similar to: pdMat class in LME to mimic SAS proc mixed group option? Group-specific random slopes

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "pdMat class in LME to mimic SAS proc mixed group option? Group-specific random slopes"

2005 Sep 19
How to mimic pdMat of lme under lmer?
Dear members, I would like to switch from nlme to lme4 and try to translate some of my models that worked fine with lme. I have problems with the pdMat classes. Below a toy dataset with a fixed effect F and a random effect R. I gave also 2 similar lme models. The one containing pdLogChol (lme1) is easy to translate (as it is an explicit notation of the default model) The more parsimonious
2005 May 17
setting value arg of pdSymm() in nlme
Dear All, I wish to model random effects that have known between-group covariance structure using the lme() function from library nlme. However, I have yet to get even a simple example to work. No doubt this is because I am confusing my syntax, but I would appreciate any guidance as to how. I have studied Pinheiro & Bates carefully (though it's always possible I've missed
2010 Apr 14
Alguien tiene experiencia en escribir una pdMat. Para aquellos que no lo recuerden son las matrices de covarianzas de los efectos aleatorios que ajusta la función lme de la librería nlme Estas matrices tiene especial importancia en aplicaciones de genética de poblaciones y en particular en mapeo de asociación. Pinheiro y Bates dicen que el usuario puede crear sus propias pdMat y sugiere como
2003 Nov 25
using pdMAT in the lme function?
Hello. I want to specify a diagonal structure for the covariance matrix of random effects in the lme() function. Here is the call before I specify a diagonal structure: > fit2<-lme(Ln.rgr~I(Ln.nar-log(0.0011)),data=meta.analysis, + random=~1+I(Ln.nar-log(0.0011)|STUDY.CODE,na.action=na.omit) and this works fine. Now, I want to fix the covariance between the between-groups slopes
2008 May 28
superposing barplots having different scales
Hello. I know how to make a bar plot in which a numeric y variable is plotted against some grouping variable X (say, groups A, B, C) when this grouping variable is subdivided into each of two subgroups; so the bars would be: (group A subgroup 1) beside (group A subgroup 2), then (group B subgroup 1) beside (group B subgroup 2), and so on. This is done using the beside=TRUE argument in the
2004 Jul 12
lme unequal random-effects variances varIdent pdMat Pinheiro Bates nlme
How does one implement a likelihood-ratio test, to test whether the variances of the random effects differ between two groups of subjects? Suppose your data consist of repeated measures on subjects belonging to two groups, say boys and girls, and you are fitting a linear mixed-effects model for the response as a function of time. The within-subject errors (residuals) have the same variance in
2010 Mar 26
Competing with SPSS and SAS: improving code that loops through rows (data manipulation)
Dear R-ers, In my question there are no statistics involved - it's all about data manipulation in R. I am trying to write a code that should replace what's currently being done in SAS and SPSS. Or, at least, I am trying to show to my colleagues R is not much worse than SAS/SPSS for the task at hand. I've written a code that works but it's too slow. Probably because it's
2009 Mar 10
perform subgroup meta-analysis and create forest plot displaying subgroups
Hello, I'm using the rmeta package to perform a meta analysis using summary statistics rather than raw data, and would like to analyze the effects in three different subgroups of my data. Furthermore, I'd like to plot this on one forest plot, with corresponding summary weighted averages of the effects displayed beneath each subgroup. I am able to generate the subgroup analyses by simply
2013 Aug 27
lattice graph/ panel.superpose / groups
Hello, ? I am struggling with a lattice graph. I want to plot points and condition on a variable called 'Method'. For each conditional plot I have two subgroups, say: 'first'and 'second'. I want to plot the points in a conditional graph with a different color or symbol for each subgroup. ? Moreover I want to calculate within each conditional graph limits of the points
2006 Jan 24
How to filter an activerecord find_all...
I have a nice hierarchical table structure like this: divisions has_many groups groups belongs_to division has_many subgroups subgroups belongs_to group has_many units units belongs_to subgroup I have a report which is based on units, but i want to be able to filter the units by which subgroup, or which group, or which division. I also want to sort them by,then,
2011 Oct 10
Multiple imputation on subgroups
Dear R-users, I want to multiple impute missing scores, but only for a few subgroups in my data (variable 'subgroups': only impute for subgroups 2 and 3). Does anyone knows how to do this in MICE? This is my script for the multiple imputation: imp <- mice(data, m=20, predictorMatrix=pred, post=post, method=c("", "", "", "",
2012 Oct 29
naming datasubsets in a loop
Hello everbody, I want to generate different subsets of my data-set and safe this subsets with names listet in a vector. Because in reality I have got about 70 subsets I want to realize this in a loop Somehow like this: names=c("nam1",
2012 Jul 13
Creating Subgroups in Puppet Dashboard
Hi All, Is there a feasibility for creating subgroups on the Puppet Dashboard? Basically the requirement is that we have a huge number of VMs running designated services. Some of VMs having the same service may yet have different properties configured on them. We are exploring the feasibility of having these properties managed through puppet. Currently all these VMs are put into a single
2009 Mar 25
"with" and "by" and NA:
Hi, I have a data.frame with many variables for which I am performing the mean by subgroup, for a pair of variables at a time, where one of them for each pair defines the subgroup. The subgroups in the x$cm1 are 0, 1 and 2. x ph1 cm1 0.2345 2 1.2222 1 2.0033 0 0.0000 2 1.0033 1 0.2345 0 1.2222 2 2.0033 0 0.0000 1 1.0033 2 > meanbygroup <- as.vector(with(x, by(x$ph1, x$cm1, mean)))
2016 Oct 10
aVirtualTwins available on CRAN
[markdown format] I'm glad to introduce you the new package aVirtualTwins. This package is an adaptation of VirtualTwins method of subgroup identification from [Foster, J. C., Taylor, J. M.G. and Ruberg, S. J. (2011)]( ### Explanation Virtual Twins has been created to find subgroup of patients in a random clinical trial with
2016 Oct 10
aVirtualTwins available on CRAN
[markdown format] I'm glad to introduce you the new package aVirtualTwins. This package is an adaptation of VirtualTwins method of subgroup identification from [Foster, J. C., Taylor, J. M.G. and Ruberg, S. J. (2011)]( ### Explanation Virtual Twins has been created to find subgroup of patients in a random clinical trial with
2007 Jul 12
Metadata additions
With this mail I would like to make a proposal to add additional informations to the core and plugin metadata files. Currently these tags are already handled in the ccs configuration system. Ccs automatically adds this informations to the core/plugin option set, but I think that it would make more sense to add this to the official files, to allow similar features in other configuration
2008 Aug 28
tree structure in rails?
Hi, Is there is any way in ruby on rails where we show all my groups there subgroups with check boxes in tree structure way? e.g group A | ----Group A.1 | ----Group A.2 | ---------Group A.2.1 All with check boxes and subgroup opens when click on root ? -- Posted via
2012 Mar 29
How to get the most frequent value of the subgroup
Dear Members of the R-Help, While using a R function - 'aggregate' that you developed, I become to have a question. In that function, > aggregate(x, by, FUN, ..., simplify = TRUE) I was wondering about what type of FUN I should write if I want to get "the most frequent value of the subgroup" as a summary statistics of the subgroups. I will appreciate if I can get
2010 Oct 14
Regression with groups and nested sub-groups
I have the following formula for a linear model: z <- lm(y~x + factor(a) + factor(b), data=NT2010) where a (groups) and b (Sub-groups) are categorical variables (factors), x is a continuous covariate, and y the response variable. Since b is nested within a, the formula can also be written as: z <- lm(y~x + factor(a) + factor(a)/factor(b), data=NT2010) and the same output is achieved