similar to: svm with GRASS GIS

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 120 matches similar to: "svm with GRASS GIS"

2012 Feb 20
readVECT6 and readRAST6 fails with R and GRASS 7 ???
Hello all, I'm having troubles getting R to load data from GRASS 7. I suspect I have installed something wrong, but can't figure out what. Any suggestions for what I could look for or how to trouble shoot this? Thanks in advance for any help! After having other issues last week, we have upgraded Debian to the testing version. The other problems are solved, but now I can't get
2009 Jun 11
GRASS raster data processing
Hi, I just imported two raster maps into R using the SPGRASS6 package, one containing elevation data and the other containing an erosion index: Kar_inc <-readRAST6("Incis_Kar", plugin=FALSE) Kar_dem <- readRAST6("DEM_Kar", plugin=FALSE) I just wanted to make a xy plot of erosion parameter vs elevation. How does this work? I don't get how to handle
2012 Feb 21
R-SIG-Debian Digest, Vol 78, Issue 3
Hi, Does anyone use spgrass6 with GRASS 7 and R? The documentation for spgrass6 states it is for GRASS6+, and if I recall correctly I saw Dr. Bivand mention that it works well with GRASS7. (There were some threads from 2009 where spgrass6 wasn't working with GRASS7 yet, but I assumed that information was out of date.) So I figured I was doing something wrong with the library and package
2007 Jun 06
spgrass6 and aggregation (bis)
Dear all, I have some additionale question concerning the spgrass6 package. * When you set a region in GRASS, does the readGRASS6 function in R only load data contained in the zoomed region or the whole map ? * When you have a MASK map in grass, does the readGRASS6 function in R only load data contained inside the MASK area ? Could this be the problem ? Thanks, Jessica
2008 Aug 01
bug in readRAST6 function in package spgrass6
Hi if I try to import a raster layer which consists only of NULL values from grass by using the readRAST6, I get an error message: > readRAST6("HSericea_seedsDisperse_2007") ERROR: Invalid value for null (integers only) Error in readBinGrid(rtmpfl11, colname = vname[i], proj4string = p4, integer = to_int) : no such file:
2007 Jul 06
import DTM with readRAST6()
Hello everybody, I am a new R & Grass user. I am interested in doing a kriging of the Temperature in a basin, based on pixel elevation (DTM). I use Grass 6.2.1 and R 2.5.1 and have installed the spgrass6 package. The DTM is called "DTM_trentino_100m" and is like this: north:5158000.0 south:5058500.0 east:1729700.0 west:1611600.0 rows:995 cols:1181 -9999.0 -9999.0 -9999.0
2011 Sep 15
Creando scrips en R
Hola queridos usuarios de R-HELP-ES Primero que nada, muchas gracias a todo aquellos que me prestaron ayuda en mi anterior pregunta, fue de gran utilidad. A lo siguiente, tengo ahora otras preguntas, que bajo mis conocimientos las considero complejas, espero que me puedan ayudar, se los agradezco de antemano. Necesito realizar las siguientes operaciones (#OperaciĆ³n general) a un conjunto de 18
2001 Jan 18
Release of R/GRASS GIS interface for R >= 1.2.x
Release of revised version of R/GRASS GIS raster and sites data interface. The latest version of the R contributed package "GRASS", release 0.1-6, may be downloaded from CRAN ( - contributed packaged section, "Devel" directory, file: GRASS_0.1-6.tar.gz. It may also be downloaded from This version is intended for
2008 Aug 19
address (nil), cause 'memory not mapped'
Dear users, I got this problem and i don't have a clue of what it could be happening... The context: i'm running a loop in which i extract information from a raster map (I work with GRASS and R, using spgrass6 package), and rearrange it to create a matrix. I've tried it with small maps and it works smoothly, but in large maps I have to resort to saving data in the hard disk regularly
2011 Mar 31
Help: creating owin{spatstat} objects from GIS data
Dear R list, I'm trying to create an object of class "owin" (observation window) in the package spatstat from GIS mapping data. Here's an example of my problem. Everything goes well until the last line of code. I get the error message shown at the bottom: library(spatstat) library(sp) library(maptools) con <- url("") class(con)
2010 Sep 24
Diva-GIS infected file?
Hello I have been working with Diva-GIS lately in Windows and I love it. At home I have a Mac so I decided to Install it using the Winebottler. Today I run my antivirus (ClamXav) and It detects a Infection on de DIVA-GIS app "/Applications/" Does anybody know something about this? This mean that the
2008 Jan 28
Dear R-user community, I need to solve a problem related to river management. The task is to calculate the distance from specified points in a river to the outlet of the river. The river is defined by a database (here called "M"): LinkID |NodeID1 | NodeID2 |Distout |Length ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 |100 |200
2005 Jul 06
How to sample x-y coordinates from GIS files
Hi Gurus! I have a job that is to get randomly samples from point-based GIS data (sp called shape GIS files) under the total sum resctricted. For example, I would like to take random smaples under the 1000 persons in each city. The randomly sampled persons should not be over 1000 any case. Thank you in advance, -- Kum-Hoe Hwang, Ph.D. Phone : 82-31-250-3283 Email :
2009 Aug 14
reading in mdb and outputting to sql (GIS application)
I have a geodatabase and would like to import it into GRASS, but it is in .mbf. I use mac and linux, and don't have access to access on the machines that I normally use. I do have access to access at school, but I would like to find a way around this if possible. Any thoughts, comments, or suggestions would be welcome. thanks, -- Stephen Sefick Let's not spend our time and resources
2006 Jan 07
GIS Image coordinates / markers?
Hey everyone, Is there Rails support for something like Google Maps, but using my own images/maps? Basically, I''d like to have my own maps/images, be able to drop markers on them, center on certain attributes etc. - Nic
2003 Oct 23
GIS re-mapping / polygon overlap
In Germany the Unemployment Agency uses a sectioning of the german map that is different from the usual Administrative Boundaries. Some demographic data are available in Administrative Boundaries only, some in Unemployment Boundaries only. I would like to generate estimates in one boundary system of data availabe in the other boundary system, and would appreciate advice concerning the following
2001 Jun 25
Linking R to GIS
Dear All, Has anyone worked with linking R to both ArcView and MapInfo GIS systems? My desire is to capture object selection from GIS and pass to R and to return spatially based statistical model results from R to GIS. If both could simultaneously access the same data file this would be a bonus. My inclination is to put together some routines based on ODBC linking but thought I would seek like
2000 Dec 08
GIS and Spatial stats
[this went to me instead of the list; MM, your list maintainer] I am digging in the wrong hole I guess. Where can I find R /S routines for spatial statistics? Also has anyone made an R link to a GIS package? Anyone out there who works in this area? Thanks Richard E. Hoskins WA State Department of Health 1102 Quince Street Olympia, WA 98504-7812 richard.hoskins at tel: (360) 236 -
2010 Apr 01
Using GIS data in R
I have a simple problem: I need to load a ERSI shapefile of US states and check whether or not a set of points are within the boundary of these states. I have the shapefile, I have the coordinates but I'm having a great deal of difficulty bringing the two together. The problem is the various GIS packages for R do not play well with each other. sp, shapefiles, maptools, etc all use different
2009 Mar 01
projecting GIS coordinates for analysis with spatstat package
I am working on creating an R package for doing fire department analysis and am trying to create a function that can display emergency incident densities. The following code sort of does the trick, but I need a display that shows the number of incidents per square mile. I believe the code below shows incidents per square unit (in this case, degrees lat/long). To solve this problem, I believe