similar to: glmD error

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 120 matches similar to: "glmD error"

2010 Jul 02
unable to get bigglm working, ATTN: Thomas Lumley
I am using an example posted in this help forum to work with a file. the head of the file looks like: 988887 2007-03-05 2007-06-01 90 3 5.450 205500.00 999.00 999.000 0.000 0 0 988887 2007-03-06 2007-06-01 90 3 5.450 205500.00 999.00 999.000 0.000 1 0 988887 2007-03-07 2007-06-01 90 3 5.450 205500.00 999.00 999.000 -0.100 2 0 988887 2007-03-08 2007-06-01 90 3 5.450 205500.00 999.00 999.000 -0.100
2011 Aug 11
model formula
Hello useRs, Pls help with removing a single interaction term from a formula: summary( glm.turn.2 <- glm(cbind(turn.cnt,tot.cnt-turn.cnt)~sn+poly(relAge,2,raw=T)+termfac+rate:termfac,data=fix, family="quasibinomial") ) Gives Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) -7.028467
2011 Feb 03
coxph fails to survfit
I have a model with quant vars only and the error message does not make sense: (mod1 <- coxph(Surv(time=strt,time2=stp,event=(resp==1))~ +incpost+I(amt/1e5)+rate+strata(termfac), subset=dt<"2010-08-30", data=inc,method="efron")) Call: coxph(formula = Surv(time = strt, time2 = stp, event = (resp == 1)) ~ +incpost + I(amt/1e+05) + rate + strata(termfac),
2003 Jan 01
Updates to Hmisc and Design Libraries
The Hmisc and Design libraries have been updated respectively to versions 1.4-2 and 1.1-1. New versions for Linux/Unix/Windows may be obtained from . Web sites for the libraries are and . Thanks to Xiao Gang Fan for porting the libraries
2003 Jan 01
Updates to Hmisc and Design Libraries
The Hmisc and Design libraries have been updated respectively to versions 1.4-2 and 1.1-1. New versions for Linux/Unix/Windows may be obtained from . Web sites for the libraries are and . Thanks to Xiao Gang Fan for porting the libraries
2007 Jun 15
complex contrasts and logistic regression
Hi, I am doing a retrospective analysis on a cohort from a designed trial, and I am fitting the model fit<-glmD(survived ~ Covariate*Therapy + confounder,myDat,X=TRUE, Y=TRUE, family=binomial()) My covariate has three levels ("A","B" and "C") and therapy has two (treated and control), confounder is a continuous variable. Also patients were randomized to
2016 Jan 26
strange behavior with "dos filetime resolution = yes"
Hello, i see a strange behavior with timestamps of files on a samba share (4.2.6 on SLES 12 SP1 and 4.1.8 on Ubuntu 14.04) with "dos filetime resolution = yes": On older samba versions, windows properties dialogue correctly shows only even seconds, but (at least) the two indicated versions show sometimes even and sometimes odd seconds if the file has on the server filesystem a
2016 Jan 27
strange behavior with "dos filetime resolution = yes"
On Tue, Jan 26, 2016 at 11:57:58AM +0100, Hubert Gilch wrote: > Hello, > > i see a strange behavior with timestamps of files on a samba share > (4.2.6 on SLES 12 SP1 and 4.1.8 on Ubuntu 14.04) with "dos filetime > resolution = yes": On older samba versions, windows properties > dialogue correctly shows only even seconds, but (at least) the two > indicated versions
2012 Mar 30
ff usage for glm
Greetings useRs, Can anyone provide an example how to use ff to feed a very large data frame to glm? The data.frame cannot be loaded in R using conventional read.csv as it is too big. glm(...,data=ff.file) ?? Thank you Stephen B
2001 Dec 11
Using lib Rstreams and gzfile()
Hi all, in the last time I've intensively used Rstreams to read and write from binary files. Now I'm wondering if it is possible to use Rsteams functions with gzipped files. But I haven't found the trick: > p1c.gzip <- gzfile("daten/p1c_all.mea.gz", open="rb") > readBin(p1c.gzip, integer(), n=64,size=2) [1] 84 1 400 1 749 0 0 0
2008 Dec 01
gee + rcs
Hi all, I have fitted a gee model with the gee package and included restricted cubic spline functions. Here is the model: chol.g <- gee(SKIN ~ rcs(CHOLT, 3), id=ID, data=chol, family=binomial(link="logit"), corstr="exchangeable") To extract the log odds I use: predict.glm(chol.g, type = "link") Now I want to compute the logg odds for specific CHOLT values
2010 Jun 22
which model suits for these kind of data
Hi , please help me which model is helpful for forecasting giving following inputs (inputs are not linear) sales date shopnuber total 20%profit 10%profit 2009-10-03 1 41891 2863 39028 2009-10-04 1 49152 7588 41564 2009-10-05 1 45804 23543 22261 2009-10-06 1 48395 48371 24 2009-10-07 1 48906 20204 28702 2009-10-08 1 47003 19442 27561 2009-10-09 1 46296 21635 24661 2009-10-10 1
2005 Jul 22
nmbd intermittently delaying responses to name querie s
> My PDC Samba nmbd is intermittently delaying responses to > name queries. As > an example, i run: > > nmblookup -U -R "PDC#1C" > > from a member server, and the .11 machine will respond. > Repeat this a few > times, and the .11 machine stops reponding. After a while > (and you keep > trying, add "-d 10" to the
2005 Jul 07
WinXP looking for *.dll share names?
Hi folks, Over the last few weeks, one of our WinXP machines (of many) has started generating errors like the following in our log files: Jul 5 09:43:30 blah smbd[13180]: blah-xp ( couldn't find service sharename.dll where "sharename" is a real share name that this user should be mapping. We see lots of these errors, one for each share the user tries to map. In
2005 May 02
Restricted cubic spline function ERROR?: glm(Y~rcs(x,5))
Dear all, Is the restricted cubic spline function working properly in the glm model? We used glm(y~rcs(x,5), family=binomial) but it seems that for some theoretical reasons the rcs, restricted cubic spline function can not be fitted by a glm function. Is this correct? Regards, Jan ((Originally, we used lrm(y~ rcs(x,5)) but we couldn't find how to derive the AIC value of the fitted model.
2016 Jan 15
Asterisk 11.21.0 Now Available
The Asterisk Development Team has announced the release of Asterisk 11.21.0. This release is available for immediate download at The release of Asterisk 11.21.0 resolves several issues reported by the community and would have not been possible without your participation. Thank you! The following are the issues resolved in this release: Bugs
2010 Jun 03
rsync via restricted ssh command=
I've read a few tutorials about how to use rsync via ssh using the command= functionality to restrict where the user can sync to. I've got this on the on the destination side in it's ~/.ssh/authorized_keys... command="rsync --server -vvnlogDtpre.iLsf --timeout=999 . bkp",no-port-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding,no-agent-forwarding ssh-rsa AAetc I've tried variations of the
2017 Dec 22
[Announce] Samba 4.7.4 Available for Download
======================================================== "Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!" Samba Team ======================================================== Release Announcements --------------------- This is the latest stable release of the Samba 4.7 release series. smbclient reparse point symlink parameters reversed ===================================================
2017 Dec 22
[Announce] Samba 4.7.4 Available for Download
======================================================== "Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!" Samba Team ======================================================== Release Announcements --------------------- This is the latest stable release of the Samba 4.7 release series. smbclient reparse point symlink parameters reversed ===================================================
2011 Sep 12
SLUB allocation error on 3.0.3 / 4.1.1
Hi All, Running into temporary pauses in our VMs which correspond to these errors in dmesg on the dom0: [1721485.352560] SLUB: Unable to allocate memory on node -1 (gfp=0x20) [1721485.352563] cache: kmalloc-2048, object size: 2048, buffer size: 2048, default order: 3, min order: 0 [1721485.352566] node 0: slabs: 81, objs: 1296, free: 0 [1721485.352576] swapper: page allocation failure: