similar to: R package dev: how to export constant?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 400 matches similar to: "R package dev: how to export constant?"

2012 Jan 16
howto test a package without installation
Hi, how can i play around with my first selfwritten package [*] without to install it to my debian system? I think of something like doing this: /tmp/$ R R version 2.11.1 (2010-05-31) Copyright (C) 2010 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing ISBN 3-900051-07-0 > library(/tmp/sitools) 3 * kilo [1] 3000 [*] -- Jonas Stein <news at
2012 Jan 05
automatic SI prefixes as ticklabels on axis
i want to plot values with frequency on a logarithmic x axis. similar to this example that i found in the web: I would like to convert long numbers to si prefix notation like in the example (200000 to 200k, 35000000 to 3.5 M) Of course i could create labels by hand, but i have many files so i need some automatic function. Has anyone done that
2007 Nov 25
how to wait after plotting in BATCH mode?
when i plot with the following command on console: $ R CMD BATCH cp_messung.R in the R-script i wrote x11() in the beginning, so it draws a nice plot on my screen. But sadly it disappeares after a second or two. How can i make it to wait until i press a key or something? thank you. -- kind regards, Jonas Stein <news at>
2012 Feb 10
how to plot a nice legend?
i'd like to plot a legend in my diagram. The diagram will be included in a TikZ LaTeX document later. I tried the legend() function, but - it can not find a good place it self where the legend fits and playing around with coordinates and scaling consumes a lot time - standard settings for the text need adjustment (linespacing is quite large and so on) Is there an alternative to
2009 May 08
howto find x value where x=max(x)
Hi, fp is a data frame like this ,----[ fp ] | Frequenz AmpNorm | 1 3322 0.0379490639 | 2 3061 0.0476033058 | 3 2833 0.0592954124 | 4 2242 0.1275510204 `---- i want to find the "Frequenz" where "AmpNorm" is max. I use this line as workaround: PeakFreqHz = subset(fp, AmpNorm == max(AmpNorm))$Frequenz[1] Is there something nicer? And is there an
2012 Jul 11
nls problem: singular gradient
Why fails nls with "singular gradient" here? I post a minimal example on the bottom and would be very happy if someone could help me. Kind regards, ########### # define some constants smallc <- 0.0001 t <- seq(0,1,0.001) t0 <- 0.5 tau1 <- 0.02 # generate yy(t) yy <- 1/2 * ( 1- tanh((t - t0)/smallc) * exp(-t / tau1) ) + rnorm(length(t))*0.01 # show the curve
2008 Apr 04
How to include files in .R?
Hi, may be its a very simple question, but i did not find any documentation about a 'include' command or something like this. I have to set many constants in my R-files and want to move all these to one file, so that i can reuse it in all other R-files. Something like include("~/R/myconstants.R") kind regards, -- Jonas Stein <news at>
2008 Apr 14
read data into list of matrix
Hi i have a list of many files and want to load them into a list of tables, that can be adressed with a variable 'i'. something like files = c("0125um","2000um","2200um","2500um","2700um") for (i in 1:5) { fp[i] <- read.table( files[i] ) } but this does not work of course. Has anyone a good hint? Thank you, -- Jonas Stein
2012 Sep 11
how to qplot two x-axis x1:Farenheit x2:Celsius
Hi, how can i plot two different x axis in a ggplot2 qplot? I want to plot Farenheit and Celsius in one diagram. x1:Farenheit x2:Celsius kind regards, -- Jonas Stein <news at>
2008 May 01
howto import .xls and .ods
Hi, i want to import data from .ods and .xls files in R on a linux system. Seems it was a faq in the past, but i found only solutions for Windows. Is there a handy solution for linux? The best would be something like mytab <-read.ods(...) Any hints? Thanks a lot for reading so far, -- Jonas Stein <news at>
2011 Mar 02
Plot with same font like in LaTeX
Hi, i want to make my plots look uniform in LaTeX documents. - usage of the same font on axes and in legend like LaTeX uses (for example "Computer Modern") - put real LaTeX formulas on the axes Have you any hints how i can achieve that? I had no luck two years ago, but i want to try it again now. kind regards, -- Jonas Stein <news at>
2009 Mar 26
How to rotate axis labels? 2009
Hi, while searching for a solution i found many solutions in the internet. But the postings seemed to be many years old and the workaround was a dirty hack like this: Now its the year 2009 and there might have been some improvement... Does anyone know a nice and easy way to turn labels on the y axis in the
2008 May 14
howto get significant digits for round()
i have a table like this of an value and its tolerance length delta-length 12.2232 0.4 123.422 0.034123 1234 12 i want to round the value to the significant digits in this way: my-round(length,delta-length) 12.2 , 0.4 123.42 , 0.03 1234 , 12 how can i do this with R? please CC to email, thanks so far, -- Jonas Stein <news at>
2012 Sep 30
adjust font in ggplot2 to LaTeX document
Hi, how can i adjust the font in a ggplot2 qplot so that it will look similar to the LaTeX font? Computer Modern Sans Serif in the same size would be nice. My output device is ggsave(filename="test.pdf", width=5.5, height=3, dpi=300) and i will include the graphic with 5.5 inch in LaTeX. I found some pages about that topic but all solutions that i found have been very complicate
2012 Feb 13
fit data to y~A+B*sin(C*x)
I want to fit discrete data that was measured on a wavegenerator. In this minimal example i generate some artificial data: testsin <- 2+ 5 * sin(1:100) #generate sin data testsin <- testsin+ rnorm(length(testsin), sd = 0.01) #add noise mydata <- list(X=1:100, Y=testsin) # generate mydata object nlmod <- nls(X ~ A+B*sin(C* Y), data=mydata, start=list(A=2, B=4, C=1), trace=TRUE) #
2017 Nov 23
Bug in R CMD INSTALL when handling invalid LazyData DESCRIPTION field
Hi, I think I've found a bug in R CMD INSTALL. When it tries to parse a DESCRIPTION file with an invalid LazyData field, it errors out while trying to print the correct error message: > R CMD INSTALL . * installing to library ?/home/example/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.4? * installing *source* package ?samplepackage? ... ** data Error in errmsg("invalid value of ", field,
2007 Nov 14
When to use LazyLoad, LazyData and ZipData?
Dear developeRs, I've searched the documentation, FAQ, and mailing lists, but haven't found the answer(*) to the following: When should one specify LazyLoad, LazyData, and ZipData? And what is the default if they are left unspecified? (*)Except that 1) If the package you are writing uses the methods package, specify LazyLoad: yes, and 2) The optional ZipData field controls whether the
2012 Nov 06
LazyData: no / yes
Hi the list I have package foo0 with a big dataset 'myData'. In DESCRIPTION, if I use 'LazyData: no', then I get: - when I open a R session : memory used=20 908 - when I attach 'library(foo0)' : memory used=24364 - then I load the set 'data(myData)' : memory used=39 668 If I use LazyData: yes', then I get - when I open a R session : memory used=20 908
2012 Sep 09
qplot with many files (each one curve)
Hi, i would like to plot a few hundred .csv files. Each file contains one curve with x,y values to plot. I have been searching for "gnu r read many files qplot" and similar words. I found for loops that use assign to generate one variable containing a dataframe. When i uesed the classic "plot' command i could add the curves with something like for... {
2012 Jan 09
par.plot() for repeated measurements
Hello, I am using the package gamlss in R to plot repeated measurements. The command I am using is par.plot(). It works great except one thing about the label of the axises. I tried to label both x and y axises using ylab and xlab options. But the plot only gives variable variables. The labels did not show up. Below is the code I used. Any comments are appreciated! Thanks. library(gamlss)