similar to: get information on .C code

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "get information on .C code"

2011 Aug 25
{R} How to extract correctly from vector?
Dear list, I have problem that I cannot solve and would like to ask your opinion. I tried to ask a few days ago already but got no answer and all my attempts to solve it by myself since then failed. Sorry for repeated posting! Here the problem broken down a bit. My problem basically is, that I want to use the elements of a character vector as names for objects and by recalling only the
2011 Sep 01
Help with creating date as POSIXct
Dear list, I want to create a POSIX time vector as follows: day <- as.character("110809") time.t <- 1:3600 t.min <- time.t %/% 60 t.sec <- time.t-t.min*60 DATE <- as.POSIXct(strptime(paste(day,t.min,t.sec),"%y%m%d %M%S")) Tail(DATE) The problem is that the last element (3600) returns a NA and I don't understand why. 600, 1200, 2400
2017 Aug 19
My very first loop!! I failed. May I have some start-up aid?
Dear all, I have a data similar to this: myframe<- data.frame (ID=c("Ernie", "Ernie","Ernie","Ernie"), Timestamp=c("24.09.2012 08:00", "24.09.2012 09:00", "24.09.2012 10:00", "25.09.2012 10:00"), Longitude=c("8.481","8.482","8.483","8.481"),
2017 Aug 19
My very first loop!! I failed. May I have some start-up aid?
Thank you for providing the example code... for the request of running it multiple times it would have helped if you could have confirmed that the example ran through without errors... there were a lot of mistakes in it. Look into using the reprex package to check your example next time. I don't do this kind of analysis... I really don't know what to expect from the functions. The
2012 Oct 28
Trouble with first passage time analysis using adehabitatLT
Hey all, I've run into a few problems running first passage time analysis. I'm hoping someone might be able to help me sort this out. I'm fine up to the point of creating the ltraj object from a dataset. /test<-read.table("~/Desktop/R_Directory/test.txt",header=TRUE) attach(test) library(adehabitatLT) xy<-test[,c("x","y")]
2009 Jul 24
Duplicated date values aren't duplicates
Dear list, I just had a function (as.ltraj in Adehabitat) give me the following error: "Error in as.ltraj(xy, id, date = da) : non unique dates for a given burst" I checked my dates and got the following: > dupes<-mydata$DateTime[duplicated(mydata$DateTime)] > dupes [1] (07/30/02 00:00:00) (08/06/03 17:45:00) Is there a reason different dates would come up as duplicate
2011 Feb 09
adehabitatMA, LT, HR and HS version 0.1
Dear all, I have just uploaded 4 new packages on CRAN, which are on the long term designed to replace the "old" package adehabitat: * adehabitatMA: functions to perform spatial operations (morphology, buffer, etc.) * adehabitatHS: functions for the analysis of habitat selection by wildlife * adehabitatHR: functions for home range estimation of animals * adehabitatLT: functions for
2011 Feb 09
adehabitatMA, LT, HR and HS version 0.1
Dear all, I have just uploaded 4 new packages on CRAN, which are on the long term designed to replace the "old" package adehabitat: * adehabitatMA: functions to perform spatial operations (morphology, buffer, etc.) * adehabitatHS: functions for the analysis of habitat selection by wildlife * adehabitatHR: functions for home range estimation of animals * adehabitatLT: functions for
2013 May 17
Error with adehabitatHR and kernelbb
Dear all, I'm trying to get a Brownian bridge kernel (kernelbb) for each combination of two consecutive animal locations (see commands below) and put them, with a loop, inside a list. It works well at the beginning but after 42 runs, it appears the following warning : >Error in seq.default(yli[1], yli[2], by = diff(xg[1:2])) :  >  invalid (to - from)/by in seq(.) I looked at the
2011 Mar 19
Undefined symbol "Rf_pythag" while loading spatstat
Today I installed the newest R develepment branch R version 2.14.0 Under development (unstable) (2011-03-18 r54866) on FreeBSD 9.0-CURRENT (amd64). All seems fine so far. After that I updated my R packages with option 'checkBuilt=TRUE'. There are four packages (spatstat, pscl, adehabitatLT, adehabitatHR) which gives an error like this: Error in dyn.load(file, DLLpath = DLLpath, ...) :
2011 Aug 23
How to assign vector value as object name
Dear list, I have a table with entries for 20 animals - x and y coordinates to analyze movement with the package adehabitat. The package does all the necessary analyses, but I need to create an object of class ltraj for each animal first. For this kind of object I need to define xy coordinates, id, and few other things for each individual. Now I don't want to run a code 20 times
2016 Nov 02
new package: rpostgisLT
We're announcing the initial CRAN release of 'rpostgisLT' (v0.4.0), which is an extension to our 'rpostgis <>' package. rpostgisLT is aimed at those using R and/or the PostgreSQL/PostGIS database system to manage and analyze animal trajectory (movement) data. Package functions allow bi-directional transfer between
2016 Nov 02
new package: rpostgisLT
We're announcing the initial CRAN release of 'rpostgisLT' (v0.4.0), which is an extension to our 'rpostgis <>' package. rpostgisLT is aimed at those using R and/or the PostgreSQL/PostGIS database system to manage and analyze animal trajectory (movement) data. Package functions allow bi-directional transfer between
2012 Nov 27
loop with date
Hello, I tried to construct my very first loop today and completly failed :-( Maybe someone can help me? I have a dataframe somewhat like this one: myframe <- data.frame (Timestamp=c("24.09.2012 09:00", "24.09.2012 10:00", "24.09.2012 11:00", "25.09.2012 09:00", "25.09.2012 10:00", "25.09.2012
2017 Aug 19
My very first loop!! I failed. May I have some start-up aid?
[answers inline] On 18 August 2017 at 20:08, Dagmar <Ramgad82 at> wrote: > > myframe<- data.frame (ID=c("Ernie", "Ernie","Ernie","Ernie"), > Timestamp=c("24.09.2012 08:00", "24.09.2012 09:00", "24.09.2012 10:00", > "25.09.2012 10:00"),
2013 Oct 24
track on boats
Hi professors I'm finding the best package in R for manage a big database about vessels. I need to divided the travel of each boat into tracks. I have GPS points. I would join these points in a line on the map. I make that with the function "lines", but I can't divided by vessel or by track, I saw several packages, for tracking animals but they had specifically variables. And I
2012 Jan 25
adehabitatLT -- movement based kernel density
Dear list, ? I am intersted in estimating movement based kernel densities for fish that were relocated at fixed receivers positioned along the coast. These data tend to display both a drift movment between receivers and a random movement component that can be estimated from the mean and the variance of the transit time between receivers. ?If I obtain an estimate of the diffusion coefficient from
2006 Feb 28
burst argument in as.ltraj()
Hi. I am running the as.ltraj () function in adehabitat (v 1.4 under R 2.2.1) but can't seem to correctly specify the burst argument. i.e., the ltraj object returned consists of only one component, when in fact my data consist of more than one burst of reloctions per animal. i've set up the data (xy, date, id, burst) in list form following the example given in ?as.ltraj. to simplify,
2010 Mar 22
as.ltraj Error in sort.list(y)
I am trying to workout trajectories from GPS tracking data to run in the FPT function.    This is my code:   id<-data.frame (FPT[,6]) xy<-data.frame (FPT[,4], FPT[,3]) datet <- as.POSIXct (datetime) x<-as.traj(id, xy, datet)   And I get this error:   Error in sort.list(y) : 'x' must be atomic for 'sort.list' Have you called 'sort' on a list?   I have checked
2012 May 22
[LLVMdev] Match operands
I'm trying to implement the standalone assembler for mips and I have encountered a problem in instruction operands matcher. In mips instruction set there are math instructions with two format flags in the mnemonic, one for source and one for destination register. For example ceil.w.s means both source and destination are F32 registers while ceil.l.d means both source and destination are F64