similar to: Q - scatterplots

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "Q - scatterplots"

2012 May 15
Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : object 'Rayos' not found???
Hi R-listers, I am trying to make a trellis boxplot with the HSuccess (y-axis) in each Rayos (beach sections) (x-axis), for each Aeventexhumed (A, B, C) - nesting event. I am not able to do so and keep receiving: Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : object 'Rayos' not found Please advise, Jean require(plyr) resp <- read.csv("ABC Arribada R File Dec 12 Jean
2012 Jan 19
add1 GLM - Warning message, what does it mean?
Hi All, I am wondering if anyone can tell me what the warning message below the model means? J add1(DTA.glm,~ Aeventexhumed + Veg + Berm + HTL + Estuary + Rayos) Single term additions Model: cbind(MaxHatch, TotalEggs - MaxHatch) ~ Aeventexhumed + Veg + Berm + HTL Df Deviance AIC <none> 488.86 4232.9 Estuary 1 454.96 4201.0 Rayos 3 258.80 4008.9 Warning
2012 Jan 25
How do I compare 47 GLM models with 1 to 5 interactions and unique combinations?
Hi R-listers, I have developed 47 GLM models with different combinations of interactions from 1 variable to 5 variables. I have manually made each model separately and put them into individual tables (organized by the number of variables) showing the AIC score. I want to compare all of these models. 1) What is the best way to compare various models with unique combinations and different number
2012 Oct 30
Error unary operator
Hi R - listers, I am receiving an error. Does anyone know what this means? J ggplot(subset(foo, Rayos != "Rayos.NA"), aes(x=HTL, y=DevelopIndex, colour=TotalEggs)) +geom_point() +geom_jitter() + facet_grid(Aeventexhumed ~ Rayos) + geom_smooth(method="lm", fill=NA) + ylim(c(0, 7)) Error in +geom_smooth(method = "lm", fill = NA) : invalid argument to unary
2012 Oct 05
Hi R-listers, I am trying to do an ANOVA for the following scatterplot and received the following error: library(car) scatterplot(HSuccess ~ Veg, data =, xlab = "Vegetation border (m)", ylab = "Hatching success (%)") anova(HSuccess ~ Veg, Error in UseMethod("anova") : no applicable
2012 May 19
Q - scatterplot, plot function & trellis linear regressions???
Hi R-listers, Q1) What is the difference between the scatterplot and plot function? Q2) I am able to make a graph with the scatterplot function: scatterplot(DevelopIndex ~ Veg, + data = Turtle, + xlab = "Vegetation border (m)", + ylab = "Embryonic development index") And have been successful. But I do not know if the lines are for:
2010 Feb 23
scatterplots in car package
Hi, using scatterplot in 'car' package. There are 4 plots to be pictured together (ignore data used): library(car) par(mfrow=c(3,1)) ts.plot(rnorm(100)) ts.plot(rnorm(100)) scatterplot(rnorm(100),rnorm(100),boxplot="",smooth=T) # scatter with non-parametric fit problem is that the last one comes 'always' separate. Is there any way to solve it?? of course can use
2012 Oct 08
Best method for comparing rectangles sections of beach
Hi R-listers, I am trying to compare sections of the beach separated from the HTL to the Veg (east to west), separated into indices (-5 to 30m), HTLIndex. Cross parallel (north to south) are major beach sections (Rayos 1, 2, 3, 4 and MNB). I am thinking to do an ANOVA for each independent rectangle of beach (not exactly but will be treated as). The HTL from (0-5m) in Rayo 1 is one rectangle of
2010 Oct 15
multiple car scatterplots on one graph
R version 2.11.1 on WinXP How do I get 3 scatterplots with marginal boxplots (from the car package) onto a single plot? I have a data frame called bank > dim(bank) [1] 46 5 head(bank) x1 x2 x3 x4 pop 1 -0.45 -0.41 1.09 0.45 0 2 -0.56 -0.31 1.51 0.16 0 3 0.06 0.02 1.01 0.40 0 4 -0.07 -0.09 1.45 0.26 0 5 -0.10 -0.09 1.56 0.67 0 6 -0.14 -0.07 0.71 0.28 0
2005 Feb 28
3d scatterplots of more than 1 data set
hi, i am need to plot two or more sets of data in a 3d scatterplot, each set with different color. i tried Rcmdr, and the 3d scatterplot facility, based on rgl. that is what i need. but i cannot seem to code different sets of data differently. any help will be very helpful. i tried scatterplot3d, but it is difficult to get the right angle in it. i need to be able to rotate the axes, and
2012 Nov 24
How to Label Cases in Scatterplots?
Hi everyone, i?m trying to graphically display distributions with r and i?m working with makrodata from the WVS. the command i?m using is > plot (Makrodata$v11, Makrodata$v12, xlab="Democracy Score Economist", > ylab= share religious people") i?m having an additional variable that identifies respectively labels the
2012 May 26
Values in scatterplot??
Hi R-listers, I am having trouble plotting the values for the R2 line, lowess smooth, smothered conditional spread, outlier identification. I have tried the function text and legend but was unsuccessful. Please see below. Your help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance. Jean library(car) > SPHSHTL <- scatterplot(HSuccess ~ HTL, + data =, +
2010 Sep 20
invalid 'row.names' length error when running scatterplots or plot in R Commander
Hello, I teach statistics and use R Commander for teaching. I have 2 students out of 169 that can't get scatterplots or plot to work. I have had them update packages, restart R/R Commander/their computers and even reinstall R/R Commander. One is using Windows 7 on a new pc and the other is a pc user (not sure the OS). They are both using R2.11.1 and R Commander 1.6-0. The data look like
2007 Jun 14
scatterplots: (equal axes and overlay)
Hi, I am doing lots of scatterplots for my dissertation and to make the comparable, I would like to have equal x- amd - y axis. Can I specify their scale? Another question adresses overlay scatterplots. Having prae and post measures for each case, is it possible to have them in one graph with symbols or colors for prae and post. So scatterplot(bdiprae,mocoprae) and scatterplot(bdipost,mocopost) in
2010 Oct 21
3D-scatterplots - high quality rendering?
I have just started using the package 'rgl' to explore my data as a 3D scatterplot. It's a great tool. But I would like to be able to save some graph views and it appears the only format available is 'png' and it doesn't look that nice. It is excellent to work with on screen and explore/play, but when it comes to producing a good quality graphic I'm a bit
2012 Sep 26
Interaction scatterplots in ggplot with multiple regression lines
I'm trying to treat a continuous variable as discrete for plotting multiple regression lines in a scatterplot as a function of the level on the moderating variable. In the example below, there is only one regression line plotted to the whole data. I would like a separate regression line for each discrete level of the moderator. The moderator is continuous, so I'd like to treat it as
2011 Jan 14
Question about scatterplot in package car
I am getting an error message from scatterplot: > library(car) > scatterplot(Prestige$income~Prestige$type) Error in Summary.factor(c(2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, : range not meaningful for factors In addition: Warning message: In Ops.factor(x[floor(d)], x[ceiling(d)]) : + not meaningful for factors > The command does output the kind of graph that I want (boxplots).
2011 Jul 25
Trouble with line of best fit
I don't usually do much with graphs in R, and this is my first time adding a line of best fit. Hopefully this is an easy problem to solve. I'm looking at a variable called soloKills along the range 5:28. Here are all my commands, in script form: range=5:28 graph=soloKills title="Solo kill/death data" xlabel="Number of deaths/1 game" ylabel="Mean number of kills/1
2008 Mar 28
background color in scatterplots
Dear R community, I have a scatterplot with multiple vertical ablines. I wish to color each interval between two ablines in a different color... Could you please indicate me how to do this efficiently? Thank you! Georg. ******************** Georg Ehret Johns Hopkins Baltimore [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Jun 09
scatterplot (car) legend modification
hi, new to R and using the car package to do some scatterplots with ellipses hoping to add the area and center points of each ellipse to the legend? looking for some direction / ideas.... here is the script, the data is where golf shots end up by club. x (dispersion), y (distance), group (Club) thanks, sam ## usage: Rscript shotScatter.R infile outfile level1 level2 minX maxX minY maxY