similar to: routing problem with domU bridged to two networks

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "routing problem with domU bridged to two networks"

2012 Mar 05
routing and virtual machines: how to access dmz if bridged to two networks
I am not quite sure if this issue relates to iptables, routing or Xen virtual machines. Too many variables for my simple mind, so I'm asking some advice :) This is my network setup: Internet --- eth2 + CentOS dom0 / firewall / router + eth1 (xenbr1) --- LAN with private IPs --- separate file server and workstations + eth0 (xenbr0)
2007 Nov 07
Network Issues/Questions
Hello, I''m new to Xen (and this mailing-list) and facing some problems with the network. I''m stuck and don''t know how to continue. And Google isn''t very helpful either... My setup: - Ubuntu 7.10 for dom0 and Debian 4.0 for all domU - 4 physical NIC (DHCP from my ISP, internal LAN, DMZ & WLAN) - 1 Dom as firewall/router - 1 domU with internal services
2009 Apr 28
adding static route via network setup fails
I want to add the following route command route add -net gw via the normal network setup. The result should be the following routing table (the first line): via dev xenbr1 scope link dev eth2 proto kernel scope link src dev xenbr1 proto kernel scope link src dev xenbr0
2009 Apr 26
network-bridge breaks networking when eth0:1 is added
I added a virtual interface eth0:1 on one of my machines and suddenly networking breaks on startup of the system (eth0 is gone) when xend starts and runs the network-bridge script. This is supposed to be fixed according to: I checked and the network-bridge script contains this fix. It works fine on one of my PCs when eth0:1 is added, but not on this
2005 Sep 18
Unexpected (?) bridging behavior in 2.0.7/FC4
I''ve got 2.0.7 running on a machine with 1 physical interface and two bridges, like so -- bridge name bridge id STP enabled interfaces xen-br0 8000.0040f4ce392f no eth1 vif5.0 vif9.0 xenbr1 8000.feffffffffff no
2009 Aug 30
Multiple Network Cards + Multiple Bridges on debian lenny
Hi all, I''m searching for a tutorial how to setup multiple network cards with xen network bridge setup in debian lenny. My problem is, bridges seams only to work if i put an ip adress in dom0 to them. Thanks, Alex _______________________________________________ Xen-users mailing list
2004 Nov 25
Practice Dmz
Hey Tom, This is my T-1 slash 27 network btw. How does this look??? for---- net eth0 ----dmz eth1 This box is for practice Dmz we talked about. with the pratice Dmz server''s Ip routing and interface''s below [root@66-224-62-120 root]# ifconfig eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr
2006 Apr 02
routing in xen 3.0 domU: icmp gets routed, but tcp/ip only partially
Hello folks, I have a really strange routing problem that no amount of googling and experimenting has been able to solve. Then again, I''m new to Xen and "advanced" networking, so I could be missing something very basic. Summary: an unprivileged domU with PCI frontend for a NIC is used as a router; icmp gets routed, but tcp/ip only partially. I''m using a xen-unstable
2010 Oct 18
xen randomly crashes all VMs hosted on iSCSI NAS array
I inherited a xen server that is setup to have all the VM images hosted on an iSCSI mounted NAS array. We been experiencing a random (about every 2-3 days) issue where xen would crash all the VMs, leaving nothing but the Domain0 running. What appears to be happening is something causes the iSCI mount to hiccup. Running "vgchange -a y" and restarting all the VMs brings everything up.
2008 May 09
Routing problem in bridged setup
Hello, I am having some routing troubles with my Xen setup. I have two domUs, one running as a firewall and another running as a dmz: The dom0 has the following: - eth0 bridge ( The domU-firewall has the following: - Direct passthrough PCI NIC (Public Internet) - Virtual NIC connected to the eth0 bridge on dom0 ( - Bridge called brdmz for the dmz zone (
2007 May 02
order of network interfaces in domU messed up?
Hi, until now, i have been using Xen 3.0.2. Now i upgraded to Xen 3.0.4. Can anybody confirm, that the ordner in the config files for the network interfaces has not changed? My config file used to read: vif = [ ''bridge=xenbr0'', ''bridge=xenbr1'' ] So inside the DomU, eth0 was attached to xenbr0 on the host and eth1 was attached to xenbr1. Now i upgraded to
2011 Oct 10
Two networks on one interface problem
Hi, I have a shorewall v4.0.7 installation on an older version of fedora. What is the proper way to add another network to the DMZ interface? Is it through virtual networks? If so, how is that done, given I''ve already designed the system around a single network on the DMZ? I have two physical interfaces on the firewall, with eth0 for external ( and eth1 for the DMZ
2009 Apr 01
installing DomU with two network bridges via virt-install
I have a Xen DomU configuration that was made in the days before libvirt and virt-install. In this configuration I have: vif = [ ''mac=00:16:3e:05:06:01, bridge=xenbr0'', ''mac=00:16:3e:05:06:0a, bridge=xenbr1'' ] and then in xend-config.sxp I define (network-script my-network-bridge) where my-network-bridge is in the scripts directory and looks like this:
2008 May 28
SSH ping etc not working between dom0 and domU''s
Hi! I have a problem with my new Xen setup. I have installed Debian etch with netinstall and I''m using 2.6.18-6-xen-amd64 kernel in my dom0 and 3.0.3-0-4 version xen hypervisor. I''m using four network cards on my system and using three of them as xen bridges and dom0 is using the fourth one only for it''s own. So basicly both of my virtual servers use a network card
2004 Jan 26
Is anyone using user sets? I''m considering dropping support for them in 2.0 in favor of just listing individual user/groups in the rules file. Thanks, -Tom -- Tom Eastep \ Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool Shoreline, \ Washington USA \
2012 Jun 11
xcp + ubuntu + openvswitch VLAN problem
hi all , i use ubuntu 12.04 with xcp , all config run very well except vlan i use xe network-create and xe vlan-create to build vlan 3000 then startup a vm in this network, xapi0 fakebridge and vif1.0 all looks well, use ovs-vsctl list port i can see xapi0 and vif1.0 have beed taged with 3000 but i can not access the internent~~~ somebody can help me with this? thanks.
2013 Nov 01
network not work
When I add all interfaces, the internet does not work.... eth0 = interneteth1 = lan ------------------auto eth0 iface eth0 inet static address netmask broadcast auto eth1 iface eth1 inet static address netmask broadcast gateway auto xenbr0 iface xenbr0 inet static
2004 Dec 07
Hey Tom, I have successfully set up to servers on a Dmz practice network woohoo :). If I take out the proxyarp option in /etc/shorewall/interfaces Then Dmz can ping outside ip''s on the net but not and of my servers on network (Other than its own gateway server The reason I ask is to learn. I thought I would not need the proxyarp option for this to
2004 Dec 06
Interface Configuration
Hello, You may recall some of My Dmz question around Thanksgiving. While I have configured a Proxy arp Dmz. I would like to practice with the routed setup you suggested Tom as your network was simular. Here is one of your quotes "The configuration of eth2 is largely irrelevant but you certainly don''t want to confuse things by assigning any default gateway out of that
2008 Feb 13
set large mtu on bridged network
Hi all, In a bridged setup, how we can set a large mtu(4k) for the interface on domU? Eventhough ''ifconfig eth4 mtu 4000'' command worked in my case, whether it reflect on the actual device? Moreover I can''t set mtu for the bridge as 4k. Setting any value above 1500 mtu shows the following error, xen-152:~ # ifconfig xenbr1 mtu 4000 SIOCSIFMTU: Invalid argument So