similar to: Time taken to process a file after a socket connection was made

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 12000 matches similar to: "Time taken to process a file after a socket connection was made"

2006 Feb 05
R socket communication
Hello, I tried to code a R socket server but I did not succeed. The problem is that once the R socket server is created, I call the readLines function and then R gets blocked. The client seems to work fine since I tested it with a PERL server. I tried many combination of params in the socketConnection but none of them worked. I have seen some examples where the server sends something to a client
2005 Feb 17
socket problems (maybe bugs?)
Dear R Gurus, for some purpose i have to use a socket connection, where i have to read and write both text and binary data (each binary data package will be preceeded by a header line). When experimenting, i encountered some problems (with R-2.0.1 under different Linuxes (SuSE and Gentoo)). Since the default mode for socket connections is non-blocking, i first tried socketSelect() in order to
2010 Jun 16
Sending a null byte to a socket
Hello, I am trying to write some code in R to communicate over sockets via the STOMP protocol ( As you can see, a null byte (ASCII 0) is used as the "over" signal. I'd like to be able to do something like this: write.socket(socket, "CONNECT\nlogin: me\npasscode: pass\n\n\000") However, R does not like it when you put "\000"
2006 Nov 08
get compressed data via a socket connection
Dear R developers I am currently working on the seqinR package. The seqinR package allows a remote access to biological databases via a socket connection. We are using the functions socketConnection, writeLines and readLines to open the socket, send request to the server and receive response from the server respectively. Recently, a new function implemented in the socket server allows
2010 Sep 22
help with sockets in R
Hi R gurus, I'm trying to use a ReSTful web service from within R. Specifically, I need to make HTTP PUT requests. I'm able to make the request and that goes well enough, but I'm having trouble properly consuming the HTTP response. The problem comes in when I'm trying to parse out the response body. I get the length of the response body from the Content-Length header. I then try
2009 May 16
newbie: closing unused connection + readline
Hello; I am new to R and trying to read a line from socket connection at a time but at the end of script I am getting "closing unused connection" warning. I am not able to understand how to solve this. I want to read a line from socket and then use read.table/scan on that line but it looks like I am opening multiple connections instead of just one. I think I am doing something wrong or
2024 Feb 20
Tcl socket server (tcltk) does not work any more on R 4.3.2
Dear list, It seems that something changed between R 4.2.3 and R 4.3 (tested with 4.3.2) that broke the Tcl socket server. Here is a reproducible example: - R process #1 (Tcl socket server): library(tcltk) cmd <- r"( proc accept {chan addr port} { ;# Make a proc to accept connections puts "$addr:$port says [gets $chan]" ;# Receive a string puts $chan goodbye
2012 Apr 04
read.socket utils package : somthing is going wrong
Hi everyone, I'd appreciate if someone could help me to understand what is happening. I'm attempting to connect R to the broker platform using tcp on localhost 5333. Just to learn how use make.socket, write.socket, ..functions I wrote simple code: #prepare string command to subscribe ask and bid price on Italian stock #this should be a push stream like: #First stream:
2006 Mar 25
R gets slow
Hello, I have R as a socket server that computes R code sent by some scripts (the clients). These scrips send R code to generate models (SVM). The problem is that first models are generated in less than one second and one hour later, the same models are generated in more than ten seconds (even training with same data). If I restart the server , then it works well (fast). I don't know if I have
2018 Mar 09
parallel:::newPSOCKnode(): background worker fails immediately if socket on master is not set up in time (BUG?)
BACKGROUND: While troubleshooting random, occasionally occurring, errors from parallel::makePSOCKcluster("localhost", port = 11000); Error in socketConnection("localhost", port = port, server = TRUE, blocking = TRUE, : cannot open the connection I had another look at parallel:::newPSOCKnode(), which is used internally to set up each background worker. It is designed to,
2018 Mar 09
parallel:::newPSOCKnode(): background worker fails immediately if socket on master is not set up in time (BUG?)
A solution is to have parallel:::.slaveRSOCK() attempt to connect multiple times before failing, e.g. makeSOCKmaster <- function(master, port, timeout, useXDR, maxTries = 10L, interval = 1.0) { port <- as.integer(port) for (i in seq_len(maxTries)) { con <- tryCatch({ socketConnection(master, port = port, blocking = TRUE,
2005 Oct 19
Socks under R
Hi when I use con1 <- socketConnection(...) in R and want to send text from another application written in Delphi to R, do I just have to send the text or do I have to implement more control characters and so on? Is con1 <- socketConnection(port=6011, server=TRUE) writeLines("plot(rnorm(100))", con1) just sending the text in "plot(rnorm(100))" to the socket or is
2018 Mar 10
parallel:::newPSOCKnode(): background worker fails immediately if socket on master is not set up in time (BUG?)
Great. For the record of this thread, I've submitted patch PR17391 ( I've patched it against the latest R-devel on the SVN, passes 'make check-all', and I've verified it works with the above tests. /Henrik On Fri, Mar 9, 2018 at 4:37 AM, <luke-tierney at> wrote: > I'm happy to look at a
2009 May 18
readBin on binary non-blocking connections (Windows & Unix differences/bugs)
R-devel: I am encountering a consistency issue using socketConnection and readBin with *non-blocking* connections on Unix and Windows XP (no Vista to test). I am a bit confused by the behavior of *non-blocking* connections under Windows specifically. When calling readBin on a non-blocking connection when there is no data to read on the socket, the connection under Unix will return a vector of
2009 Aug 28
Attempting to install Prelude to Darkness in Wine
Hello all. I have recently been trying to run a rather old-ish indie rpg called Prelude to Darkness in Wine. The installer runs uptil 100% and then I get the following error message in the terminal: fixme:shell:IPersistFile_fnGetCurFile (0x147e0 wine: Unhandled page fault on read access to 0x0000000a at address 0x7b860fd0 (thread 0009), starting debugger... Unhandled exception: page fault on read
2000 Dec 29
help with sockets
i would like to use sockets to accept commands over the net. so a socket should be a replacement for stdin. whenever i have a complete line, i want to hand it over to the parser. i cannot do it simply with eval because eval expects a complete expression. additionally, eval and evalq seem not to accept strings. is there an easy way to do this? let me rephrase my program should run a loop
2007 May 30
Possible changes to connections
When I originally implemented connections in R 1.2.0, I followed the model in the 'Green Book' closely. There were a number of features that forced a particular implementation, and one was getConnection() that allows one to recreate a connection object from a number. I am wondering if anyone makes use of this, and if so for what? It would seem closer to the R philosophy to have
2013 Jun 05
Send Mail R and Socket Connections
Good Afternoon All, I am attempting to use the SendMailR function, I have checked with our I.T. department that I am using the correct server and I have the right permissions to connect and they have sent emails via this server but not through R and I have also checked that the port should be 25. The code: / # E-Mail # library(sendmailR) from <- "david at" to
2007 Dec 08
FW: R memory management
Hi, I'm using R to collect data for a number of exchanges through a socket connection and constantly running into memory problems even though task I believe is not that memory consuming. I guess there is a miscommunication between R and WinXP about freeing up memory. So this is the code: for (x in 1:length( { tickers<-sqlQuery(channel,paste("SELECT Symbol
2013 Jun 25
How can C++ read the R object written into socket with saveRDS or save
Hi, all, Recently, I met one issue when using socket between R & C++ to transmit R object. Would you pls help give me some suggestions? Many thanks! [Background]: I create a socket connection between R & C++ binary first, and then, want to use saveRDS() or save() in R to save the object into connection directly. So that the C++ binary can read the object, and send it to another remote R.