similar to: dropterm in MANOVA for MLM objects

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 600 matches similar to: "dropterm in MANOVA for MLM objects"

2000 Jun 15
tree error message
Dear R user, I used from the library MASS the dataset cpus and the skript plot.tree.sequence.R, which are included in the tree package: >library(MASS) > data(cpus) > cpus.ltr <- tree(log10(perf) ~ syct + mmin + mmax + cach >+ + chmin + chmax, data=cpus) At home it works but at work I get this message: >Error in .C("BDRgrow1", as.double(X),
2001 Jul 20
plotting dendrograms
Hello, Can anyone offer any insight on graphing classification dendrograms with the nodes marked? plot(tree()) produces a nice tree structure but there's no acccompanying text. Thanks, D S. David White sdavidwhite at Columbus, Ohio -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read
2011 Jan 05
Nnet and AIC: selection of a parsimonious parameterisation
Hi All, I am trying to use a neural network for my work, but I am not sure about my approach to select a parsimonious model. In R with nnet, the IAC has not been defined for a feed-forward neural network with a single hidden layer. Is this because it does not make sens mathematically in this case? For example, is this pseudo code sensible? Thanks in advance for your help. I am sorry if this
2011 Jun 17
profile plot in R
Hi friends, I have a matrix with following format. group var1 var2 .......varN c1 group1 1.2399 1.4990....-1.4829 c2 group4 0.8989 0.7849.....1.8933 ... ... c100 group10 ..... I want to draw a profile plot of each condition c1 to c100, which rows in above matrix and each line representing a row should be uniquely colored according to the group(1 to 10). I think this is simple task
2011 May 13
Quick question: Omitting rows and cols with certain percents of missing values
Hi naive question. It is possible to get R command for omitting rows or cols with missing values present. But if i want to omit rows or cols with i.e . >20% missing values, I couldĀ“t find any package-based command, probably because it is too simple for anyone to do that manually, though not for me. Can anyone please help me ? - vickie [[alternative HTML version
2008 Feb 10
Do I need to use dropterm()??
Hello, I'm having some difficulty understanding the useage of the "dropterm()" function in the MASS library. What exactly does it do? I'm very new to R, so any pointers would be very helpful. I've read many definitions of what dropterm() does, but none seem to stick in my mind or click with me. I've coded everything fine for an interaction that runs as follows: two sets
2009 Jan 29
Inconsistency in F values from dropterm and anova
Hi, I'm working on fitting a glm model to my data using Gamma error structure and reciprocal link. I've been using dropterm (MASS) in the model simplification process, but the F values from analysis of deviance tables reported by dropterm and anova functions are different - sometimes significantly so. However, the reported residual deviances, degrees of freedom, etc. are not different.
2002 Oct 04
dropterm in a function
I'm trying to use 'dropterm' (from MASS) in a function along the lines run <- function(dat){ fit <- (something)(Y ~ (something), data = dat) lr <- dropterm(fit, test = "Chisq") return(fit, lr) } but running 'run' I get (those scoping rules again...?) Error in terms.formula(formula, special, data = data) : Object "dat" not found
2002 Sep 12
dropterm, binomial.glm, F-test
Hi there - I am using R1.5.1 on WinNT and the latest MASS (Venables and Ripley) library. Running the following code: >minimod<-glm(miniSF~gtbt*f.batch+log(mxjd),data=gtbt,family="binomial") >summary(minimod,cor=F) Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|) (Intercept) 0.91561 0.32655 2.804 0.005049 ** gtbtgt 0.47171
2002 Apr 28
dropterm() in MASS
To compare two different models, I've compared the result of using dropterm() on both. Single term deletions Model: growth ~ days + I(days^0.5) Df Sum of Sq RSS AIC <none> 2.8750 -0.2290 days 1 4.8594 7.7344 4.6984 I(days^0.5) 1 0.0234 2.8984 -2.1722 AND Single term deletions Model: growth ~ days + I(days^2) Df Sum
2017 Aug 23
MASS:::dropterm.glm() and MASS:::addterm.glm() should use ... for extractAIC()
Hi, I have sent this message to this list the July, 7th. It was about a problem in MASS package. Until now there is no change in the devel version. As the problem occurs in a package and not in the R-core, I don't know if the message should have been sent here. Anyway, I have added a copy to Pr Ripley. I hope it could have been fixed. Sincerely Marc Le 09/07/2017 ? 16:05, Marc Girondot via
2004 Apr 15
I'm trying to determine the lack of fit for regression on the following: data <- data.frame(ref=c(0,50,100,0,50,100), actual=c(.01,50.9,100.2,.02,49.9,100.1), level=gl(3,1)) fit <- lm(actual~ref,data) fit.aov <- aov(actual~ref+Error(level),data) According to the information I have, the lack of fit for this regression is the
2009 Mar 10
rm user:group
I want to remove files but only if they are owned by a certain user and group. Basically I have this: find /var/spool/greylist -mmin +363 -exec rm -f {} \; I want to make sure it only deletes files owned by mail. Basically no matter what weird characters are in the file names I want to make sure it does not delete anything outside of /var/spool/greylist. I can add 'sudo -u' to it but
2008 Jun 07
Multivariate LM: calculating F-values after calling linear.hypothesis
Dear R users, I am analyzing several response variables (all scaled to [0;1]) using a multivariate linear model. After fitting the model, I set up a hypothesis matrix to test specific contrasts for these response variables; for example: "a always increases significantly more than b when regressed against x". What I am stuck with now is how to calculate the correct F-values (and
2006 Mar 20
Numbered Voicemails even with delete option!
Hello, Thought people might be interested in this. I want my voicemails emailed to a person and not stored on my asterisk server. However, I want them to have a sequential number. I found that if I set the option delete=1 in my voicemail.conf file for the mailbox, then the numbering would keep being restarted. I wrote this shell script to fool Asterisk into numbering my voicemails sequentially
2007 Jun 27
stepAIC on lm() where response is a matrix..
dear R users, I have fit the lm() on a mtrix of responses. i.e M1 = lm(cbind(R1,R2)~ X+Y+0). When i use summary(M1), it shows details for R1 and R2 separately. Now i want to use stepAIC on these models. But when i use stepAIC(M1) an error message comes saying that dropterm.mlm is not implemented. What is the way out to use stepAIC in such cases. regards,
2010 Jan 03
Anova in 'car': "SSPE apparently deficient rank"
I have design with two repeated-measures factor, and no grouping factor. I can analyze the dataset successfully in other software, including my legacy DOS version BMDP, and R's 'aov' function. I would like to use 'Anova' in 'car' in order to obtain the sphericity tests and the H-F corrected p-values. I do not believe the data are truly deficient in rank. I
2008 Jun 16
candisc() error message
Hi, I am doing canonical discriminant analysis using candisc function from the candisc package. My input is a table of species distribution (columns = abundance of each species in each sample) in samples that are split by categories (rows), and I want to know whether each category is associated with a particular set of species and their abundances. I have 20 rows (samples) split into 6
2008 Apr 18
vector in filename
Hi, I am trying to generate a group of graphics with an iteration. Some thing like this... x=1 y=1 max=10 myfiles <- paste("foo", x:max, ".png", sep="") while (x =< max) { png(file=myfiles, pointsize = 20, width = 600, height = 600, units = "px", bg="#eaedd5") plot(x,y) x=x+1 y=y+1
2015 Feb 12
Cronjob and sudo
I need to remove empty files out of a directory that are over 6 hours old so I created this script and put it in cron.hourly. #!/bin/sh cd /var/list sudo -u matt find /var/list -mmin +360 -empty -user matt -exec rm {} \; I want to run it as matt rather than root for just an added bit of safety. Problem is I get this. "sudo: sorry, you must have a tty to run sudo" Is there another