similar to: configure can't find readline -- but it's there!

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "configure can't find readline -- but it's there!"

2011 Mar 29
passing arguments via "..."
I would like to do something like the following: Fancyhist<-function(x,...) { # first, process x into xprocess somehow, then ... if (is.null(breaks)) { # yes, I know this is wrong # define the histogram breaks somehow, then call hist: hist(xprocess,breaks=breaks,...) } else { # use breaks give in calling argument hist(xprocess,...) } } But, those of you who know R better
2009 Dec 08
arrow plots
Am doing some vector plots with the arrows() function. Works well. But what I need to do is supply an arrow for scaling for the reader. I need to plot an arrow of some known magnitude somewhere on the page (preferably outside the bounds of the plot, so that it can be seen clearly) with some text underneath it that says, for instance, "10 kg-m/sec". Any ideas? Thanks.
2012 Aug 09
How to overlay a global map on a filled contour?
I would like to plot some lat-lon data in a filled contour, and then overlay a map of the globe on top. I am trying something like this: filled.contour(lons, lats,, plot.axes={axis(1);axis(2);map(projection='rectangular',parameters=0,add =T)} ) The filled contour plots fine, and the map shows up, but only as a very tiny little black rectangle in a small area of the
2012 Jul 13
integrating multi-dimensional dat along one dimension
I just want to integrate a 3D data set along one dimension to obtain a 2D data set. Something like: (given array "d" with dim nx,ny,nz ...) data_int<-array(dim=c(nx,ny)) for (n in 1:ny) { for (m in 1:nx) { data_int[m,n]<-sum(d[m,n,]) } } The thing is, given R's facility with integers, it seems that I should be able to obtain data_int without the
2011 Oct 03
file input with readLines
I am using readLines to read a fairly large ASCII file. readLines reads a fixed number of lines, then other R code processes the data, then readLines reads the same number of lines again, then other R code processes the data, then .... Sort of like: conn<-file('filename','r') for (chunk in 1:100000) { Lines<-readLines(conn,n=25) # process "Lines" }
2009 Apr 08
vectors on top of contours, and lattice
OK, I needed to plot a set of vectors on top of a contour plot. I figured out a way to do this. I create a panel function that calls "larrows()" with arguments constructed from my vector data. Then, when I go to do the contour plot, I call contourplot() with the "panel" argument set to point to my newly created panel function. So far, so good. Now, I need to do a
2009 Apr 15
(hopefully) simple array op
I have a multidimensional array "a", for example, > a , , 1 [,1] [,2] [1,] 1 3 [2,] 2 4 , , 2 [,1] [,2] [1,] 5 7 [2,] 6 8 So a is 2x2x2. I have another array "b", for example, > b [,1] [,2] [1,] 9 11 [2,] 10 12 So b is 2x2. I want to "tack" b onto a so that b becomes a new "plane", so to speak,
2009 Apr 16
weird error with contourplot
Sorry if I am cluttering up this list with too many rank beginner questions. But I *am* a rank beginner, and I am at my wit's end with this one: I have a data frame df, with components x,y,z. This command to make a contour plot with lattice graphics works just fine: > contourplot(z~x*y,data=df,cuts=20) Then I try > contourplot(z~x*y,data=df,cuts=20,region=T) And it dies on me with
2010 Nov 24
adding blocks to arrays
I have a four-dimensional array. I have a three-dimensional array I want to add to it. My particular problem is conceptually very simple because the new array is just going to go into the end of the 4D array; i.e. will be added into the final index. I think I have seen an R command that can do this in one shot, but for the life of me, I can't find it again. Am I making this up, or is there
2011 Dec 14
JavaGD package
Am trying to install package JGR and, by necessity, JavaGD on a few Linux platforms. R rev. 2.14.0. Had some success on one platform, but am running into a problem on a new platform. I installed rJava, JavaGD, iplots, and JGR. Things went - I thought - without a hitch. Now, when I try to use JGR, I start R and issue the command "library(JGR)" and get an error message: Error in
2011 Oct 31
troubles installing R
I am trying to install R on a pretty up-to-date CentOS system. I have tried installing 2.14.0 and 2.13.2. In both cases, the configure step fails, and does not produce a Makefile. So, of course, I can't issue "make". The errors that I can find in config.log are, first, several missing files: ac_nonexistent.h, minix/config.h., readline/history.h, and readline/readline.h. Then,
2010 Jun 30
What is wrong with this code?
Here it is: read.inputs<-function(infile) { for (counter in 1:length(input.list)) { seek(infile,where=0,origin='start') newline<-readLines(infile,n=1) while(length(newline)>0) { if(![[counter]][1]),newline)[1])) { break } newline<-readLines(infile,n=1) } if (length(newline)>0)
2010 Apr 07
FW: fairly simple file I/O
OK, my apologies. I am sure this is a question that has been answered before. But I have looked all over the web and can't find an answer for it. I promise, wasting your time and bandwidth is my last resort. So here goes: I have an ASCII file formatted like so: Label 1.1 Time 1 Label 1.2 Array of data from time 1 Label 2.1 Time 2 Label 2.2 Array of data from time 2 Label
2010 Sep 07
adding variable to netCDF file
I would like to open an existing netCDF file and add a variable to it. I am using the ncdf package. This test code gives the idea of what I am trying to do: library(ncdf) print('here we go') print('first, construct netCDF file') t<-dim.def.ncdf('t','',1:1,unlim=T,create_dimvar=F) print('defining first vars')
2009 Mar 25
need help with ordering of plots
I want to do a series of contour plots, 4 in all. The data is coming from a data frame named "nd.frame", which has elements "xdf", "ydf", "zdf", and "pndt". I am treating "pndt" as a factor, and it has four levels. I make a call to the lattice graphics routine "contourplot" like so:
2010 Dec 28
Need Help Getting Windows XP To Use Samba Properly
Hi everyone, new to the list. My apologies if this issue has already been covered, but I am having the following problem with Samba: Using Windows XP as a client, I am trying to see a Solaris system as a server. Solaris is running Samba 2.4.2, and Windows 2000 sees it as a server without any problems. Windows XP, however, generates the error "The network name is no longer
2004 Jul 29
2003 KDC and Samba
We have serveral RHEL 3.0 Update 2 servers running Samba. These have been working flawlessly for several months.. Recently, the base upgraded all the Windows 2000 servers to Windows 2003.. NOTE: we don't have admin rights to the Domain Controllers.. (wish we did..) Previous to the Domain (and kdc) controllers to 2003 we had no issues joining a new Samba Sever to the ADS.. Using the same
2024 May 16
[Non-DoD Source] Re: R for the US Air Force
You described it well; I?m afraid that?s what it is. They want documents of an organization that doesn?t fit the description, and only then will they test it. That sounds great. I?ll reach out to Jeremy and see if he can help me get the IDs the USAF wants. It sounds like Joshua predates my time here. That?s a really good idea. Thanks very much! Doug From: Josiah Parry
2024 May 16
R for the US Air Force
Hello, The US Air Force used to have R available on our main network, but now those who need to accept it back are being very particular about what they're accepting in terms of official documentation. Would you be able to help me with this endeavor? I'm attaching a pdf that shows what documentation they'd require for us to re-establish R as being acceptable on the network
2024 May 16
R for the US Air Force
Hey Doug, R is not a product that is provided by a company or any vendor that can be procured through a vendor e.g. something on a GSA schedule. Seems like you're caught in the bureaucracy hell hole. I used to help the USAF, and other DoD members use R when I was at RStudio (now Posit). I recommend you find someone in your organization who is doing Data Science. They'll likely have