similar to: nonparametric densities for bounded distributions

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "nonparametric densities for bounded distributions"

2011 Apr 28
how to generate a normal distribution with mean=1, min=0.2, max=0.8
Dear all, This is a simple probability problem. I want to know, How to generate a normal distribution with mean=1, min=0.2 and max=0.8? I know how the generate a normal distribution of mean = 1 and sd = 1 and with 500 data point. rnorm(n=500, m=1, sd=1) But, I am confusing with how to generate a normal distribution with expected min and max. I expect to hear your directions. Thanks in
2012 May 17
oldlogspline probabilities
I using oldlogspline (from logspline package) to model data distributions, and having a problem. My data are search area sizes. They are based on circular search radii from random points to the nearest edge of the nearest grass tussock. Search area sizes are distributed from 0 (the random point intercepts a tussock) and upwards (as points are further from any tussocks). The density of all my
2009 Apr 21
Functions in lists or arrays?
I have a problem where I need to have a "driver" style R program that will extend itself, given more 'source("extra.R")' style lines. IE: easy to modify by other people. The problem becomes when I would like to create an array or list of functions. Each function, possibly hundreds of them, are really created by other programs, generating an *.R file. So for
2012 Nov 06
Confidence intervals for Sen slope in zyp-package
Hi, I have a question about the computation of confidence intervals in the zyp package, in particular using the functions zyp.sen and confint.zyp, or zyp.yuepilon. (1) I'm a bit confused about the confidence intervals given by zyp.sen and confint.zyp. When I request a certain confidence interval in the function, the R output seems to deliver another confidence interval, e.g. when I set
2007 Jun 28
new package benchden 1.0.0 : benchmark densities for nonparametric density estimation
The new package "benchden" 1.0.0 implements 28 benchmark densities for nonparametric density estimation that were introduced by A. Berlinet and L. Devroye ("A Comparison of Kernel Density Estimates", Pub. Inst. Stat. Univ. Paris, XXXVIII, fasc. 3, 1994, 3-59, ). This collection includes a variety of densities with different degrees of
2007 Jun 28
new package benchden 1.0.0 : benchmark densities for nonparametric density estimation
The new package "benchden" 1.0.0 implements 28 benchmark densities for nonparametric density estimation that were introduced by A. Berlinet and L. Devroye ("A Comparison of Kernel Density Estimates", Pub. Inst. Stat. Univ. Paris, XXXVIII, fasc. 3, 1994, 3-59, ). This collection includes a variety of densities with different degrees of
2011 Oct 01
Fitting 3 beta distributions
Hi, I want to fit 3 beta distributions to my data which ranges between 0 and 1. What are the functions that I can easily call and specify that 3 beta distributions should be fitted? I have already looked at normalmixEM and fitdistr but they dont seem to be applicable (normalmixEM is only for fitting normal dist and fitdistr will only fit 1 distribution, not 3). Is that right? Also, my data has 26
2009 Nov 05
Density estimate with bounds
Dear R users, I would like to show the estimated density of a (0, 1) uniformly distributed random variable. The density curve, however, goes beyond 0 and 1 because of the kernel smoothing. Example: x = runif(10000) plot(density(x)) Is there a way to estimate the density curve strictly within (0, 1) and still use some sort of smoothing? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Best regards,
2008 Feb 05
two densities with same stepsize
Hi there, I have two series of data. plotting the density function of both gives me an idea about the difference of the data. But I would like to quantify the difference I see. a <- rnorm(100) b <- rnorm(100) da <- density(a) db <- density(b) The problem is that da$x and db$x are different and so I have difficulties to compare them... Is there any way to force the density
2003 Jan 13
density estimation
I've been trying to figure this out for a while, but my knowledge of R is obviously still too limited. The context is as follows: I have some time series, and I would like to estimate their densities, and then use the actual densities in a monte carlo simulation. Now, I can easily estimate the density using density(); I can write a random number generator to fit an arbitrary density
2012 Jan 27
percentage from density()
Hi folks, I know that density function will give a estimated density for a give dataset. Now from that I want to have a percentage estimation for a certain range. For examle: > y = density(c(-20,rep(0,98),20)) > plot(y, xlim=c(-4,4)) Now if I want to know the percentage of data lying in (-20,2). Basically it should be the area of the curve from -20 to 2. Anybody knows a simple
2012 Dec 31
[LLVMdev] [DragonEgg] [Polly] Should we expect DragonEgg to produce identical LLVM IR for identical GIMPLE?
Dear all, In our compiler we use a modified version LLVM Polly, which is very sensitive to proper code generation. Among the number of limitations, the loop region (enclosed by phi node on induction variable and branch) is required to be free of additional memory-dependent branches. In other words, there must be no conditional "br" instructions below phi nodes. The problem we are facing
2011 Mar 20
Part of a density plot
Suupose I have y <- rbeta(10000, 2, 5) and I only want to see only the density plot from x = 0 to x = 1 How do I do this? -- Thanks, Jim. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2006 Jun 07
Density Estimation
Dear R-list, I have made a simple kernel density estimation by x <- c(2,1,3,2,3,0,4,5,10,11,12,11,10) kde <- density(x,n=100) Now I would like to know the estimated probability that a new observation falls into the interval 0<x<3. How can I integrate over the corresponding interval? In several R-packages for kernel density estimation I did not found a corresponding function. I
2010 Jun 12
nonparametric density and probability methods
Hello, I tried to post this earlier, but it seems that it did not appear on the list. If you've rec'd 2 m I'm trying to calculate non-parametric probabilities using the np package and having some difficulties. OS is Windows, R version 2.11.1 Here is what I've done so far. library(np) veg <- data.frame(factor(Physiogomy), meanAnnualDepthAve, TP) attach(veg) : for
2010 Feb 23
export tables to Excel files
Dear R users, I've just posted a similar question about Illustrator. This time I would like to export the results of my statistic tables and my dataframes into Excel files. Up to now I've used write.csv(), but I have to resave every file in .xls in Excel. I would like to know if there is a function or package to export directly into *.xls. I have found xlsReadWrite which would be
2000 Dec 19
packages installation failed on Linux
Hi all, I've successfully compiled R-1.2 on a Linux box (Mandrake 7.1). However, when I installed packages from sources, I run into problems with the packages logspline and tseries. The error messages are as follows. Can anyone help? The compiler is gcc 2.95.3, if that helps. Andy ================================================ Installing source package `logspline' ... libs gcc
2010 Jul 20
Constrain density to 0 at 0?
I'm plotting some trip length frequencies using the following code: plot( density(zTestData$Distance, weights=zTestData$Actual), xlim=c(0,10), main="Test TLFD", xlab="Distance", col=6 ) lines(density(zTestData$Distance, weights=zTestData$FlatWeight), col=2) lines(density(zTestData$Distance, weights=zTestData$BrdWeight ), col=3) which works fine except the
2012 Aug 27
How to generate a matrix of Beta or Binomial distribution
Hi folks, I have a question about how to efficiently produce random numbers from Beta and Binomial distributions. For Beta distribution, suppose we have two shape vectors shape1 and shape2. I hope to generate a 10000 x 2 matrix X whose i th rwo is a sample from reta(2,shape1[i]mshape2[i]). Of course this can be done via loops: for(i in 1:10000) { X[i,]=rbeta(2,shape1[i],shape2[i]) } However,
2010 Feb 03
Package np update (0.30-6) adds nonparametric entropy test functionality...
Dear R users, Version 0.30-6 of the np package has been uploaded to CRAN. See Note that the cubature package is now required in addition to the boot package. The recent updates in 0.30-4 through 0.30-6 provides additional functionality in the form of five new functions that incorporate frequently requested nonparametric entropy-based testing methods to the