similar to: Please help!! How do I set graphical parameters for ploting ctree()

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Please help!! How do I set graphical parameters for ploting ctree()"

2011 Jul 31
R: print and ctree
I have run the ctree function, and my dependent variable is broken into 3 categories: low cost, moderate cost and high cost. When i plot the results (eg. using plot(test.ct)), the plot shows, at the very bottom of each node, the probability of falling into each cost category. When i print the actual results (eg. using print(test.ct)), i get all of the backup
2006 Jul 14
party - ctree() - terminal nodes reference for every obs
Dear R.Users, using ctree() (from "party" library) on a data.frame, I want to append a column with the references for the groups/segments detected. While these nodes are easy readable in output, I need a vector for my obs. Hints? Cheers -- Daniele Medri
2010 Jul 09
Ctree Question
Hello, I've been using ctree and have developed a 55 node - 28 terminal solution. As can be imagined, the plot is difficult to travel down each of the major branches. I've read the help files for ctree I saw where terminal nodes can be color coded. plot(airct, type = "simple") > plot(airct, terminal_panel = node_boxplot(airct, col = "blue", + fill = hsv(2/3,
2007 Apr 19
"tree-ID" in any segmentation package available?
Dear R-helpers, I am looking for a segmentation package that gives some "tree identifier" as output for every observation in the data set (my response variable is binary). I have skimmed through "rpart", "ada" and "adabag": The output "trees" gives you the formula, but I have to run several thousand segmentations on different data sets and it
2006 Mar 01
Problems to get a ctree plot (library party) in a file via jpeg/png
Hello All, I am using library "party" and I have found a curious/strange behaviour when trying to save the output of a ctree in a file via jpeg/png command. If you use: ################ library(party) airq <- subset(airquality, ! airct <- ctree(Ozone ~ ., data = airq) plot(airct, terminal_panel = node_boxplot, drop_terminal = FALSE) ############### you get a
2006 Mar 01
Problems to get a ctree plot in a file via jpeg/png
Hello All, I am using library "party" and I have found a curious/strange behaviour when trying to save the output of a ctree in a file via jpeg/png command. If you use: ################ library(party) airq <- subset(airquality, ! airct <- ctree(Ozone ~ ., data = airq) plot(airct, terminal_panel = node_boxplot, drop_terminal = FALSE) ############### you get a
2011 Feb 17
missing values in party::ctree
After ctree builds a tree, how would I determine the direction missing values follow by examining the BinaryTree-class object? For instance in the example below Bare.nuclei has 16 missing values and is used for the first split, but the missing values are not listed in either set of factors. (I have the same question for missing values among numeric [non-factor] values, but I assume the answer
2010 Apr 07
extracting ctree() output information
Hi, I am new to R and am using the ctree() function to do customer segmentation. I am using the following code to generate the tree: treedata$Response<-factor(treedata$Conversion) fit<-ctree(Response ~ .,controls=ctree_control(mincriterion=0.99,maxdepth=4),data=treedata) plot(fit) print(fit) The variable "Response" above equals 1 if the customer responded to an offering and
2012 Jan 19
ctree question
Hello. I have used the "party" package to generate a regression tree as follows: >origdata<-read.csv("origdata.csv") >ctrl<-ctree_control(mincriterion=0.99,maxdepth=10,minbucket=10) >test.ct<-ctree(Y~X1+X2+X3,data=origdata,control=ctrl) The above works fine. Orig data was my training data. I now have a test data file (testdata), and
2008 Mar 07
How to do a time-stratified case-crossover analysis for air pollution data?
Dear Experts, I am trying to do a time-stratified case-crossover analysis on air pollution data and number of myocardial infarctions. In order to avoid model selection bias, I started with a simple simulation. I'm still not sure if my simulation is right. But the results I get from the "ts-case-crossover" are much more variable than those from a glm. Is this: a. Due to
2005 Jan 27
how to evaluate the significance of attributes in tree gr owing
FWIW, I wrote a little function to extract variable importance as defined in the CART book a while ago. It's rather limited: Only works for regression problem, and you need to set maxsurrogate=0 and maxcompete=0. It may (or may not) help you: varimp.rpart <- function(x) { dev <- x$frame[, c("var", "dev")] dev <- dev[dev$var != "<leaf>",
2008 Mar 07
How to do a time-stratified case-crossover analysis for air pollution data? Unformatted text-version, with an additional note
Dear Experts, I am trying to do a time-stratified case-crossover analysis on air pollution data and number of myocardial infarctions. In order to avoid model selection bias, I started with a simple simulation. I'm still not sure if my simulation is right. But the results I get from the "ts-case-crossover" are much more variable than those from a glm. Is this: a. Due to the simple
2008 Jun 30
ctree (party) plot meaning question
I tried to use ctree but am not sure about the meaning of the plot.<-ctree(Resp~., plot( My data.frame contains 88 explanatory variables (continous,ordered/unordered multistate,count data) and one response with two groups. In the plot are only two variables shown (2 internal nodes) and 3 final nodes. Does it mean that only these two variables show a
2009 Mar 13
ctree from Java via Rserve
Hi, I want to run the R-function ctree (package party) from Java over Rserve with the following Java-Code: try{ RConnection v = new RConnection(); v.voidEval("library(party)"); v.voidEval("try(load(\"C:\\Documents and Settings\\daten2.rda\"))"); v.voidEval("try(pdf(\"C:\\Documents and Settings\\test4.pdf\"))"); v.voidEval("plot
2012 Aug 23
party package: ctree - survival data - extracting statistics/predictors
Dear R users, I am trying to apply the analysis processed in a paper, on the data I'm working with. The data is: 80 patients for which I have survival data (time - days, and event - binary), and microarray expression data for 200 genes (predictor continuous variables). My data matrix "data.test" has ncol: 202 and nrow: 80. What I want to do is: - run recursive partitioning on
2007 Dec 10
Multiple Reponse CART Analysis
Dear R friends- I'm attempting to generate a regression tree with one gradient predictor and multiple responses, trying to test if change in size ($Clength) acts as a single predictor of ten multiple diet taxa abundances ( Neither rpart or mvpart seem to allow me to do multiple responses. (Or if they can, I'm not using the functions properly.) > library(rpart)
2011 Feb 16
caret::train() and ctree()
Like earth can be trained simultaneously for degree and nprune, is there a way to train ctree simultaneously for mincriterion and maxdepth? Also, I notice there are separate methods ctree and ctree2, and if both options are attempted to tune with one method, the summary averages the option it doesn't support. The full log is attached, and notice these lines below for
2009 Oct 05
btrfs-progs trivial: Double definition of BTRFS_CSUM_TYPE_CRC32 in ctree.h
Hello, I noticed a double definition of BTRFS_CSUM_TYPE_CRC32 in ctree.h and attach a patch that removes it. Best regards, Dirk
2009 Nov 20
ctree (party) changing font sizes in plots
When plotting Binary Trees (ctree) from the party package, is there a way to adjust the font sizes of the leaves? require(party) irisct <- ctree(Species ~ ., data = iris) plot(irisct) I want to adjust the font sizes for "Node 2", "Node 5", etc. I'd also like to be able to adjust the font sizes for the x-axis and y-axis labels of the histograms. Thanks,
2011 Jul 29
R, ctree and categorical variables
I am running the ctree function in R. My data has about 10 variables, many of which are categorical. 2 of the categorical variables have many levels (one has 900 levels, another has 1,000 levels). As an example, 1 of these variables is disease code and is structured as A, B, C, ...., AA, AB, AC.... Each time i've tried to run the ctree function, including these 2