 vertexes), but there are very many very small components (which I would rather not discard). PS. the doc for decompose.graph does not say which mode is the default. --
2011 Jul 14
Add a density line to a cumulative histogram - second try
Hi list, this is my second try for first post on this list (I tried to post via email and nothing appeared in my email-inbox, so now I try to use the nabble-web-interface) - I hope that you will only have to read one post in your inbox! Okay, my question ... I was able to plot a histogram and add the density()-line to this plot. I was able to plot a cumulative form of this histogram. Yet, I was
2012 Feb 08
"unsparse" a vector
Suppose I have a vector of strings: c("A1B2","A3C4","B5","C6A7B8") [1] "A1B2" "A3C4" "B5" "C6A7B8" where each string is a sequence of <column><value> pairs (fixed width, in this example both value and name are 1 character, in reality the column name is 6 chars and value is 2 digits). I need to
2012 Apr 04
recover lost global function
Since R has the same namespace for functions and variables, > c <- 1 kills the global function, which can be restored by > c <- get("c",mode="function") Is there a way to prevent R from overriding globals or at least warning when I do that or at least warning when I replace a functional value with non-functional? thanks. -- Sam Steingold (
2012 Feb 13
entropy package: how to compute mutual information?
suppose I have two factor vectors: x <- as.factor(c("a","b","a","c","b","c")) y <- as.factor(c("b","a","a","c","c","b")) I can compute their entropies: entropy(table(x)) [1] 1.098612 using library(entropy) but it is not clear how to compute their mutual information
2011 Dec 21
qqnorm & huge datasets
Hi, When qqnorm on a vector of length 10M+ I get a huge pdf file which cannot be loaded by acroread or evince. Any suggestions? (apart from sampling the data). Thanks. -- Sam Steingold ( on Ubuntu 11.10 (oneiric) X 11.0.11004000
2012 Apr 04
plot with a regression line(s)
I am sure a common need is to plot a scatterplot with some fitted line(s) and maybe save to a file. I have this: plot.glm <- function (x, y, file = NULL, xlab = deparse(substitute(x)), ylab = deparse(substitute(y)), main = NULL) { m <- glm(y ~ x) if (!is.null(file)) pdf(file = file) plot(x, y, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, main = main) lines(x, y =
2009 Dec 27
help: creating a unified histogram
Good evening, I would like to put the histograms of several matrices on the same graph, together on a unified histogram (instead of having one bar per value on the x-axis, have multiple bars: one representing each matrix, with different colored bars for example to distinguish between the matrices). I couldn't find a function doing that involving "hist", "plot" nor other