similar to: OpenLDAP auth problems

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "OpenLDAP auth problems"

2006 Nov 07
smb + ldap: changing passwords from windows: SSHA instead of CRYPT
Dear friends, We have samba-3.0.21c-1 under RH9 + openldap 2.3.11 under FC4. When a windows user changes his password using Ctrl-Alt-Del the password is stored on ldap in SSHA format but we need to work with CRYPT because we have some apps that don't support SSHA. These are the lines related with authentication defined in smb.conf: encrypt passwords = yes ldap passwd sync = Yes
2011 Feb 22
openldap problems authenticating
Hello list, I am running an openldap 2.4 server under FreeBSD that was working well until the config was tweaked by someone on the team without properly documenting their work # /usr/local/etc/ldap.con on ldap server (FreeBSD 8.1) host base dc=summitnjhome,dc=com sudoers_base ou=sudoers,ou=Services,dc=summitnjhome,dc=com binddn
2006 Nov 17
dovecot and ldap passwords.
Hallo. First of all I'm sorry for my bad english. I have a question about how dovecot use passwords. I have all my mail accounts in a ldap database. The user password are stored in form: {crypt}mypasswd. In dovecot-ldap.conf I have default_pass_scheme = CRYPT. All is working fine. The problem in the crypt scheme is that I can't have passwords more than 8 characters long. So I've tried
2005 Aug 11
Migrated fine except passwords
Hello, I migrated 140 users and computer accounts from NT4 to Samba 3.0.14 with ldap today. Smbldap-tools are the latest stable version from tarball. No errors during vampire and everyone came over and the groups and group memberships populated fine. We couldn't connect to the server as any user from client PC's. The smbldaptools were set to use SSHA encryption for password attribute
2008 Feb 18
dovecot 1.0.10
Hi everyone, I'm trying to get dovecot to authenticate against LDAP. And it's a first time to run both dovecot (at all) and OpenLDAP (at all). Versions are below. Dovecot: 1.0.10 OpenLDAP 2.3.40 Dovecot cannot bind to the dn. This may be due to the fact that all google-able documentation doesn't give good examples or anyhting to hint. I'd prefer to use the rootdn by
2002 Nov 26
samba, openldap, smbldap tools
Hi- I'musing the smbldap tools to create ldap entries for user logins through samba. I was just wondering if anyone knew what format userPassword is stored in. Is it an md5 hash? Thanks!! --Greg _________________________________________________________________ Add photos to your e-mail with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*.
2018 Dec 06
argonid and dovecote
on a FreeBSD 11.2 amd64 machine, I am trying to get Dovecot 2.3.4 to play nice with "argonid" encryption. In the "10-auth.conf" file, I tried: auth_mechanisms = plain argon2id Upon restarting dovecot, I received an error message when attempting to actually it: auth: FATAL: Unknown authentication mechanism "ARGON2ID" Output from doveadm pw -l doveadm pw -l SHA1
2005 May 31
Poking around in the code for dovecot-stable seems to indicate that support has been added for the {SSHA} password scheme. This is not reflected in dovecot-ldap.conf. Is the SSHA code actually functional? Thanks! -Ben
2008 Mar 08
Hi I would like to simulate dovecot's dovecotpw with a perl script I tried / used use Crypt::SaltedHash; my $csh = Crypt::SaltedHash->new(algorithm => 'SHA-1'); $csh->add($passwd_string); my $salted = $csh->generate; also use Digest::SHA1; use MIME::Base64; $ctx = Digest::SHA1->new; $ctx->add($passwd_string); $ctx->add('salt'); my $salted =
2014 Aug 12
doveadm pw with SHA512-CRYPT won't roundtrip
Hi, Not sure if this is a PBKAC or not:- root at ds3:/usr/share/postfixadmin# doveadm pw -s SHA512-CRYPT -p password {SHA512-CRYPT}$6$aUgGXP0UshkMj7hY$9JV4yMRsjIe/98CzmglYrMjf.9NJ.FXzxcLE9B0v3doCRUWo2wRncc6hg6VCs0DCUHQbeC/bRDZdGCge/nB/h/ root at ds3:/usr/share/postfixadmin# doveadm pw -t
2011 Aug 07
SQL passdb lookups not working
Hello everyone, I'm trying to make dovecot do user authentication against a SQL database. The passwords (managed by Django) are stored as salted SHA1 encoded in hex. I monkey patched Django's password method so that the password hash is made with <password><salt> (Django does <salt><password>, the patched method was verified to return same value as
2018 Dec 03
dovecot and argon2 encryption
I am using a FreeBSD 11-2 amd/64 system with dovecot version 2.3.4 installed. I was playing around with different encryption schemes. doveadm pw -l SHA1 SSHA512 BLF-CRYPT PLAIN HMAC-MD5 OTP SHA512 SHA RPA DES-CRYPT CRYPT SSHA MD5-CRYPT SKEY PLAIN-MD4 PLAIN-MD5 SCRAM-SHA-1 LANMAN SHA512-CRYPT CLEAR CLEARTEXT SSHA256 NTLM MD5 PBKDF2 SHA256 CRAM-MD5 PLAIN-TRUNC SHA256-CRYPT SMD5 DIGEST-MD5
2018 Dec 04
Samba AD, Attribute Editor, unixUserPassword
Hello, I have a samba 4 AD Domain, now I see in the Attribute Editor that the field "unixUserPassword" is plain text. This is also Plaintext in LDAP (seen via ldapvi). Is there a way to crypt that? SSHA for example? Best Regards
2008 Apr 22
Convert ssha password to sambaNTpassword?
Is it possible to take a SSHA password from an ldif and create a proper sambaNTpassword from it? Here's the scenario: the ldap servers in our organization do not have the samba schema installed and the likelihood of that happening is slim. I still want to provide clients with as close to a single sign on solution as possible and I can get an ldif of the accounts I need. However, the
2007 Jun 01
SSHA salt?
Hi there, I was wondering if someone could explain how dovecot/dovecotpw produces salt for use in ssha passwords, I'd like to replicate this in PHP so I can write my passwords from php in ssha instead of just sha1. Thanks in advance, Andrea Baitis
2003 Jul 08
LDAP bind questions
Hello, I've got dovecot set up to authenticate against our LDAP server. So far seems to work well. I have two concerns that I haven't been able to find answers for in the documentation or archives. Is there any intention to support "authentication binds" so you don't have to bind as a user with read privileges to everyone's userPassword attribute? For security
2016 Jun 03
Blowfish hashed passwords
(I subscribed to a daily digest for this list and can?t figure out how to reply to a reply.) Anyway, Aki Tuomi replied to my feature request saying: > We support in latest 2.2 release > > MD5 MD5-CRYPT SHA SHA1 SHA256 SHA512 SMD5 SSHA SSHA256 SSHA512 PLAIN > CLEAR CLEARTEXT PLAIN-TRUNC CRAM-MD5 SCRAM-SHA-1 HMAC-MD5 DIGEST-MD5 > PLAIN-MD4 PLAIN-MD5 LDAP-MD5 LANMAN NTLM OTP SKEY
2007 Sep 26
Samba, OpenLDAP and Windows Vista
I have a Samba server set up to share files within a small network (with 2 clients) and I use OpenLDAP to store user accounts. I have pretty much got everything working (smbclient prints the correct information and I can browse and log into Samba via Nautilus) except I can't get the Vista client to connect to Samba, as it won't even prompt for a username and password it simply pops up
2019 Feb 13
Using SHA256/512 for SQL based password
On 2/13/19 1:23 AM, Matthias Fechner via dovecot wrote: > > > Am 13. Februar 2019 00:34:15 schrieb Robert Moskowitz > <rgm at>: > >> On 2/12/19 6:03 PM, Matthias Fechner via dovecot wrote: >>> Am 12.02.2019 um 17:05 schrieb Robert Moskowitz via dovecot: >>>> I have trying to find how to set the dovecot-sql.conf for using
2005 Jun 27
password scheme
Hi, I have dovecot-0.99.11-1.FC3.4 running on fedora core 3, and authenticating with openLDAP on a remote server. When i try to authenticate, i get the error "Unknown password scheme SSHA". I read that earlier on this mailing list, SSHA was not suported by dovecot. Is it supported now? what should i do to make my password authentication work? The users in the openLDAP database have